The departure of Modi made Ye Hao’s mood low for a while, but she quickly forced to suppress this inexplicable sadness. She never allowed herself to have a slight temptation to Modi, which was a nightmare that forced her. Shouldn't feel reluctant, the person she wants to think is Murong Cham.

"Hey, you don't want to know what was left when the city owner left?" Fire Phoenix whispered, if it wasn't for Mingxi to stop him, he had told the truth about the city owner, Murong Cham, and now he sees it. When they left, they still didn't know if there was a day of reunion, and he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Hey, it’s been too long for Ye Hao, and she actually followed her heart.

"I don't want to know." Ye Hao took a look at the fire phoenix. "If you can't bear him, you can stay."

"..." The fire phoenix flashed a touch of injury, turned his head and went to the corner.

Seeing his deserving appearance, Ye Hao walked to him with a funny smile. "Little bird, you are the beast of the Xuantian continent. If you follow me to the mainland, you may not be as free as here. Freedom, even being restricted, I can't bear to see that you can only live in space in the future. I didn't ask you before because I was selfish. I want to keep you around. Now... even if you choose to stay, I will not change your heart."

"You don't like me." Fire Phoenix flat mouth, "You drive me away."

Ye Hao took a deep breath. "I have seen you in a real way. You are no longer a child. Don't pretend to be a ghost."

"Hey, you know that I am not a child." Fire Phoenix restored the appearance of the boy. "You ask yourself, are you really willing to leave here, and the city owner..."

"I am willing." Ye Hao's tone is firm, how can she be reluctant, when she thinks of Ming Yu Lingling's cute look, her heart will be broken, and Murong Cham, he must miss her, "I know ink The emperor is good to me, but he is not the one I love."

"He is..." Under the impulse of Huo Huang, he wanted to say that he was Murong Cham.

Ming Xi interrupted his words. "The Mocheng Lord said, I will go to us later."

Fire Phoenix looked at Mingxi and looked down. When he returned to the mainland, he was looking for a place to hide. Otherwise, he would see Ye Hao’s heart-wrenching look. He couldn’t stand it.

"Don't be listless." Ye Hao took the head of the phoenix phoenix. To be honest, she had long regarded the phoenix as a family. She was reluctant to leave him. After that, she would be a national bird and would not allow anyone to hurt him. .

"You won't throw me down?" Fire Phoenix asked cautiously.

Ye Hao smiled. "Of course I can't bear to throw you down."

Hearing the words, the face of Huo Huangjun’s handsome face was restored, and he smiled and said, “In fact, you are also reluctant to be in the heart of the city.”

"Shut up!" Ye Hao took her breathlessly. "I will not meet again with Modi. I don't want to meet him, understand?"

If she really can't meet, then she really wants to be sad.

"Oh, I was the first time I saw someone so eager to get in touch with the Emperor."

Suddenly, a beautiful and clear voice came from above, and everyone was shocked and looked up, but only saw a gorgeous figure.

"Who?" Bai 13 asked in a vigilant manner.

"Modi did not tell you, who am I?" On the bow, in the veiled sails, a bright red figure clearly appeared in their sight.

Ye Hao finally saw the other side's appearance. The man wore a large red embroidered golden peony robes, and the hair was like a smock behind him. The sun shone on his body. The man was the most beautiful and beautiful, and his eyes were delicate and feminine. A red dress is even more lining up with his peaches and shame, spring and half peach blossoms.

"Ange saint." Ye Hao immediately guessed his identity, but his heart was surprised. In her mind, the so-called saints should be like the immortals, like the emperor or the supreme, they are like saints.

"It seems that the Emperor Modi has been accounted for." Ange saint flew down from the bow, and the diamond-shaped red lips carried a smug smile. "You are his wife? Hey, I can’t think of the guy’s body as jade. For hundreds of years, I actually like women. I thought he liked men. I was scared that I would practice day and night. Otherwise, I would not be arrogant. I knew that he likes women. I don’t have to work so hard. ”

"..." Ye Hao wanted to pretend that he couldn't hear his complaints. The man was whispering and talking loudly.

"I have seen the Ango saint." White Thirteen and Yu pretend not to hear him, and bowed respectfully.

"White thirteen, you are all so big, come over, let me hug." Ange's exquisite and handsome face smiles and the style is perfect, only the whites are not in the arms.

"..." White thirteen faces the black line. He has not remembered how many years ago he saw Ange saint. At that time, he was indeed a child, but he is obviously a mature man now. He hugs something and is simply humiliating. he.

"Ange saint, please take us to the mainland of God." Bai XIII said respectfully, pretending that he had just heard the Ange.

"Hey, it’s not cute now that the children are growing up." Ange sighed, his gorgeous peach blossoms on his eyes, and he looked at Ye Hao with a sigh of relief. "Modi’s eyes are really high, or you don’t even touch it. When you find it, it is a rare beauty in the world."

Ye Hao wakes up from the shock, no matter how strange the Ange saint is, he is also a person who can help himself. She laughs a few times. "You are beautiful in the saint."

White thirteen coughed a few times, almost did not hold back and laughed, forgot to tell the lady, Ange saints do not like others to say that he looks beautiful.

"Little girl, which one of your eyes saw me look like a woman? I am obviously a mighty, handsome and handsome person!" Ange said with a sullen face, although he was born with a look of anger, but the diamonds look good. Naturally upturned, I can't see how angry he is.

"..." Ye Hao smiled. "Yes, you are mighty and domineering, and the world is invincible."

Ange was almost stunned by the saliva. "Are you really a wife of Modi?"

"No." Ye Hao said faintly, "My husband is called Murong Cham."

"Cut, that's not a person. The name of Modi when he was a child is not Murong Zhan." Ange saint stunned.

Ye Hao was awkward, and she was the first to hear that Modi’s previous name was called Murong Cham, which was so coincidental.

"Sage, we don't have much time." Bai XIII whispered.

"Isn't it anxious, isn't it going to the mainland?" Ange's sage took a look at Bai XIII. "There are still a few days, let me talk to the little girl first."

The fire phoenix said faintly, "You still have to call her a scorpion, don't be a little girl, the girl is happy."

"..." Ange slammed into the fire, "How are you still dead!"

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