On the mainland of God.

Modi's slender fingers licked a black jade piece, and the expression of the original leisurely feeling became cold and violent.

Sitting in the opposite side of the song, he clearly felt the murderousness from the body of Mo Di. He carefully put down the white jade pieces and looked up at him. "I don't want to look at me if you don't know how to play chess. You let me Play with you."

"I want you to stay with her." Modi's voice was calm, it sounded as if it was no different from those who had broken the seven passions, but he could still hear the anger in his tone.

It’s strange that even after receiving nine thunderclouds, I should have already broken my seven passions, but I still remember the old woman every day.

"I didn't know that you could become the Holy Emperor at that time, and worried that Guanghua would not let you go." Ange explained, "Small 蓁蓁修 is not low, there are not many people who can hurt her in Xuantian."

"What do you call her?" Modi Sen's cold eyes lifted slightly.

Ange felt a cold wind blowing in the face, "Little 蓁蓁... 嫂子,师嫂!"

"Her's cultivation is not low, but it does not mean that it is safe." Modi said coldly, the black jade in his hands turned into fine powder and dissipated in the air.

"..." Is this extreme anger? Ange frowned. "How do you look like you don't feel like you have broken your emotions."

"Who told you that I broke my seven passions?" Modi asked coldly.

Ange’s face is stunned. “Is this...not a rule of the earth? Which supernatural person can still be like the time of Xuantian mainland, whoever loves who you want to love, if you have not broken the seven passions, how can you even say the words? Did not say to Xiaoyan and left."

"The extraordinary sanctification is indeed to break the seven passions and desires, that is to prevent the saints on the mainland of God from interfering with the Xuantian continent because of emotions." Modi said faintly, "Xuantian mainland had little relationship with me, how about breaking feelings?" All I want is Ye Hao."

Ange glared at him in shock. "Because you are the Holy Emperor, is it different?"

"No." Modi stood up, and the slender tall body made people have a hegemonic tension that could not be seen directly. "Not because I am the Holy Emperor."

"Why is that?" Ange cried behind him.

Modi said coldly, "I want to go to Xuantian mainland."

"You are crazy, don't say that you are already a holy emperor, even if the emperor wants to go to heaven, can't you, you are not afraid that the emperor will drive you out of the mainland?" Ange cried.

"What's good on the mainland?" Modi chuckled. "There is one more thing. Let me hear you call Xiaoxi, I broke your tongue."

"What? Then... why are you superb in the holy." Ange licked his mouth, for fear that the Emperor would have broken his tongue.

Modi did not answer him, and it has already disappeared into his sight.

"Wait for me!" An Ge is in a hurry, and there is a look of the usual style.



Ye Hao had been in the Magic Palace for the third day. She sat under the magic fruit tree in the priest's house and looked up at the dark sky.

When the sky of the inflammatory field has never been bright, it has always been black and pressed, and unlike the darkness of the night in the Xuantian continent, this kind of heavy pressure in the air, people's hearts are full of oppression.

It is not suitable for survival here, whether it is human or inflammation.

She has been exposed to a lot of sorcerers, they are not much different from humans, but the quality of the body is different.

"How are you here?" The first step out of the hall, the pace is a little anxious, seeing Ye Hao under the big tree, only slowed down.

"Afraid me to leave?" Ye Hao smiled faintly. "You can rest assured that today is the last day. Even if you want to leave, you will leave tomorrow."

Supremely, she smiled and looked at the magic fruit tree behind her. "If it wasn't for the magic fruit, you can taste it."

"I have tasted it." Ye Hao said.

"Listen to you, your son... Mingxi lived in the Magic Palace for a year, and still live in the priest's house."

Ye Hao knows that the supreme must know who the magic fruit was stolen. "You like the last generation of the demon king, right?"

"She is what I grew up with, I like it very much." I whispered.

"I saw her getting along with you. She went to Xuantian mainland, but still couldn't find a way to solve the peaceful coexistence between the two sides. She fell in love with the warrior of Xuantian mainland. That person is called Modi..." When I mentioned Emperor Modi, the depth of my heart seemed to be caught by a big hand.

Supremely came to Ye Hao’s face and looked at her fixedly. “Do you see Modi?”

"I can't see his face." Ye Hao whispered, "Who is he?"

"Unrelated people." Supreme said, "I can't see it."

Ye Hao looked at him. "I want to leave the Magic Palace and see."

"This is the magic capital, I will go out with you." Supreme said.

"Good." Ye Hao did not refuse. After coming to Yanyu, her memory had a lot of impact. To be honest, she is not as urgent as she left now.

Silently walking in front of him, he has many doubts to ask Ye Hao, but he knows that he should not ask for an exit, even if he asks her, she may not know.

He is very clear that Ye Hao has taken the love of Dan, so he will not remember Mo Di, why should she forget Mo Di, is he doing something to her?

However, what he wants to know more is, why can Modi refine the magic Dan for Ye Hao?

Yesterday, when he helped her refine the magic Dan, I found that the magical Dan had already been refining, and only the memory was not completely opened. So many of the demon kings passed on, and only the high priest could do this.

How did Modi do it?

"Supreme, what do you want to do next?" Ye Hao asked, because she knew more, she felt that she would not be so long in Xingyunshan for so many years, and the result was only to return to Yanshi as his high priest.

He definitely wants to do something.

"If Xuantian mainland really can't accept us, we can only find another place to survive." Supreme said.

"Where to find?" Ye Hao asked, "Xuantian is very big. It is ok to have a place to accommodate you. But who can be the main Xuantian continent?"

Supremely said, "In addition to several major sects, there are also the heads of countries."

Ye Hao slightly frowned, it was even more difficult, she remembered the scene of being trapped in Tianzhu City.

"Then go to persuade." Ye Hao whispered, "There will always be a way."

"Oh..." She looked at her with a smile. "Sakura Sakura said so at the beginning, but you can't do it, you can do it."

Ye Hao chuckled. "I am just a mortal from the mainland. You are overestimating me."

Supreme but not smiling, he was desperate when he was in the last world, but Ye Hao asked him to see hope again.

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