Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1793: I have disappeared.

"My mother?" Mingxi screamed out and found the room, and did not find Ye Hao's figure.

The fire phoenix heard the movement and hurried over. "What happened? Is it tempered in the space?"

"Can't you enter the space?" Mingxi's small face was heavy, and the childish brows were a little more worried.

"Good." Fire Phoenix has not found anything wrong. If she wants to enter the space, she finds that she can't get in. The space is not here... That is to say, Ye Hao is not there? His face changed instantly.

When Mingxi saw the face of the fire phoenix, he knew that something was wrong. "My mother is not in the flying ship, right?"

The eyes of the fire and phoenix were shocked. He nodded in a difficult position. "Hey...it seems to be gone."

"What?" Everyone on the board was shocked. He slammed into the door of the room and saw the empty room inside. The face of White Thirteen and his face sank.

"Where will you go? She won't go... Go to the city owner?" Fire Phoenix guessed doubtfully.

Mingxi’s little face was tense. He shook his head and denied it. “Impossible. I know my mother. Since she said that she is going to find the mountain, she will definitely not go back to the father’s. She should be taken away. It is."

"The repair of the cockroach is not low. Who can take her away from the outside under the eyes?" Fire Phoenix rushed around and walked out of the room. It didn't take long before he got out of the room. .

White thirteen face is heavy, "God beast, are you not connected with the lady? Can you sense where she is?"

If the city owner knows that his wife is missing on the way back, he will be very angry. Bai 13 is in a hurry and must find his wife as soon as possible.

"I can't sense it." Huohuang yelled angrily. "This is too strange. You won't leave for no reason. It must be..."

"The monsters are gone." He said, "Look."

Ming Xi and Huo Huang re-entered the ship board, and they saw that the monsters were already spreading, and did not continue to surround their flying ship.

"I want to..." Ming Xi looked closely at the monsters. "We should go to the Yanshi."

The fire phoenix gently nodded. "They used the monster to attract our attention, and then took the opportunity to take it away."

"Why didn't the lady resist a little?" he asked.

This is what they are most worried about. Will it be what happened to Ye Hao?



When the fire phoenix left the room, Ye Hao suddenly felt blank in her mind, as if something was hitting her head hard. She just wanted to close her eyes and rest for a while, but she fell silent in the past.

She has been in a dream, her dreams are awkward, she sees herself sitting in a high hall, and there are people of different looks underneath. It doesn’t look like normal mortals, there are several wars, but she has already remembered No picture is allowed.

When she woke up, she found herself not in a flying ship.

Where is this? Ye Hao looked around with a vigilant look, got up from the bed, just opened the door, and saw a white figure in front of her standing in front of her.

"Supreme..." How could it be him?

"Are you awake?" The straight, narrow, long scorpion looked at her deeply, and the sleek face of Xiuya showed a gentle smile.

Ye Hao stepped back a few steps, her eyes were cold, and she looked around in the dark, only to wake up and pay attention. At this time, she discovered that it looked like a palace in a palace, unlike an ordinary room.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." The whispered, he lifted his foot and walked in, and there was a small and exquisite box in his hand. "You have taken care of you, and you will feel a headache in these days. This is an analgesic medicine. If you don't give up, it will be more comfortable."

Ye Haoxiu is contemptuous. She knows that she has forgotten someone, but she can't remember what it looks like now.

She only remembers that she was looking for a gap in the world, she is going to the forest.

"Where is this?" Ye Hao did not pick up the box, she was worried that Mingxi was also arrested.

"The Magic Palace." The whispered, no intention to deceive her. "Take me only, your son and everyone else are on the ship."

Ye Hao looked at him silently. "Why? What do you want to do?"

In fact, I want to ask what happened between her and Modi. Why does Modi choose to be sacred, and she chooses to take care of her, but he thinks that she mostly wants to forget Mo Di, so she does not want to mention him in front of her, lest She remembered again.

"You originally belonged here." Supremely said, "Hey, I heard your call and will pick you up."

"Impossible!" Ye Hao said coldly, "I never summoned you."

Look up at her, "Your magic Dan, want to come back."

Ye Hao shook his head and said coldly, "I am not going to be the demon king."

"I understand, I won't force you." The whispered, "I will bring you back, just... I want to help you refine the magic in the magic Dan, and will not force you to do other things."

"You are a high priest, will you let me go?" Ye Hao looked at him with a precaution, and did not think that he brought her here, just to refine the magic of the magic.

Slightly sighed, "You haven't really understood Yan domain yet, would you like me to take you out to see?"

"You just need to tell me, when will I leave?" Ye Hao said faintly, the supremacy is full of vigilance, no trust in the Xingyun Mountain.

Seeing the suspicion in her eyes, the top of my eyes flashed a complicated bitterness. "It is not yet possible."

"Why?" Ye Hao's eyes were cold and cold, and she couldn't sit still waiting here.

"Three days." Speaking softly, "The three days you follow me, I will refine the magic of the magic Dan for you, you can also get the power of the magic Dan, after three days, if you want to leave, I personally sent you back to the Flying Ship."

"Do you really?" Ye Hao looked at him suspiciously. "I won't force me to be a sorcerer?"

Supremely smiled, "No, as you wish, you don't want to, I won't force."

"Good!" Ye Hao agreed, as long as three days, the time is not very long, she can accept.

"Then I will take you to the priest's house first, so that you can understand more about the ins and outs of the magic Dan." She smiled and said that she was able to promise to stay for three days, which is already very good.

Ye Hao thought for a moment, "Okay."

She also wants to know more about the magic Dan. After all, she is already part of her body, so as not to be controlled in the future.

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