"I have died." Fire Phoenix answered with no expression, and squinted at Ange. "You are really as good as ever."

Ange threw a wink at the fire phoenix. "I have always been so handsome."

Fire Phoenix sneered, "Do you have a problem with your understanding? Is it the same meaning as handsome and handsome?"

"Don't it mean the same thing?" Ange said with a smile. "For me, I am boasting about me."

"..." The fire phoenix was speechless for a while. "For a few hundred years, your face is really thick and thick."

Ye Hao patted the shoulder of the fire phoenix and motioned him not to be too rude. "Ange Saint, the phoenix is ​​young, don't know how to talk, don't worry."

Ange’s face immediately opened a bright smile like a spring flower. “I don’t care about a little child, little girl, what is your name?”

The little girl is really screaming! Ye Hao, who is already a mother, listens to helplessness. "Ange Saint, I am already a mother. You call me a little girl is not suitable. It is better to call the name. My name is Ye Hao."

"Small, you have children with Modi?" Ange cried in surprise, his eyes patrolling in the eyes of several of them, and finally fell on Mingxi's face. "It looks really the same... ""

Ming Xi has been surprised by this strange person, no matter whether it is on the mainland or here, he has not seen such a sage like Ange.

"Ange saint, how do we go back to the mainland?" Ye Hao has been reluctant to correct his address, or to hurry.

"I don't worry, I will wait until I go to the mainland to say it again." Ange smiled and looked around, and his eyes were still looking around. "Modi? He should not have gone."

Huo Huang said with no expression, "If the city owner does not leave, stay here waiting for your saints to catch him?"

"Who can catch him, I have to blame too many people who blame him for being offended." Ange said with no anger. "Isn’t he improving himself? Even if he returns to Xuantian, someone is staring at him. of."

"What do you want to do with the city owner?" White 13 blurted out and forgot to respect the Ange.

Ange throws a blank eye at him. "Is it what I want to do? I don't want to think about how many saints you have sinned. Which one is not thinking about letting him go to the heavens and go to the gods to press him. After so many years, how did you suddenly improve?"

White Thirteen looked at Ye Hao, "Ange saint, is it... there are saints who want to deal with the city owner?"

Ye Hao’s head is heavily suppressed. She certainly knows that Mo Di will improve her cultivation to save her. However, with his ability and pride, he should not be bullied.

"Oh, anyway, the Emperor is not a person who is waiting for you, don't worry about us." Ange waved his hand and walked to Ye Hao's side. "Small, you are being bullied by the Emperor, so you have to go back to the world." What about the mainland?"

"No..." Ye Hao remembered several times the picture of being bullied by the Emperor, and his cheeks were slightly red. "I am going to go back to my husband and daughter."

"French?" Ange snorted and raised his eyebrows to look at the fire phoenix. Isn't her husband a Modi?

Fire Phoenix called, "The city owner will let you lead the way. What do you say?"

Ange looked at Ye Hao thoughtfully and smiled and nodded. "Oh, well, I will take you to the mainland of China."

Saying, his wide sleeves waved, and there was a giant python in front of the flying ship. It looked like a whale that had been seen in the sea, but it was a lot bigger than a whale.

"鲲鹏?" Fire Phoenix frowned, " actually let this coquettish guy get Peng Peng!"

"This is... fish?" Mingxi had never seen such a big fish, and his eyes flashed a strange look.

"It is an ancient spirit beast. It can be thousands of miles in the water. It is angered and turned into Peng, so it is called Peng Peng." Fire Phoenix snorted. "Looking at this look, it should only be a thousand years of life, or a small fish." ”

Ye Hao and Ming Xi looked at him at the same time, "..."

Live for a thousand years or a small fish? Isn't that a big fish?

“Would you like to play on the back of the giant python?” Ange came to Mingxi’s side, revealing a gentle and bright smile, although his smile still looked very glamorous.

"Can you?" Ming Xi's eyes lit up.

Ange nodded with a smile. "I will take you up, definitely more comfortable than sitting on the back of the Suzaku."

"..." Mingxi glanced at him silently, in fact, there is no need to compare the fire phoenix.

"Is it? Then I have to try it." Fire phoenix said with a smile, has pulled up Mingxi's hand and flew out, and steadily hide behind the giant.

When the giant python looked back and saw that it was not his own master, when he was about to resist, the fire phoenix made a screaming scream, and the giant cockroaches could not be moved.

"You dare to threaten my family!" Ange sighed and screamed and rose up to the front of the fire phoenix. "The same as a mount, you don't have any spirits. I really don't know how Modi taught you."

Just like the character of Modi, **** arrogant!

"This is a threat, then your courage is too small, nothing, I just have time to help you train these days." Huohuang said with a smile.

Mingxi is not willing to intervene in their quarrel. He has already come to the top of the giant clam, looking at the endless river in front, the mist is like a cloud, the surrounding mountains are like ink, and occasionally there are non-lethal birds flying by, the bottom of the water is colorful. Fish, it looks like a fairyland here.

"Hey..." The giant screamed a low.

Mingxi’s little hand gently stroked the top of his head, “Hey.”

Ange, who was arguing with the fire phoenix, noticed that the giant python had a rare suppleness. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Mingxi, and the peach blossom eyes flashed a surprise.

"The repair of the city owner has been improved. Did you find out on the mainland of God?" Fire Phoenix suddenly asked.

"Found, when I came to pick you up, someone has already gone to the city owner." Ange snorted. "With his cultivation, when you go to the mainland, you may become a holy sage directly. Laozi is dozens earlier than him." There is a hair in the extraordinary year, and he will have to call his brother after seeing him."

Huo Huang said, "The city owner will not come to the mainland of God. Even if he is willing, he does not want to be cut off."

"Well?" Ange raised an eyebrow. "There must be a journey to the realm of the Holy Spirit. This is a rule of heaven. Doesn't he even want to comply with the rules?"

"When did you see the city owner is a law-abiding person?" Fire Phoenix laughed and said that he would not behave in the past, and now it will not.

Ange looked at Ye Hao, "This little cockroach... does not seem to belong to the human continent."

"What do you see?" Fire Phoenix stared at him with vigilance.

"She has magic in her body." Ange said quietly.

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