Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1783: Forget about love

Ye Hao looked at the three people on the back of the giant cub, and it seemed to be very happy. She also worried that the giant cub would refuse Mingxi's approach. It seems that there is no resistance. It seems that she likes Mingxi.

"Madam, don't worry, Ange Saint will not let Master Mingxi be injured." Bai XIII whispered.

"Is the Ango saint and your city owner very familiar?" Ye Hao asked, listening to An Ge's tone, should be familiar with Modi.

White Thirteen replied, "Ange Sage was formerly the master of the city."

"..." Ye Hao's eyes flashed a bit of a strange, not her heart is partial, Ange and Mo Di two people, no matter how you look, are the Emperor Modi is more powerful, it seems that Mo Di really does not want to go to God mainland.

"Madam, listen to the meaning of the Ango saint, it seems... there are other saints who are going to deal with the city owner." Bai XIII said cautiously.

"Well, your city master has been plagued by thousands of years, not anyone who can deal with him, rest assured." Ye Hao flashed a bit of worry in her heart, but she was quickly pressed down, as she said, Modi Certainly there will be nothing, who can make him.

Bai Xie reluctantly sighed in his heart. He wanted to worry his wife. Maybe he would go back to the city owner. It seems that in the mind of the lady, the city owner is really inferior to the human world, but the mainland has no city owner. Alright.

With Ang's lead, they are a lot faster, and there are spirit beasts to come out to block, as soon as they see the giant python and the fire phoenix are automatically retreating, the most worrying Ye Hao did not happen, she is most worried about The saint who came across the road, the saint's cultivation is high, she is afraid of not an opponent.

"Mother, the Ange saint said that it will arrive in two days. When it will open the gap in the world for us, we will be able to go back." Ming Xi came back from the back of the giant clam, with a naive smile on his face. .

No matter how stable and old, the children are children, and it is impossible to restrain the nature of encountering novelty and fun.

"Well, I finally have to go home." Ye Hao’s face showed a pleasant smile, and the complex mood after separation from Modi finally reduced.

"But..." Ming Xi looked at her in hesitantly. "Listen to the saints of An Ge, it seems that there are saints who are going to ambush the Lord of Mexico."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly, “What?”

"It seems that a long time ago, the Mocheng Lord offended the saints on the mainland of God. Some people want him to be sacred, and then he will deal with him in the land of God. Some saints still want to kill him before he is sacred... It sounds like quite Poor." Ming Xi said seriously.

"That's what he asked for." Ye Yan said with a blank expression. "If he dared to offend the saint, he thought about the end."

Huo Huang did not know where it came from. "Oh, the words are not like this. The city owner is not offending the saints. It is the saints who marry him. Hey, the masters of the city are powerful, but he is not a saint after all, just like Like the masters of the mainland, do you have the ability to counterattack when you encounter the Xuantian continent? If this is not the case, the city owner will leave when he passes through the Tiantian River."

Ye Xie’s heart was stunned. She said with a calm face. “Since the saints you said are more powerful than him, we can’t help him. We can only listen to the fate. We’ve parted ways, we’re going all the way, don’t think too. too much."

"I don't want to be in my heart, but I still can't help it..." Mingxi whispered.

Ye Hao looked at him silently for a while. Her most worrying thing happened. Mingxi is not the same as other children. He will not easily rely on others. She always thought that he and Modi should be just in general, no. I think he still has feelings for Modi.

Is it because Mo Di is too much like ink?

"Ming Xi, when we are going back soon, my mother will give you a love, we must forget everything in Xuantian mainland." Ye Hao said seriously to Ming Xi.

what? Both Ming Xi and Huo Huang have changed their faces.

"Mother, what do you say about forgetting love, I don't understand..." Mingxi's look was stiff, and they didn't even think that there was something like forgetting love.

"This is what I have been studying for a long time." Ye Hao said with a smile. "I will not forget all the previous things. I will only forget the experience of Xuantian. The mother is for us. In the world, we can't." If you have memories, you can't help it. If you have memories, you can't help being a monster, and... some people still forget it."

The fire phoenix almost got angry. "Hey, do you want to forget the city owner?"

"That must be forgotten." Ye said, of course, without forgetting his words, there must be a knot between her and Murong Cham.

"..." Mingxi and Huo Huang exchanged a look, they have been thinking about waiting for the world to explain to Ye Hao that the disappearance of Murong Cham, even thought of how to excuse the Emperor, so that she can forgive him The concealment, if you eat the love, then it is not forgotten, what else to explain.

Ye Hao smiled and patted their shoulders. "Okay, go play."

How can I still play it! Fire Phoenix pulled Mingxi Qiang to the back of the giant python, and determined that Ye Hao could not hear their dialogue, and cried in a hurry. "You say, what do you do now? Do you let the lord forget the city?" Do you know what is forgotten? She wants to forget the city owner, but she does not know that the city owner and your father are the same person. Once the memory of the city owner disappears in her mind, even the memory of your father will not be there. She will forget everything!"

"..." Ming Xi's face is ugly. He doesn't know what it is, but Huo Huang said that he thinks things are more serious than he thought.

"Let's tell the truth now, don't let her take care of it." Fire Phoenix called.

Mingxi stopped the fire phoenix. "Don't you know my mother? If she let her know that her father has concealed her so many things, what should she do if she ruins her love?"

There is really this possibility...

"What should I do?" asked Fire Phoenix.

The childish face of Mingxi was dignified. "You let me think about it. I can't do it. Let the Ango saint say that he can't return to the mainland."

"What?" The Ango saint did not know when they were behind them, and looked at them with a smile. "You actually want me to be a bad person?"

"The villain, listening to others in the back." The fire anger snarled.

The Ango singer chuckled, as Jade’s finger evoked Mingxi’s chin. “Isn’t Xiaoxiao quarreling with Modi?”

"No." Ming Xi immediately shook his head. "You don't misunderstand."

"I have not misunderstood, or why Xiaoyan wants to eat love." Ange asked the smile.

"..." Hearing this, the face of Mingxi and Huohuang changed greatly. "My mother, she...has it forgotten?"

The Ango sage nodded with a smile. "Without three days, you should forget a lot of things."

Ming Xi rushed to Ye Hao.

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