Ye Hao looked at the young man. He looked like he was about 30 years old. He was very young, but he didn’t know how many years he was in the mainland. His eyes were majestic and silent, and his handsome face could not see a little emotion. But she felt that he was murderous to the Emperor.

"Who is he?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Modi held her in her arms, and her eyes looked sharply and indifferently at the man. "Guanghua, and I used to be a bit in the Xuantian continent... complain."

"Isn't he the **** of the gods? How can you bully you, you are the people of Xuantian mainland, not the same place, is he committing the rules?" Ye Hao frowned.

"Who told you?" Modi whispered. "Although the rules are like this, there are exceptions sometimes. They are saying that I am breaking the rules."

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "You suppressed the cultivation and refused to be sacred. So, is he representing the rules of God's mainland to destroy you?"

Modi looked at the enchantment and patiently explained with Ye Hao. "The mortal people on the mainland are hard to get the opportunity to cultivate, so basically no one knows that there is the existence of the Xuantian continent, but the warriors of the Xuantian continent are yearning for God. On the mainland, this is the ultimate goal of their cultivation. Everyone wants to be a saint."

"Then they are still better than you." Ye Hao muttered, more and more worried about the situation of Modi here, "Let's go back to the mainland, can't they not go?"

"The saints can control the two continents." Modi whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek gently. "And the people they are dealing with are me, if I go back to the mainland, I will You are all at risk."

Ye slammed his clothes, "Mo Rong Chan!"

Modi bowed her lips and kissed her lips. "Go back."

"No..." Ye Hao hadn't had time to stop it. He felt that he had been pushed away by him. She had a strong suction behind her. "I don't want to leave, Murong Cham, you push me away, I really Don't forgive you!"

"Obvious." Modi smiled at her and sent her back to the space.

Ye Hao’s tears came out at once, "Mu Rongzhan!"

Her eyes are already a whirlpool, and when the suction behind her disappears, she has returned to her own space.

"墨容湛, you bastard!" Ye Hao tears like rain, she wiped her tears hard, but found that she could not wipe it clean, even if she learned the truth, she did not fall through tears, but now I do not know why I can not cry Self.

"Go back, let me go back!" She turned her palm to the five-star mansprint, but the five-star mansprint did not shine at all. She was still in place.

"墨容湛!墨容湛!" Ye Hao was anxious, for the first time felt an unprecedented panic, she felt that this time may really lose him, those are the saints on the mainland, even if the Emperor's cultivation is higher Are they still powerful?

They also have five people, one of them is still holy!

Ye Hao’s little face was white, she remembered the Ange saint, he should be able to take her to Murong Chan, and now only he helped, she rushed out of the space, “Ange Saint...”

Their flying ship was walking very slowly. Huo Huang and Ming Xi waited for her on the ship's board. As soon as she saw her appear, she stood up.

"Mother, you are back, father, do you see him?" Mingxi asked, his eyes looking behind Ye Hao, not seeing the familiar figure, he lowered his head in disappointment.

"Ange saint, I want to go back, can we let us go back?" Ye Hao eyes straight into the Ange, her face is white, and the mind is the danger that Murong Chan will face at this time.

"Go back? Where are you going?" Ange asked with an eyebrow.

Ye Hao whispered, "Go to him, I want to go back to him, Modi is trapped under the Tongtian River, they will kill him."

She saw the killing in the eyes of the Guanghua sage. They were not trying to persuade him to be sacred, but not only to shut him down under the Tongtian River, they wanted to kill him.

"Impossible, they won't kill Modi." An Ge said, "You want to go back to find the Emperor, but if you miss this trip back to the mainland, I don't know when to wait."

Ye Hao closed her eyes in pain. She wanted to go back than anyone else. However, even if she complained about Murong Cham in her heart, she could not do anything about it.

There is one thing that Murong Chan said is right. If she is told that he is Murong Cham, her choice will be very painful, unless he follows her to return to the mainland, otherwise she will choose between her daughter and him. daughter.

The daughter is only a mortal on the mainland, she needs the companionship of her mother, and he... is the high emperor here.

"Save him, then look for a chance to go back." Ye Hao whispered.

"Is it OK?" Ange asked with a smile, "You seem to be full of hatred for Modi not long ago."

Fire Phoenix didn't scream, "You are a lonely man, how do you know that people are love is love."

Ye took a look at the fire phoenix and motioned him to shut up. "Ange saint, if he returns to Xuantian mainland well, then I naturally have no worries to leave. Now he is in danger. If I ignore it, how can I face two in the future?" Child, so... please take me to find him."

"Mother, I will go too." Mingxi called.

It seems impossible for Ye Hao to want Mingxi to return to the mainland.

"There is danger there, you and the fire phoenix are waiting for us to come back in the flying ship." Ye Hao said, the tone is unquestionable.

"But... I can help the father." Ming Xi said, his cultivation is not low.

Ange said to Ye Wei, "They are still children, and the Holy Spirit will not hurt them."

"Mother, let's go, don't waste time, but also to save the father." Mingxi said.

"That's okay." Ye Hao hesitated, and nodded.

Ange made people change their direction, speed up and take off, and the flying ship re-flying in midair, the speed is actually several times faster than before.

"Have you deliberately slowed down before?" Fire Phoenix glanced at Ye Hao and asked for a low voice.

"What about me? You are not secretly saying that you don't want to be so fast with Xiaopeng?" Ange laughed at all kinds of styles. Don't think he didn't know what Fire Phoenix did. He just didn't want to mention it.

Fire Phoenix licked his mouth and pretended to be unable to understand anything.

"Ange saint, do you know what time Modi had had a festival with Guanghua Shengzun?" Ye Hao looked at Ange, she thought he should be very clear.

"Im did you tell me?" Ange asked with a smile. "One hundred years ago, Guanghua Shengzun almost became the nephew of Modi. Unfortunately, the flowers were intentionally flowing, and the sister of Guanghua Shengzun was helpless to marry others. The result was less than a year, and it ended in depression. Guanghua Shengzun liked his sister most, and he put his sister’s grievances on the head of Modi."

"...What does this have to do with Modi?" Ye Hao simply didn't know what to say.

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