Ye Hao stayed alone in the room, getting closer and closer to the mainland, and her body has not yet begun to function. She clearly recalls everything that happened after coming to Xuantian.

She is unfamiliar with her life. If Ye Wei did not mistake her as Ye Jiasan to bring her back to Ye Family, she didn’t know where she would be today. Murong Chan did he always look at her in a corner and watch her. Stumbled in this place to find a way to survive, seeing her every night is difficult to suppress fear and fear, indifference to her thoughts on him, as long as she wants this possibility, she is shaking all over the body, if this is the case, then he is too cold and terrible .

Oh, she almost forgot, he has no memory of the world, then when did he restore his memory? After thinking of her, how can he still be his city owner, not her Azhan?

Ye Hao coveted her palm, and her palm had a red seal. It was found the day before yesterday. She didn't know what Modi had done while she was sleeping, but she thought that he left this in her palm. There is definitely a reason for the red seal.

Stay, or go find him?

One thing he said is right. If she knows that he is Murong Cham, she will be very painful because she does not know whether to choose to stay or leave.

However, why is she choosing, can't he choose? Why did he give this option to her, is there no mainland in the world, he does not want to go back to accompany Mingyu?

"Don't push me, you want to know and ask yourself." Outside the room, there was a voice of Mingxi's anger.

"Do you explain clearly? The city owner is forced to choose to stay, do you say it clearly? The city owner is actually more painful than anyone else." Fire Phoenix whispered.

"That!" Ming Xi said coldly.

Fire Phoenix seems to be not at ease. "You have to say more about the city owner. For so long, the city owner is silently protecting her..."

His words have not been finished yet, Ye Hao has opened the door, his eyes faintly glaring at the fire phoenix. "When did you know that? You already knew that he was Murong Cham?"

"Hey..." The fire slammed his head down.

"Fire Phoenix, you hide a lot of things from me, I have never really blamed you." Ye Hao whispered, his eyes were faint and sad, "You lied to me again and again..."

"No, the city owner will not let me say." Huo Huang hurriedly explained, "I haven't had time to break the egg. The city owner will help you for someone, for someone to protect you, for you to understand the Xuantian continent, hard life. Let me break the egg a year in advance. If it wasn't for me, I would go back and hatch again."

Ye Hao remembered that the fire phoenix broke the shell, it was indeed much faster than she thought, it was because of the Emperor!

"You are in my space, how can he let you break the egg in advance?" Ye Hao frowned.

Fire Phoenix opened his face with guilty conscience, and in the indifference of Ye Hao, whispered, "The city owner also has space."

"He has room to follow me..." Ye Hao lived. "You mean, his space, can you channel my space?"

"There is no second place in the space of the Emperor's space, nine layers of consciousness space. Did he give you space?" Ange didn't know when to join in the fun, lazy to sit on the edge of the ship, wide The sleeves and clothes are flying in the wind, and the golden peony looks lifelike.

Ye Hao looked down at his palm. "My space is a piece of jade..."

Her face has changed. That jade is given to her by Murong Cham, and Murong Cham is the emperor. Isn’t that what the Emperor Modi gave her?

"When the lord of the city is going to the mainland, there is a gap in the space. The space is divided into two. I didn't expect the city owner to give you space, but also become your consciousness space. You are right, you and the city owner. The space is connected, but it has been blocked by the city owner... It has to be opened to communicate." Fire Phoenix said.

Ye Hao smiled. "Little bird, you are really enough to hold me."

"..." Huo Huang bowed his head in guilty conscience. "Oh, sorry, I actually wanted to tell you."

"You still have something to me, tell me at once." Ye Hao said coldly.

Fire Phoenix shook his head. "No, it really is gone."

"Madam, then you still have to go back to the mainland?" Bai Thirteen asked in a low voice.

"Why don't I go back?" Ye Hao's beautiful face like a jade is covered with frost. "Do you want the city owner to send me away, so as not to be in the way? How can I not be as good as he wishes, not old?" Are you coming and going?"

"..." The city owner clearly does not mean this.

Ming Xi looked worriedly at Ye Hao. The reaction of his mother was outside his expectation. It seemed that he was not angry at all, not angry. Is it... Is Forgetting Dan already working?

It’s not right, forgetting the feelings of Dan Mingming will take effect after three days.

This is already angry to the extreme after the mother.

"Then we...this is going to go to the mainland of China?" Ange Tao shame Li’s handsome face floated a bright smile, heard so many gossip about Mo Di, he looked satisfied in his heart and thought about the next time. How to laugh at him when you meet.

"Yes." Ye Hao looked cold and stood firm.

Ming Xi looked at her silently for a while, since this is the choice of the mother, then he has nothing to say.

"That..." Ang’s figure was fretting, and when he was preparing to accelerate the giant python, he felt a powerful force coming in the sky. The cynic smile on his face froze and looked up. Go up, "Guanghua Shengzun? How can he be here, that direction..."

"What's wrong?" asked Fire Phoenix.

"There has been no sacred appearance in the Tongtian River for hundreds of years, unless there is something big, the direction should be to the Xuantian continent, it is not to find the Emperor, right?" Ange frowned, "although the repair of the Emperor is very It’s amazing, but he’s not going to be the opponent of the Holy Spirit. If it’s not forced to take it to the mainland, it’s the water prison that is locked in the Tongtian River.”

Fire Phoenix looks at Ye Hao, "What should I do?"

Ye Hao’s face was tight, and the tight pink lips were slightly white. She didn’t care about Modi’s.

Ange smirked and smiled, such as jade's fingers leisurely finishing the sleeves. "There is nothing, that is, let him be super sacred, oh, when he is on the mainland, he is a small newcomer, not to call me a sage predecessor."

"..." The fire phoenix smiled. "That's not necessarily, is the repair of the city master above you?"

"Impossible!" An Ge stinks. "He may still be locked up in the Tongtian River, and he is whipped every day by the cold fire."

Ming Xi took the hand of Ye Hao, "Mother, let's go to the father."

Ye Hao stood still, Modi glared at her, whispering to her not to forget his words in his ears, his cold and cold face always with a depressed affection, watching her eyes seem to have a lot of words And sad.

She used to pretend that she couldn't understand it, but now she knows why.

Go see him, just be... the last time to say goodbye?

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