Ye Hao knew that she was out of space, but why was it still dark and dark, she felt a bitter chill, and the spirit of the sea seemed to condense, and she managed to see the scene in front of her.

She didn't know where it was, but it was surrounded by wet mist, which was the fog, so I couldn't see anything clearly.


The strange screams that made people feel scared and screamed.

Ye Haoqing's beautiful eyebrows clenched, because she guessed where it was, her face looked a bit whitish.

"Let you go back!" The low-pitched voice rang in her ear, and Ye Hao was stunned by a broad embrace, her cheeks against his cold clothes, and a familiar, steady heartbeat.

"Where is this?" Ye Hao was stiff and looked up to see a deep, indifferent handsome face. After knowing the truth, he saw him again now, and his heart seemed to be heavily pressed, and the complex bitter taste was fundamental. Unable to describe.

Modi coveted, deep and dark, blindly looking at her, slender fingers caressing her cheeks, she was white because of fear, she looked soft and delicate, but her eyes were firm and cold. I must be very angry with him.

"Under the Tongtian River." Modi said in a dumb voice, and bowed down and kissed her.

This person... Can't you see that she is still angry? Ye Xie thought in resentment in his heart, next to the pink lips did not want him to get in.

Modi held her tightly in her arms, as if she wanted to embed her in her body. The cold thin lips kissed her lips liplessly, and her tongue gently painted her lips. When she couldn't help but breathe, she bite softly, and her powerful tongue tapped her teeth, and she drove straight in, and the siege took her sweetness.

Ye Hao pushed hard, not only did not push him open, but he was even tighter.

"Let's let go..." Ye Hao screamed, twisting forcefully in his arms.

"Don't move." Modi's breathing was heavy, and the thin lips still stuck to her lips. "Here, you can't want you."

"..." He thought she was coming to be gentle with him?

Ye Hao's eyes are red, "Let me go! Bastard!"

Modi tightened her hands on her waist and put her on her chest. The thin lips fell on her cheeks and kissed me. "Don't be angry, hey, then I know that the hatred will take you off the mainland, I am going crazy. There was a whirlpool in the cave, and I was sucked here directly. Before I met you, it was such a temper. I never approached a woman, and I would not allow myself to have a weakness, so I have not I remember the memory of the world on the earth, but my feelings for you have not changed."

"So you just watched me alone in the Xuantian mainland, and saw that I only said in front of you that I only loved Murong Zhan. What do you think in your heart?" Ye Yanhong asked, "I followed in Xingyun Mountain." Do you care less about cultivation?"

"Mind!" Modi did not want to open his mouth. "But at the time I was really... a bastard."

Ye Hao remembered that he was threatening the fire phoenix. He knew that she was clear and innocent, and even rarely met, so she was relieved? "If I fall in love with others?"

"You won't." Modi contained her pink lips, and she just like him, she would never fall in love with others.

Really sure...

He has seen through her whole person, whether it is human or heart, as if he is in his grasp, even if there is no memory of the human world, he can know the sensitivity of her body, he knows that she only has him in his heart. .

Therefore, he was able to conceal her harmlessly.

"I came to see you today, it is to see us in a couple, come to say goodbye to you." Ye Hao whispered, turned a deaf to his kiss.

"Oh..." Modi looked at her with a burning gaze.

Ye Hao looked at him and smiled at his mouth. "I said, I have already obeyed the love of Dan. You are supernatural, can't you see it?"

Modi’s face changed slightly. He grasped Ye Hao’s hand and saw that the red color of her palm was not the same. He was dark and dull, and he smiled helplessly. “Hey, you are really unrequited.”

"墨容湛, are you... I feel that no matter what you do, I will forgive you? You know how much I miss you and Mingyu, how can you hide your identity, how can you be a stranger? The gesture appears on my side, you look at me every day to blame yourself, thinking that you are shameful under the water, how can you bear to tell me? You actually said that I am fascinated by you, who is the ultimate?" Ye Hao whispered A smile, looking at him in a bleak manner.

"How can I be willing to be unrequited for you!" Modi held Ye Hao's face. "I know that you miss Ming Yu. If you can, I want you to stay more than anyone else. Hey, I have separated from you, knowing to miss." The taste, I want to be with you every day, but... Are you willing to be jade? You have been in Xuantian for so long, you should know that it is not safe, how can I be willing to let you and the children be threatened here? ""

Ye Hao whispered, "You can go with me."

Modi hugged her up. "If I follow you, I will be too tired to leave you. We can't go together, we must separate."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Then I am gone."

This tone of voice, Ming Xi is still angry, Modi feels funny and pity, "Hey, I am wrong, forgive me, okay?"

"You are the Emperor of the mainland, you are their patron saint, but you are not mine." Ye Hao looked at him coldly. "It doesn't matter anyway. I came to you not to stay, just want Determine if you are him, I think, when I return to the mainland, there should be no more of you in memory, or what love, hate and hatred can disappear."

Modi took her to a brighter place, took out a big shackle and put it on her, holding her little hand in her hand, and rubbing her fingertips on her palm. "You go back first, squatting, etc. I."

Ye Xiuxiu's eyebrows wrinkled, not quite right! He heard that she took the affair, why didn’t she react at all? It seems that she is not worried that she will forget him.

This guy, the bad water of a stomach, must have done something.

"墨容湛!" Ye Hao's palm was itched by him, clenched his fist to recover, and saw the red mark he left, she stared at him. "What is this? You left in my hand. What is it?"

"In fact, there is nothing." Modi's thin lips smirked, "The mark of the soul, no matter where you are, no matter who you become, it is mine."

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