The refining of the magical Dan can not be accomplished by simple cultivation methods, and must have the supreme cooperation. Each generation of the demon king wants to get the power of the magical Dan, and needs the help of the high priest.

“Where is this?” Ye Hao was taken up to a place similar to a secret room. The surrounding walls were all flowers on the other side, and there were images of several people.

Supremely said, "It is the king's temple of the priest's house. Here are the images of the ancient demon kings."

Ye Hao looked at the image on the wall. The first generation of the Demon King was tall, and the five features, long ears and claws, looked very different from humans. The second generation has begun to change. Until the fourth generation of the demon king, it looks like humans.

"Isn't the Demon King not a generation of generations? Is there a man or a woman?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly, the original Yan Dewang looked obviously a man.

Supremely decapitated, "The inheritance of the demon king does not distinguish between men and women. No one knows that when he is born again, he will be born again in a man or a woman."

Ye Hao looked at the last generation of the demon king, a pretty woman, should be Ye Jingwei's last life, just, the woman looking at the image, she seems to have a gentle temperament, and Ye Jingzhen's full body is different.

"You are very similar to Sakura." I looked at Ye Hao and saw that she was watching Sakura.

"I don't think I look like her." Ye Hao said faintly.

I smiled and shook my head. "It’s not that you look like, and... the temperament is very similar. She has lived in the Xuantian continent for a long time, and she hopes to lead everyone back to the Xuantian continent, but unfortunately..."

In the mind of Ye Xun, he remembered the scene of the killing of the evil spirits. "If you go to Xuantian mainland and be killed, you might as well stay in the Yan domain."

"The inflammatory domain is no longer suitable for survival." The whispered, "In another 50 years, the inflammatory field will be swallowed up by the darkness. It is completely dead, no matter what creatures can survive here."

"Except for Xuantian Continent, is there no other place to survive?" Ye Hao asked, I don't know why, since she saw everything that happened in her dreams, she resisted the inexplicableness of Xuantian.

When humanity is ruined, the things that the warriors make are more terrible than the sorcerer.

It’s a faint smile. “If you can find it, it’s better. I was looking for it 100 years ago.”

Ye Hao said, "You tell me how to refine the magic Dan."

"Come here." The whispered, with Ye Hao coming to the middle of the temple, he made a strange gesture in his hands, and suddenly the light around him, the images of the demon kings all burst into a faint glow in their The top of the head gathered, and a beam of light fell on them.

The place where they stood slowly turned.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed strangely, and he looked at the supremacy of his practice. He had a strong spiritual power.

There is a layer of enchantment around them.

"Your magical Dan is the inheritance of the ancient demon kings, so refining and chemicalization needs to rely on their strength." Suddenly open your eyes and look at Ye Hao gently.

"They... aren't they dead?" Ye Hao looked at the slightly glowing images and thought it was very strange.

Supremely said, "Yes, they have all been reincarnated, but they still have residual consciousness, and they are sensitive to your magical Dan."

It seems that the magic Dan is really not simple, no wonder Ye Jingyi has always wanted to get the magic Dan.

"How can I refine it?" Ye Hao whispered.

She went up a few steps to her, and there was a futon behind her. "Hey, sit down cross-legged."

Ye Hao has never been so close to the supremacy, she has some resistance to go back.

"Sit down." Hold her hand up. "I don't want to offend you, but I am a high priest. Only I can help you refine."

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao frowned.

Supremely said, "The meaning of my existence is for you."

Ye Xiaomei's heart wrinkled more tightly.

"Close your eyes and condense the spirit of the sea in the magic Dan..." Sit up and down, he grabbed Ye Hao's hand, and the two palms were opposite.

Although I don't like the supreme contact, but Ye Hao did not resist any more, it is still necessary to refine the magic Dan, she does not want to enter such a horrible dream every time she sleeps.

At that time she will be enchanted by herself.

Ye Hao closed her eyes and felt a warm air flow from the palm of her supremacy. She came to her sea of ​​breath along her veins and wrapped the magic Dan.

It seems that there is a force pulling her, and Ye Hao feels that he is immersed in the warm sunshine.

Magic Dan is a heritage, in addition to strength, it is memory.

She has seen the cruelest side in her dreams, but at this time she has no chills of nightmares.

"The high priest, why do I have to practice these exercises, it is too hard, can I... don't refine." The little girl's arm has a scar that has just healed, and the delicate and cute little face is with grievances.

A long-haired man in white squatted and held her gently in his arms. "Sakura sakura, it will soon pass. If you don't cultivate, you will be in danger."

The little girl looked up at him. "The high priest, why do the warriors hate us, what have we done wrong?"

"We have not done anything wrong," the man said quietly. "We need to learn to protect ourselves."

"Then we can go to Xuantian mainland to live in the future?"

"Do you like it there?"


The white man caressed her hair. "That should be cultivated."

The picture turned, the little girl has grown up, is a beautiful and beautiful girl, she stood in front of the white man, "The high priest, why the Xuantian continent and the Yan domain can not live in peace, our hatred has passed thousands of years, is it not? Is there a chance to release the suspicion?"

"This is not something we can relieve if we want to let go."

"I want to go to Xuantian mainland, let those people know that our fire is not indiscriminate killing," the girl cried.

The white man looked at her with a gaze, and his eyes were full of pity. "Sakura, the warrior of Xuantian mainland can't tolerate us."

"I heard that the most powerful warrior of Xuantian mainland is called Modi. As long as he can promise to live in peace with us, other people will certainly agree." Sakura said, "The high priest, if we don't leave, the fire It’s going to be extinct, and no baby has been born for 30 years.”

"Modi...not a simple person," said the white man.

Sakura said with a smile, "So I have to go find him."

The picture turns to the glacier cliff again.

"Why?" Sakura is no longer a white man, but a black man.

Ye Hao couldn't see the person's face, but she didn't know why. When she thought of him, her sea of ​​air appeared to fluctuate.

The magical Dan melted into a little bit of light in her qi, disappearing into her blood.

A strong fire swells and will bounce off.

Supremely looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was shocked by several different forces, his consciousness was blurred, and his body fell softly.

"Hey!" She hugged her in her arms and looked at her in surprise. "What did Modi do to you?"

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