After Ming Xie was brought to Xuantian Continent by the enemy, he lived in the Yan domain for one year. He only learned the undead martial arts. Although he later learned other things with Mo Di in Tianzhu City, he was a child.

He is still too inexperienced, or he will certainly dress up the demon with his current cultivation, but now he just has a tie.


The young demon was beaten out by Ming Xi.

Ming Xi’s shoulder was cut open by his axe and blood was flowing.

Ye Hao felt that the wound seemed to be more painful than her.

"Enough, the lang is not simple, and can be tied with our magic king." The big demon eyes stared straight at Mingxi, this child is only how big, actually can be tied with Xuan Le, in time, It must be a big worry.

"Ming Xi." Ye Hao waved his hand at the son.

"Mother, I don't hurt." Ming Xi returned to Ye Hao's side, still looking relaxed.

Ye Hao’s palm appeared in the spring, dripping on his wound, and counting him down. “You are repairing the undead, and the body is just like Xiao Jingang. He can cut you, do you still say no pain?”

"It hurts, it doesn't hurt now." Ming Xi said that his wounds had fallen from the spring and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dialogue between their mother and son has made the great demon dissatisfied, but she is even more shocked when she sees that Mingxi’s wounds are getting so fast.

What kind of treasures Ye Hao really has, can actually make that child heal faster.

"It seems that I personally taught." The great demon sighed and slammed a pair of eagle-clawed fingers toward the leafhopper.

The two-handed nails are half a foot long, coated with 蔻丹, and they look like blood.

Ye Hao took Mingxi back a few steps and saw the big devil's nails catching terrible traces on the ground.

It seems that it is not a nail, but a treasure of the great demon.

"I don't want to fight with you." Ye Hao said faintly, she didn't want to be too deep with people in Yan.

"You can't be you!" The great demon screamed, "You hurt me, I need revenge."

Ye Hao smiled a little, no longer nonsense, let the fire phoenix take care of Mingxi, she came forward to fight.

The claws of the great demon statue become the length of the ruler, and the red dragon is more obvious.


Ye Hao’s eyes are cold and it seems that the big demon is trying to put her to death!

Then don't blame her.

"I thought I couldn't stop damn, now... I regret that I didn't kill him at the beginning." Ye Hao had a whip in his hand. Since refining the magic, she still didn't know what her cultivation was. degree.

I just practiced my hand today.

Ye Hao runs in the sea and exudes spiritual pressure.

The surrounding air seemed to be textured, and it was heavily pressed.

"A terrible spiritual pressure!"

Fire Phoenix looked at Ye Hao with amazement, and even he did not know how far Ye Hao had.

"Then I will kill you first." The big demon snorted, and it seems that everyone is right. If you let Ye Hao become the demon king, it is not good for them.

She has the demon of the Devil, but it has not become the heart of the devil.

"Death!" Ten fingers like a sharp knife almost crossed the face of Ye Hao, the whip of the day in her hand is like a little red dragon wrapped around the hand of the great demon.

"I didn't think about dying, and I won't die in your hands." Ye Hao said, avoiding her claws and three bows around her.

The Great Devils will immediately break away from the whip of the day.

With the improvement of Ye Xiu Xiu, her whip of the next day is getting different, and now it is not just a small whip when she was just learning.

"Ray flash!" Although the big demon was restrained by his hands, he did not panic. A flash of lightning fell on the place where Ye Hao had just stood.

Seeing that the powerful light beam flashed, Ye Hao slightly frowned.

The hand of the great demon was free, and immediately woven a grid around Ye Hao.

The two big monsters stared at each other, clearly being called by the Great Devil.

"It seems that today you don't know how to ask, it is to kill me." Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Who wants you to kill me, Ye Jingwei?"

"Do not talk nonsense!" Someone shouted, "The big demon, kill her."

The big demon looked at Ye Hao and saw no fear on her face. Instead, she felt uneasy.

"So afraid of me becoming an evil king?" Ye Hao sneered, when the power grid came over, the whip in her hand turned into a long sword burning with flames, she cut the power grid in half.

A sword stabbed into the heart of a big monster and took out his inner Dan.

The polishing will be caught in front of the scene. She knows that Ye Hao is amazing, but she did not expect her wine taste to be so unfathomable.

"The big demon statue, ruin your sea, is it difficult?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.


"Hey, let's be merciful." Suddenly, a gentle voice came from outside.

Ye Hao heard that this is the supreme voice.

"Why should I be merciful?" Ye Hao woven a net with a blue flame between the great demon and others. Her fire is not ordinary, but the sacred fire of Suzaku, the great demon has already felt threatened.

The Great Devil wants to tear the fire net like Ye Hao. Her hand just touched the flame. The fire seemed to have life, and her arms were going up.

"Ah!" The big demon was shocked and the pain came from his arm.

Supremely hurriedly opened the fire net and saved the arm of the great demon.

The great demon stunned to see Ye Hao, "The Holy Fire, you actually use the Holy Fire to cultivate your whip!"

"It's all fire, naturally picking the best." Ye Hao said faintly.

"I was negligent." She said to Ye Hao in the first place.

Ye Hao glanced at him and knew that he didn't need to fight any more. Anyway, the shock was already shocked.

"I will go back to the room first." Ye Hao's voice was cold, and he took Ming Xi's hand and went to the main hall.

Dozens of people behind her can only watch, and no one dares to oppose it.

"I remember, I once said that Ye girl is a guest of our inflammatory field." The sound of the supremacy is still as calm as water, and it doesn't sound angry, but everyone can't look straight into his eyes.

"The high priest, staying in the Yan area, will only have a long night dream!" said the big demon whispered.

Supremely looking at her, "Are you giving up only one chance to kill Dan, is it to kill the girl?" asked the cold voice.

They all know how difficult it is for the sorcerer to want to make a buddy. Only when he has a magic dan, can he have the opportunity to practice the demon martial arts. More importantly, he can be reborn and live like the demon king and the high priest. come.

The big demon was asked to speak, "She hurt my son."

"So you give up decades of cultivation, and you lose a sigh!" Slightly sighed, "The big demon, you are a pity."

"The high priest, she..." The great demon is still not dying.

Suddenly interrupted her words. "It is best not to have a second time. Who is the real devil? Everyone should be clear."

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