Ye Hao left Ming Xi to stay. Although he was worried in the heart, he has never opposed Ye Xie's words. Moreover, Ming Xi can cultivate the immortal practice, which has a continuous relationship with the Yan domain.

Supreme has not arranged for Mingxi and Huohuang to live down, there will be a palace to come to the message, the devil with a few elders and ministers came to come, as if to find Ye Hao.

"Looking for me?" Ye Hao took a moment, will not be related to the Yanmo Wang?

"I am going to cope, you bring Mingxi back to the room, and the children will come soon." Looking up at Ye Hao, his eyes were mild.

Ye Xie was puzzled and gently nodded.

When he left, Ye Hao was calming his face. "Ming Xi, Huo Huang, are you both?"

"It doesn't matter to us. It's that those sorcerers are too bad. They have been chasing us. We just accidentally smashed their palaces." Fire Phoenix whispered.

I married the palace...

Ye Hao’s eyes jumped a few times and looked at Ming Xi seriously. “Ming Xi, you seem to be more and more naughty.”

"Yeah, it’s been too long to be with the fire phoenix, and the black ink is black." Ming Xi said seriously.

"I am Suzaku, near Zhu Zhe." Fire Phoenix seriously corrected.

Ye Hao said coldly, "Is this the point? What did you break down, even the demon statues appeared."

She has been in the Magic Palace for so long. I have only heard that there are three demon statues in the practice of retreat. The repair of the demon statue is second only to the demon king. If they can cultivate to the last level, they may become the devil, but, and Compared with the real demon kings who passed down, many of their exercises are still unable to cultivate successfully.

"Is the devil very powerful?" Ming Xi asked the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix thought for a moment, "It seems to be very powerful."

"You and I joined forces, can you deal with a few?" Mingxi asked.

"One, two are a little difficult." Fire Phoenix answered seriously.

Ye stunned his eyebrows. "This is not what you should discuss! You want to see me, why not just be big and bad, and break the palace, but I owe it to the people."

"It is he who blocks us." Ming Xi said, "Mother, the supremacy is not a good person."

"Yes, let's get out of here soon," cried Fire Phoenix. He felt that Ye Hao couldn't stay in the supreme side anymore. He used to think that he was too concerned about Ye Hao, and now he looks at him when he faces Ye Hao. Eyes, he feels too much sense of crisis.

These two children are really... Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "You will stay in the priest's house. Go and wash your face."

"Mom, how long will we stay here?" Mingxi asked.

"I don't know, let me look at the children and say, you are going to wash your face." After Ye Hao's words were finished, he saw a group of people at the gate of the priest's house.

There are several faces that look familiar, as if they have been seen before, but Ye Hao can't name them.

They are surrounded by a woman who still has a charm.

Ye Hao had never seen this woman, but when she saw her eyes, she immediately felt a powerful force.

"The big demon statue, she is Ye Hao." The person who spoke was recognized by Ye Hao, the elder who had appeared in Ye Jingzhen before. "It is she who makes the whole sea ruined, your palace is also destroyed by her son." ""

Did you get rid of it? Ye Hao looked at them with a faint look.

"You are Ye Hao?" The big demon and other people are always different in black. She is wearing a sleek red dress, her clothes are wrapped around her plump figure, and it looks bumpy. The clothes on her chest seem to be broken. Then, even the voice of the speech seems to be in the bones.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded faintly, and understood that the visitors were not good. It was not long before they left, they found it. It was obviously a measure of the tiger's departure from the mountains.

The big demon sighed and smiled, and the voice was a little cold. "Is it your ruined sea?"

"Who is your son?" Ye Hao frowned, wouldn't it be a sin?

"Yu Ming." The great demon said coldly, "Mu Di's younger brother."

For the first time, Ye Hao heard that Qi Ming was still the younger brother of Mo Di, who once killed the Emperor, but went to the Yan domain.

"I heard that you are still the devil of this generation." The big devil smiled a bit. "I really want to learn from each other."

"You have mistaken people." Ye Hao said softly.

The great demon statue came to Ye Hao. "If you are not an evil king, then who are you, you are damaging the palace, destroying the elders and swords of several elders, that is a felony!"

"A slap in the face does not sound, how can the big demon do not ask others?" asked Ye Hao.

"The big demon respect, do not have to talk nonsense with her, she stays in the magic palace, and will only hinder the inheritance of the devil in the future. If she is to become the demon king, he will not be able to use the regenerative method to save the sorrow." Ye Hao, a pair of ways to kill her immediately.

"You are right." The Great Devil nodded his head, but did not immediately attack Ye Hao, she was still hesitating.

She is not afraid of Ye Hao, but is afraid to be supreme.

After all, the supreme status of the supremacy is extraordinary in the inflammatory field, not to mention that his cultivation is even more unfathomable. There are rumors before that the supreme cultivation is far above the devil, and Sakura is not the supreme teaching.

He hid Ye Hao in the priest's house, and he didn't want to hurt her.

Is it because Ye Hao is a sakura?

"These little people, why do you need to be a big devil?" A young man stood up. "Let the subordinates do it for you."

The big demon looked at him with a slight smile and did not object.

"Mother, the mouse, or I am coming, I don't need you to shoot." Ming Xi raised a tender and lovely face, smiling innocently.

"Don't get hurt." Ye Hao patted his head.

"Ye Ye, if you are greedy and afraid of death, just say, let a child come out to count something, not to mention that we are bullying." The big devil said with a smile.

Ye Hao smiled a little. "Then please have more hands."

The young man seems to be not low, probably near the konjac, maybe a new generation of 煞王.

"Mother, I will take the piano." Ming Xi said with a smile.

This spurred the demon, his face was black, and a huge axe appeared in his hand, rushing toward Mingxi.

Mingxi’s eyes flashed a golden light, and the whole body’s skin turned golden, flying like a little golden man into the sky.

The big devil is very different, "I don't die?"

"The supremacy will pass on the undead to the outsiders!"

Ye Hao did not speak, just silently looked at Ming Xi.

At this time, at the border of the Yan area, there was a long, shadowy figure in the flying ship that should have been empty.

Can not find Ming Xi's white thirteen and squatting on the ship board, did not dare to look up to see the person.

"She was caught up by the supremacy?" Modi's deep and beautiful side face was tight, and the whole body exuded the tension of the monks.

"Yes...the city owner." Bai XIII whispered.

Modi frowned unconsciously. "Go to the Magic Palace to pick her up."

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