The aura of Shangshang mainland is more intense than Xuantian mainland. The layout here is different. There are nine classes. The first layer is the saint who just surpassed the sanctification. They will practice here and wait until the cultivation of the saints. Will go to the second level, but the top three levels are hidden in the clouds, that is the place where the emperor can reach.

After the Emperor Modi entered the mainland of God, he was always led by a beam of light. When he appeared in the first class, everyone was paying attention to him.

It was never seen that it was such a big move when it was sacred, and it was also a nine-day thundercloud.

They all want to know that Murong Cham will be taken to the first few classes.

Modi passed through the first class, then the second...

When Ange catches up, it is the eyes of the Emperor who has already reached the third level.

"..." He slammed the little hope that he had hoped that after Emperor Modi's extraordinary sanctification, he was crushed underneath. "Is it even bullied on the Xuantian continent, can you escape this fate when you go to the mainland?"

"Ange Saint, do you know who it is?" Someone whispered behind him.

"Modi." Ange grinned. "Is it seen in Guanghua?"

Someone replied, "It just seems to be seen, it seems very urgent."

Guanghua should think that if he doesn't leave, he will be killed by Modi! Ange thought in his heart, he couldn't go up, he had to wait here.

"His light is actually on the fifth floor!" Someone exclaimed.

The fifth layer?

Ang's face changed slightly, and the smile of the mouth of the mouth was frozen.

Holy Emperor?

So possible! Even if you experience nine thunderclouds, you can’t become a holy emperor at once.

"The Holy Emperor? What happened?"

“This is the first person in thousands of years?”


"It's no wonder that Guanghua Shengzun runs so fast..."



The flying ships are not flying fast. When passing through the Yan domain, they are even more cautious. I hope that no sorcerer will find them. If they are attracted to the top, they will not be opponents.

"Madam, the city owner has told me that he will come to you." White Thirteen sees Ye Hao, the mood is not very good these two days, it should be related to the extraordinary lord of the city, can not help but say a few more.

"Yeah." Ye Hao whispered, and Modi could still remember that she was not surprised, but did he still have feelings for her?

Thinking of his indifferent eyes after the robbery, Ye Hao closed his eyes and told himself not to think too much. Even if he really forgot, she could still face it calmly, and if he didn't live, he would not survive.

She also has a pair of children.

White Thirteen sees Ye Hao is still a sullen look, can not help but whispered, "Mrs, are you worried that the city owner has forgotten you?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head faintly. "He can't remember that it doesn't matter to me."

"Mrs...." White XIII wants to say that the city owner has not forgotten it, otherwise he will not specifically ask them to **** her back.

Ye Hao waved his hand. "Nothing to say. If he remembers, he will come to us naturally."

After that, Ye Hao turned back to the wing.

"Hey." Fire Phoenix didn't know when to follow her. He narrowed himself a few times and squatted on Ye Hao's shoulder. "Are you worried that the city owner has broken his seven passions?"

"This is not useful if I am worried." Ye Hao said faintly.

Fire Phoenix said, "The city owner is a man of strong will, and will not easily forget you."

Ye Hao laughed, as if everyone thought she was worried that Modi would forget her. She didn't really worry. She knew that Modi would definitely remember, but... I don't know how much emotion left.

"No, oh, don't you eat the love dan?" Fire Phoenix wondered. "How does it seem to be useless?"

Forget about love! She almost forgot!

Three days have passed, she does not seem to have completely forgoned the Emperor, but... she tried to recall the first time she saw the scene of the Emperor, but found that the memory was a bit fuzzy.

Including the first meeting with Murong Cham, it seems that those memories began to slowly disappear in her mind.

"I know, you have not eaten love, you are lying to us?" Fire Phoenix cried happily.

Ye Hao coveted him and glanced at him. "I ate, forgetting the love Dan is not forgotten at once, probably... I will completely forget when I return to the mainland."

"Hey..." Fire Phoenix still wants to persuade her.

"You go out first, I want to calm down again." Ye Hao felt that her brain was sore, she felt that something was disappearing in her mind, and it felt very uncomfortable.

Fire Phoenix looked at her intricately. "Okay, then I will go out first."

Opening the door, Ming Xi stood at the door. He looked at Huo Huang and did not walk in to see Ye Hao.

"What if you forget the city owner?" Fire Phoenix pulled Mingxi to the ship's board. "I have to think of a way to solve the medicinal properties of forgetting love."

"If my father-in-law really broke his seven passions, wouldn't it be a good thing to forget him after his mother?" Mingxi said, "The father must know that he had eaten the love of the mother, and even if he did not find a way to stop it, we did everything. Nothing."

The fire phoenix slammed his feet, as if only he was worried. "Why are you still looking for the mountain forest?"

Ming Xi whispered, "If you don't guess wrong, then you want to find a gap, maybe you will find it."

"We don't go back to Scorpio City?" Fire Phoenix called.

"If those people are still outside the city of Scorpio? Isn't the mother self-investing in the net?" Mingxi shook his head. "It's just fine. Wherever I want to go, I will go there."

Fire Phoenix did not know what to say, it seems that this is the best.

How can we make the city owner and the wife as loving as before?

"There are a lot of monsters here, be careful." Ming Xi spotted the breath of the beast and warned the fire phoenix.

"I am going to drive them away."

Ming Xi took him, "Don't go, lest you attract more monsters."

The flying ship flew forward in the night, and there were no monsters around. Although the monsters did not find them, they seemed to have noticed that they had been wandering around the flying ship.

"In the middle of the night, how can there be so many monsters?" Fire Phoenix asked doubtfully.

White thirteen and hey all came to the ship's board and watched the monsters with vigilance.

There is no Modi here, and if these monsters attack them, they may not be able to withstand it.

"I am going to let my mother be careful too," Ming Xi said.

He came to the wing and knocked at the door, "Yiang, Niang..."

There was silence in the room, and Mingxi called a few more words. The more I felt that something was wrong, I slammed the door open, and there was no Ye Hao’s figure.

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