Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1788: I will be distracted

What is the mark of the soul?

Ye squinted at the handsome and clear man, she knew that this man was a problem.

How could she hear that she was going to take her love and let her go, and it was so indifferent, he must have used something to make her think of him in the future.

Really... as always, shameless! Bastard!

"What did you do to me?" Ye Hao screamed.

"Don't be annoyed." Murong Zhan chuckled and grabbed her palm and kissed him. "This is my soul seal. I will be with you when I am born. Even if you forget, you will still remember it." mine."

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "You have already calculated me!"

"That's because I can't bear you." Modi chuckled and bowed his head and kissed her mouth. "Hey, come back to the mainland first?"

"Where is this place?" Ye Hao did not respond to his words, frowning around. "Is it the same as the Ango saint, you have too many offenders?"

Modi pinched her cheek. "Ang sings and sings, you don't listen to anything. I can't stop me here. I don't want to expose the real repair too soon. When I solve the inflammatory field, I will go to you." ”

"Don't want to be a saint? If you go to the mainland of God, you will live forever." Ye said.

"Without you..." Modi kissed her lips and lips, and the voice was dull. "What is the meaning of my life on the mainland? I want to have you forever."

Ye Hao took a bite on his lips and the two men's mouths filled with sweetness.

Modi tightened the arm of her waist, and her powerful tongue hooked her little tongue and kissed her, forcing her to swallow his blood.

"Oh...hey..." Ye took his shoulder and bit more **** his lips.

"How did you become a wild cat?" Modi finally left her lips, and her rough fingers touched her small chin. "Do you hate it?"

Ye took a look at him, "No."

"How can you solve the hate? Give you a bite again?" Modi said with a smile.

"I am not rare." Ye Hao was cold and cold, and couldn't help but look at him. "How do you get out of here? Can't you go into the space?"

When Modi heard her ask, she knew that she still cares about him. "Tongtianhe Dynasties are different from other places. I will still be discovered when I go out of space. Let's go, Guanghua, they are coming."

"What will they do with you?" Ye Hao didn't want to behave very worried about him, but couldn't help it.

"It won't be." Modi laughed. "You leave here first, obey."

Ye Hao stared at him coldly. "You are like this every time. When you encounter something, it will only make me amazing."

Modi smiled bitterly. "Hey, you are here, I will be distracted and unable to concentrate."

"..." Ye Hao's cheeks are red and more annoyed. "What are you thinking about!"

"I want to kiss you, stay with you." Modi replied, so she wanted her to leave, he could find a way to get out of here. "You return to the spirit ship first, and I will go to you after I leave."

Ye Hao took a deep breath. "Are you hiding from Guanghua Shengzun, what will he do with you? If you are trapped here, are you going to suffer from the cold?"

Modi buried his face in her neck and smiled in a low voice. "Hey, don't look too small at your man."

"I will control how you die!" Ye Hao said with no anger.

"The guys on the mainland are indeed outside. They thought that they would be able to trap me under the Tongtian River. Now they can't find us, but it's also fast. I will have a battle with them." Fingertips hold the lips of Ye Hao. "Listen to me first. I know that you are angry. No matter how I explain it, it is not my intention to block the memory at first. But it is indeed what I did. I want your forgiveness." Hey, the only person in the world who can make me bow down is you. The only thing that makes me feel scared is that you are in danger. I am afraid that you will be hurt."

There was a mist in the eye of Ye Hao. "Don't you send me away, can you fight invincible?"

"Without you, I am the fascinating Emperor Modi, there is you, I am Murong Zhan." Modi whispered.

"That... what do you want to do?" Ye Hao whispered.

Modi gently stroked her back. "There are my enemies here. I will solve it first, then go to find you, okay?"

"How do you solve it?" Ye Hao frowned, that is the saint of God on the mainland, how to solve it.

"Don't worry, even if I went to the mainland of God..." Modimo glared at her palm, and the red mark on it became more vivid because of his touch. "I will not forget you."

He only speaks a few words, but Ye Hao knows that he must face an unprecedented war to have such a decision.

"Your enemy, who is it? Is there any trouble in the Yan area?" Ye Hao's face was slightly white.

Modi’s indifferent eyes flashed a smirk. “The Yan domain is never a threat. Don’t think too much. As a man, if you put your woman in danger, it will be like a waste.”

"You..." Ye Hao fixedly looked at him. In fact, he was still somewhat different from the mainland. Although he looked at his own eyes and changed his mind, he added a bit of cold and toughness. Perhaps his original temper is like this.

"Go back into the space." Modi's tone became awe-inspiring.

Ye Hao felt that the surrounding water mist was floating, and there were several powerful forces coming in at the same time.

"Why can't you let me fight with you?" Ye Hao's little hand grabbed his sleeve. "Do you remember what I said to you from the sea? No matter what happens, don't separate. Even if I die, I will die with you."

Modi kissed her on her lips and sighed and sighed. "How can I let you die?"

At this moment, the water mist was smashed into two sides, and there was a layer of air fluctuation around them. Ye Hao knew that they were in the enchantment.

Several men in Chinese costumes were outside the enchantment, and they looked at Modi seriously and sternly. "Mu Di, don't hurry up!"

"They..." Ye said a little. "Is it the saint of God's mainland?"

It is different from the Tao shame Li of the Ango sage. These five saints surrounded by the Emperor of Modi exude a sense of holy majesty. They look at the eyes of Modi as if they are watching a devilish devil.

Especially the young man in the middle wearing silver-gray armor, looking more noble and sacred, he looked at Modi's eyes as if there was a trace of ... hatred?

"Modi, do you think you can hide from us if you hide here?" The man whispered.

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