"Mother!" Ming Xi flew quickly to Ye Hao, "Niang..."

Ye Hao was planning to go back to the room. Suddenly she saw her son coming. She stopped and looked at him with a smile. "What happened?"

"Mother, have you eaten the love?" Mingxi's look was not good, and his eyes looked at Ye Hao straight.

"Well, forgetting to eat Dan will take a few days to forget things, don't worry." Ye Hao touched Mingxi's head. What she didn't say was that she didn't want to always think of Modi, so she thought I will eat it in advance.

She didn't want to think of Mo Di again. The more she missed him, the more she worried. She didn't want to hesitate.

Mingxi looked at Ye Hao, what should I do? Is it true that the mother will forget the father?

"Do you really eat it? Quickly, spit it out, licking it and not melting it into the sea of ​​air, spit it out." Fire Phoenix shook Ye Hao's shoulder and wanted her to let it out.

"Spit something." Ye Hao pushed him away with a funny smile. "I have already eaten it, how can I spit it out."

"How can you forget the city owner? You know that if you forget the city owner, you will forget the ink-filled Zhan, the city owner is Murong Zhan. When you come to Xuantian mainland, Murong Chan also followed, and the city owner As one, when you return to the mainland, you can't see Murong Chan!" Fire Phoenix was anxious, and he screamed out without a word.

Ye Hao was screamed by the big bang of the fire phoenix. He said that he couldn’t hear clearly. "What do you say? Say it again?"

The fire phoenix gasped and gasped. "Hey, Murong Zhan has come to Xuantian mainland for a long time. He is the lord of the city. When he appears here, he is integrated with the city owner. Otherwise, how can the city master know you so much."

"..." Ye Hao's eyes floated up and confused. She looked at the fire phoenix slyly, and looked back at the white-faced and sly, which was wrong. She had already guessed this thing. She knew that Murong Cham was the avatar of Mo Di, but what was called fusion. "You said, I went to the mainland and I can’t see Murong Zhan? Because he already Become a Modi?"

The Fire Phoenix Bureau gave a look at Mingxi. "Yes, if you forget the Emperor, you will forget the ink-filled Zhan."

Ye Hao felt that his whole heart seemed to fall in the hail. "He is Murong Cham. When I came to Xuantian mainland, he also came over, that is... two years ago?"

"Yes." The fire phoenix stiffly nodded.

Recalling the attitude of Modi to her two years ago, Ye Hao shook his head resolutely. "I can't. At that time, he looked at me like a stranger. If he is Murong Cham, he will not treat me like that. Will come to me."

Ye Hao’s other is not sure, but Murong Chan’s feelings for her, she is clear, if it is really him, he has long protected her under the wings, how can she look at her and the supremacy in the Xingyun Mountain She still remembers meeting him for the first time, and he was impatient with her eyes.

"That's because... the city owner has never had any weakness, and he hasn't let any woman approach it. He can't accept the avatar in the world. So when Murong Cham returns, he locks the memory of the world." However, the feelings of the city owner are too deep for you. Even if he does not have the memory of the mainland, he is still very concerned about you, otherwise how can he save you three times and four times." Huo Huang said good things for Modi.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and walked back and forth a few times in the same place. Her mind was in a mess, if Murong Cham had become Modi...

When she went to the mainland, could she not find Murong Cham again?

"If you are telling the truth, then how can he send me away? Is it because... Does he still remember me?" Ye Hao felt as if someone was holding her whip and pumping her heart. She could not accept Murong Cham. I forgot her again.

"No, the city owner has recovered his memory..." The more the fire phoenix said, the quieter it was.

Ming Xi finally stopped silent. "Mom, let me tell you."

Ye Hao looked down at his son. "You already knew that it was your father?"

"He looks so similar to his father. He guessed it." In fact, the mother should have guessed it, but because she loves too much, she does not want to admit it.

"Since he is Murong Cham, but he does not return to the mainland with us, that is... don't want to be with us, I remember what he used." Ye Hao laughed, and there seemed to be an iceberg in his chest. It felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and the eyes were sore and sore.

Ming Xi took Ye Xie's hand. "Mother, let's go to the room. I will tell you clearly in 1510. In fact, the father is a last resort."

Ye Hao’s strength seemed to have been pumped away, and he was led back to the room by Ming Xi.

There is only one thought left in her mind, that is, Murong Zhan does not want her. He would rather stay with her as an outsider, but refuses to tell her that he is the one she loves.

Recalling the relationship with Modi in the past two years, Ye Hao could not believe that he was originally Murong Cham.

"Mother, you are calmer, I will tell you everything I know." Ming Xi helped Ye Hao to sit down, he knew that if the mother knew the truth, it would definitely be this reaction.

"You said, say a reason for me to forgive him." Ye Hao found that she was actually very calm. She didn't even have anger. She only thought that her closest lover could actually change her face when she stayed with her. Let her live alone in this place, she is really difficult to find reasons for forgiveness for him.

Ming Xi took a deep breath, "The thing is actually like this..."

Ye Hao listened calmly, listening to her son telling her bit by bit about the hardships of the Emperor, saying that he was indifferent at first because there was no memory, and later he could not turn a blind eye to her because of her avatars until recently. Gradually recovered the memory.

"He sent us away. I don't want us to be tired of him here?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Mother, that is what Modi thought. The father did not think so. He couldn't bear to see you making a choice. He was not willing to be dangerous here. If you know that he is the father, you will return to the mainland." If you don’t go back, what about Mingyu?” Mingxi whispered, “I didn’t understand it at first, but later I knew that he was for you and forgave him.”

Ye Hao closed his eyes. "But he still didn't tell me anything."

"The father said, sometimes knowing is more cruel than not knowing." Mingxi whispered, "Mother, if we stay, you may be taken to the Yan domain, and Mingyu... For you, this choice Isn't it too painful? And you also know that the father's cultivation is already capable of extraordinary sanctification. He has always been unwilling, and he does not want to break his seven passions. He can't bear you."

"Where is he?" Ye Hao whispered.

"...the father of the emperor? Listening to the saints of Ange said that it seems to be still on the border of the Tongtian River, there are saints to persuade him to be extraordinary." Ming Xi said.

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