The sister of Guanghua Shengzun marries someone else with a sullen end, and has nothing to do with the Emperor Modi, she is guilty of sin.

"Isn't it to say that after the sacred sacredness, I will cut off my seven passions? How can there be such a strong grievance in Guanghua Shengzun?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully, and also publicized the vengeance, which has the appearance of a saint.

"This..." An Ge Taohua’s eyes floated and smiled. "The Guanghua Holy Respect has no love and no hate. There is no desire for love, but it does not affect his desire to kill the Emperor."

“Don't anyone care?” Ye Hao frowned and asked, “She is killing innocent people.”

Ange laughed happily. I didn’t expect that the Emperor Modi would become an innocent indiscriminate killing one day. "There is no influence on the mainland of God."

"Are you sure that Modi is an insignificant person for God's mainland?" Although Ye Hao did not understand the cultivation of Guanghua Shengzun, but he took four saints to deal with Modi, she felt ink. Whether the emperor is in the Xuantian continent or on the mainland of God, it must be the existence of no imperfection.

"..." Ange rarely had one thing to say at a time. "Well, Modi is really better."

Ye Hao looked heavily at the distance, and his beautiful white face was heavy at this time, and his heart was more and more anxious. "How long can I find them?"

Ange glanced at her and took out a delicate little mirror from her arms. The fingertips were slightly lighter, and there was a mist of water on the mirror. It was faintly visible that there were several figures in the fight.

“Hey?” Ange made a strange surprise.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked, thinking that something happened to Modi.

The hippie smile on Ange’s face appeared a dignified, a pair of good-looking eyebrows had to be screwed together, and looked up at Bai XIII. “What is the repair of your homeowner?”

White Thirteen and Yu looked at each other. "Nobody knows."

"How much strength he has hidden, he can be tied with Guanghua Shengzun!" Ange snorted, thinking that he was superbly sacred in the early days, and he could counteract Modi in the future. Now his fate has not changed. The emperor used to be his brother, and he might not be on him.

So what did he do to go to Godland early? I knew early...

"Ange saint, how is he?" Ye Hao asked anxiously.

"You can rest assured that he is not so easy to die." Ange snorted. "You see, isn't it still good?"

Ange took the small mirror to Ye Hao, but in the eyes of Ye Hao, it was already white and nothing could be seen.

“How can I not see it?” Ye Hao always felt that the anxiety in his heart was getting heavier and heavier.

"I look at it." Ange raised his eyebrows. His thousand-mirror mirror is a super treasure, and it is impossible to make mistakes.

Just then, there was a loud boom in the distance, the surrounding air fluctuated, even their flying ships were bumpy, and Peng Peng swung higher and called louder. Fearful.

Ye Hao and An Ge changed their faces and looked at the places where the loud noises came.

Although the distance is very far away, it can be seen that there is a wave of turbulence, and the thick black clouds are condensed on the horizon. The thunder is thunderous and the lightning is like a dragon. It seems to be terrible.

"That is..." Ange squinted his eyes. "Is the emperor in the extraordinary?"

"What?" Ye Hao looked at it.

Ang's face flashed with anger and anger. "How come he is so extraordinary that it causes such a big movement, that is... nine days of thunderclouds, it has not appeared for thousands of years."

"What is the thundercloud of nine days?" asked Ye Hao.

"It is said that the thundercloud is the biggest disaster in the world. The higher the repair, the greater the thunder and lightning." The fire phoenix looked heavily at the front. "It seems that only the emperor's extraordinary sanctification appeared nine days of thunderclouds. ”

Ye Hao's hands clasped the front of the ship's rim, and the knuckles were slightly white. "Ink Murzan... Is it in the robbery? Why should he be superb?"

Is it... will you forget her again? Ye Hao closed her eyes. If he dared to forget her again, she would never forgive him.

"If he is not extraordinary, he will be upgraded to the Ascension, and he will definitely be killed by Guanghua Shengzun." Ange hardly explained patiently. "He is a warrior of the Xuantian continent. Even if he is repaired, he can't kill the saints of Xuantian." Now, he chooses to be sacred, and it should be to deal with Guanghua."

Ye Hao did not speak, and the eyes looked straight ahead.

The thunder cloud is getting thicker and thicker, and a large piece of sky is black and pressed. The bright sky has turned into a night, and the speed of the flying of Peng Peng has slowed down.

"Do we really want to go?" Ange frowned. "In case you were accidentally killed by a robbery, you were killed?"

"As you are like this, the nine days of Thundercloud will not reach you." Fire Phoenix sarcastically said.

Ange glanced at him. "You also know that this is a thunderstorm for nine days. For thousands of years, it is not necessary for the emperor to survive."

"The crow mouth!" Mingxi no expression.

"That..." An Ge realized that what he said was scared to Ye Hao. He turned to look at her. "Small, in fact, even if the robbery is unsuccessful, there is nothing, it will not die."

They are getting closer and closer, and they can see the thundercloud more clearly.

"Is that Guanghua holy respect them?" Ye Hao pointed to the front. At the other end of the nine days of Thundercloud, there were five men wearing Chinese costumes. Ye Hao had seen them before.

"It seems that Guanghua Shengzun is also afraid of nine days of thunderclouds, and he does not dare to approach." Ange frowned and said, "We don't want to be too close, too dangerous."

Hey -

Ange’s words were finished, and a huge lightning like a dragon fell from the sky and landed on a long figure below the thundercloud.

I haven't waited for Ye Hao to react, and the second lightning has come down.

The third...fourth...

"What exactly is he doing?" Ange screamed in exasperation, and for the first time could not maintain his calm expression.

"I remember that there were only seven electric dragons in the Emperor's God of War." Fire Phoenix whispered.

Ye Hao felt that her heartbeat was about to jump out of her chest. "And then?"

"Then he became a holy priest..." Ange has completely stopped. "Does the Emperor also become a holy priest directly? It is not more than me..."

"The seventh electric dragon has already been." Huo Huang reminded him, "maybe the city owner directly becomes a holy one."

Ange cried angrily. "What about that? When the identity is coming, his seven passions will be broken more thoroughly. Will he still be your city owner?"

"You mean... The higher his identity, the more things he will forget?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"In fact, it is not necessarily." Ange laughed a few times.

The eighth lightning is more horrible than the lightning before, and it looks like a waterfall.

Then the ninth...

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