Time flies, the eyes are already dark, and the Tongtian River is getting closer and closer. Ye Hao can feel the power that is fearful there. The face of Modi around her is getting more and more ugly.

I thought that this was the last time I got along with him. Ye Hao’s mood has an indescribable ease... and inexplicable complexity.

After Mingxi was full, he did not know where to hide, leaving only her and Modi.

"Motown Lord, it's not early, I will go back to the house first." Ye Hao didn't want to be alone with him. Today she feels too strange, and the complicated and uncomfortable mood is the first time.

"Okay." Modi's handsome face flashed a smile and reached for Ye Hao's hand. "Go."

Ye Hao froze and asked him, "Do you still want to go back to the house with me?"

"We only have time to get along with this night, you think..." Modi raised his eyebrows and smiled. The deep, quiet eyes flashed with dazzling light. "I will not cherish the time?"

What time is cherished! Ye Hao remembered that he had been pressed under his body several times, and he could not wait to take her out of the flying ship.

"Oh, after tomorrow, we will be separated. There are only a few hours left, so don't make trouble." Modi clenched her hand. "Tonight... I won't force you, let's talk." ”

"What do you want to say?" Ye Hao sneered at his pledge. If he was alone with her, he could really be a ghost without moving his hands.

Modi put her in her arms. "Say everything is good. As long as you say it, I will listen."

"There is nothing to say." Ye Hao sneered, look, this has begun to be irregular.

"If you don't know what to say..." Modi coveted her sulky face and hugged her up. "Then we will do something else."

Ye Hao was so angry that "you are a master of the city of Tianzhu, living in this world for hundreds of years, have you not seen a woman? Do you have to be three insults, this is a married woman, Don't you feel that you are mean and shameless?"

"I only touched you." Modi said faintly, "For hundreds of years, only you."

Ye Hao was stunned, "Crazy!"

"Moreover, you are my wife, I am your husband." Modi said with a smile.

"You are going to die." Ye Haodao.

"How can I be willing." Modi bowed his head and kissed her mouth. "You are a day in the world, I can't bear to leave you."

Ye Hao turned his eyes and had no topic with him.

Modi took her back to the wing.

In the night, the flying ship passes through thick layers of clouds, the upper Xuan Yue, the stars are dazzling, the scenery outside the window is picturesque, and it gives birth to a few quiet and serene warmth.

"Oh..." Modi sighed, bowing his head and blocking all the sounds of Ye Hao in his thin lips.

Ye Hao's hands clenched against his shoulders, sleeping in a wave of waves, and his ears seemed to whisper softly, but she was not tired, but her eyelids were too sleepy.

"When I go back to find you." Modi reluctantly came out of her body, and a powerful force came from outside the ship, so he had to be vigilant.

He bowed his head and fell a kiss on Ye's forehead before leaving the room.

White Thirteen and Hey, have been waiting for him outside.

"The city owner, is already approaching the Tiantian River. The saints on the mainland of China are nearby, you..." Bai 13 looked at Modi worriedly.

Modi quietly and calmly looked at the Tongtian River in front, "Well."

"Or..." whispered, "Let's go back."

White thirteen looked at him silently.

"After the Tongtian River, Ange will come to pick you up." Modi said quietly. "If I appear, it will only attract their attention. When they get tired, they will return to the mainland. You must take them. I personally sent it to Ange’s hand."

"The city owner is assured, we will definitely." White 13 guarantee.

Modi looked at the distance in a deep way. He wanted to send them back to the mainland. His cultivation was not fully promoted to the real power. However, it was enough for the saints on the mainland to notice him, and some people would follow him. The grievances will certainly not let him go.

If he is alone, he is naturally fearless, but Ye Hao is here... She is the soft underbelly of his bones, and it makes him feel painful when he touches it. How can she be willing to make her a little bit dangerous?

The fish belly white in the east is becoming more and more obvious, and the Tongtian River is not far away. The power of the mainland is becoming stronger and stronger.

"Would you like to go?" Ming Xi walked up from behind.

"Yeah." Modi smiled and reached out and touched Mingxi's head. "I am not here, you will go to the mainland more smoothly."

"You really... don't you want to tell the truth to your mother?" Ming Xi whispered.

Modi’s thin lips groaned, “She will know it later.”

"Cruel to yourself, but also to the mother." Mingxi complained sullenly.

"It is for your mother's good." Modi whispered, let her know, she can walk with peace of mind.

Mingxi looked at the morning glow in the east, "It's dawn."

Modi laughed softly. "I have to go."

He patted Mingxi's shoulder and went back to the house to see Ye Hao.

A touch of morning glow on the face of Ye Hao's sleeping, her skin is more white and jade, he bowed her lips, and reluctantly kissed, "I am gone, hehe."

"Azhan..." Ye Hao seems to be in a dream, "Don't go, don't go."

Modi’s heart suddenly tightened, and he almost changed his mind for a moment. He buried his face in her neck. “I will go to you.”

Ye Hao’s breathing was even and long, and she did not find that she was leaving with her beloved.

When the sky was bright, Ye Hao woke up from her sleep. She rubbed her eyebrows and couldn't understand how tired she was last night. She would sleep so hard.

"Mother, are you awake?" Seeing Ye Hao in the ship's board, he smiled and waved. "Look, we are in Tongtianhe."

Ye Hao looked at it carefully, only to find that they were not flying in the air, but in the water. The sun fell on the boat through the mist, reflecting the dazzling multicolored light, which made people feel as if they were in a fairyland.

"What about the Emperor?" Ye Hao suddenly remembered the man and asked casually.

"Madam, the city owner has left." Bai XIII whispered.

gone? Ye Qiu's mouth curled up and smiled, but it quickly disappeared, and there was an indescribable bitterness in his heart.

He is not here, she should be happy, how can feel uncomfortable.

Ye squatted on her chest, as if something was in her heart, "When did he leave?"

"When the day is bright, I will leave." Ming Xi said.

Fire Phoenix said with a smile, "Hey, if you can't bear the city, we can go back now."

"I am going back to do it?" Ye Hao said faintly, her lover, her daughter are still waiting for her, she wants to go back to them.

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