"You are all waiting here, I will go see him." Ye Hao whispered to Ming Xi, she should indeed go to see Murong Cham once again, some answers, only he can give her.

"Mother, how do you know where the father is?" Mingxi asked strangely, listening to the meaning of the mother's words, is still choosing to return to the mainland,

Ye Hao looked at the fire phoenix faintly. "Isn't that my space and his imagination? Then I went to find him."

"Hey, you really don't want to stay in Xuantian mainland?" Fire Phoenix whispered.

"Your city owner has painstakingly wants to send me away. If I stay, it is not a waste of pains, right?" Ye Haoqing's beautiful face was slightly smiling, and his eyes glanced at others.

Huo Huang opened his mouth, but did not know what to say, but had no choice but to bow his head. He concealed Ye Hao too many things. At this time, no matter what he said, Ye Hao would not believe him any more, and would not listen to him.

"Mother, if that is the case, then we will wait for you to come back." Ming Xi whispered that he had thought about it before, no matter what decision he made after his mother, he would go back to the mainland, there is only one person in Mingyu, he is really worried.

Moreover, he feels that even if the mother returns, the father will definitely look for them in the future.

Ye Hao looked at Ange and gathered a ritual. "Ange Saint, you know Murong Chan...Where is Modi now?"

"I don't know." Ange replied simply and calmly. "I only know that he is still near the border of Tongtianhe."

"That... I will give these two children to you, I will be back soon." Ye Hao whispered.

Ange raised a pair of sly peach eyes and looked at Ye Hao with a smile. "You want to go to the Emperor? He may be locked in the dungeon. If you are found? Then you are in danger." ""

"I still have to see him." She had already given up her love, at least when she remembered him, she was going to see him.

"Well, let's slow down and wait for you here." Ange said with a smile.

Ye Hao went to a ceremony, "Thank you for the Ange Saint."

"Small, you are welcome, I am the most helpful person." Ange saint said with a smile.

Fire Phoenix glared at him with a blank eye.

"How can I open the space that is connected to him?" Ye Hao looked at the fire phoenix and asked faintly.

"That is the seal. I opened it once last time. I don't know if the city owner has strengthened the seal." Fire Phoenix called.

Ye Hao blinked slightly. "When did you open it last time?"

"When Dashengzong met the bandits, there was...you met the king in the Yantian...but that time the city owner opened the seal himself." Fire Phoenix said.

"Let's go." Ye Hao was so cold, remembering everything that happened in the cave, his body flashed and he had entered the space.

Fire Phoenix saw Mingxi's eyes and entered the space with Ye Hao.

“Where is it from?” Ye Hao asked faintly.

"There." Fire Phoenix's small claw points to a place with a five-star mark next to Lingquan. "The city owner seals the place where it is connected."

Ye Hao asked faintly, "How do you open it?"

"I will try." Fire phoenix went to the place where the five-star mansprint, the two claws were placed on it, the whole body's spiritual power was turned on, and the five-star awning suddenly became bright, and the light flashed away, and soon recovered dim. "The city owner has strengthened the seal."

"You let it go." Ye Yuxiu's eyebrows are slight. She didn't find this thing before. Even if she refining the medicinal herbs here a few days ago, she didn't notice the difference here. "I didn't see this before, it was Do you want to hide it?"

Fire Phoenix laughed a few times, "hehehe."

Ye Hao is cold and cold, "more and more able."

"I don't dare to marry you anymore, anything." Huo Huang hurriedly promised.

"You go out, beside Mingxi, don't let him run around, you don't want to run around." Ye Hao said coldly.

Huo Huang saw her as if she had not annoyed him, and her face smiled with joy. "Okay, then you..."

"I can open it." Ye Hao glanced at the palm of her hand. She had doubts about the strange shape of the red mark on her palm. She saw this five-star mansprint and she understood it.

Is this the key to opening up the space where they are connected?

How did he know that she would want to go to him?

The fire phoenix left the space, and Ye Hao pointed the red mark of the palm to the center of the five-star mansprint. The shape on the top was very similar to the red mark on her palm.

The five-star mansprint instantly shot a strong light. Ye Hao felt that she was brought in by a powerful suction. There were glare white light everywhere. She frowned and closed her eyes, waiting for the eyes to adapt to the light, she was no longer in her own space. It is.

She has arrived... the space of the Emperor? Isn't his space the same as her? How it seems to be a bit different.

It's not like her room is bright and bright, but it is a chilly and cold atmosphere, just like the feeling he gives people. The only thing that is the same is probably the well.

Ye Hao glanced around, if it wasn’t for Huo Huang to tell her, she would never think that it would be so easy for Modi to approach her to find her.

Go out and you will see him.

She was inexplicably born with a retreat, she did not want to see him.

"Hey, go back!" Suddenly, a low-pitched voice came in from the outside.

Ye Hao’s heart sighed and knew that it was Modi who knew she was coming.

She has a pink lips and does not speak.

His slightly helpless voice continued to spread. "Be obedient, hey, wait for me to finish this thing, I will go to you."

"You are in danger?" Ye Hao slightly frowned, she heard the urgency in the tone of the Emperor of the Modi, is it true that the saints of the Ango said that the saints on the mainland of God really came to him?

"No." Modi had almost no hesitation. "How can I be in danger?"

Ye Hao asked coldly, "If that's the case, let me go out, I want to see you."

It is clearly the same space, but she can't move in and out freely here. No matter how strong her mind is, she can't walk out of this space.

"Hey, hey, obedient." Modi reluctantly sighed. "Come back to Ange."

"In addition to this sentence, do you have anything else to tell me?" Ye Hao's eyes flashed a sneer, "Mu Rongzhan, I did not find out, are you going to marry me forever?"

Silenced outside, there was no reply for a long time.

"Sorry, hey, I didn't mean to marry you..." After half a ring, the voice of Modi came from outside. "I didn't know it at first. When I think of everything, you have been ill. Devil, I can only send you away."

"So, don't you want to meet me now?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

It is a silent silence.

Ye Hao smiled. "I have already given up my love."


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