The sorcerers standing in front of the priest's house, especially the elders standing in front of them, originally intended to be able to remove Ye Hao by the hand of the great demon, and did not think that the cultivation of Ye Hao was already so powerful.

If it wasn’t for the high priest, the great demon would be seriously injured.

"The high priest, we need a devil who is wholeheartedly for us in the inflammatory field. We need a demon who will lead us out of the desperate situation. We don't need a woman in the heavens to be our demon!" In the crowd, someone shouted loudly, tone of voice. It is very sad.

"The high priest, our children can't continue to live here, let the devil take us away."

"I beg you, high priest!"

Except for the great demon, all the people fell.

"The reincarnation of the devil, what kind of person will come, is not what you and I can choose, it is God's will, the reincarnation of the devils of all ages, there are reasons for their existence, God will choose to pass the inheritance to whom, she must be able to adapt God's will, bring changes to our inflammatory domain." At first glance at everyone, calmly and calmly said.

"If this is God's intention, why choose two devils?" asked the Great Devil. "The high priest, you know very well, Ye Jingzhen is the reincarnation of Sakura."

"She is the reincarnation of Sakura, not the reincarnation of the devil." The whispered, he also recently wanted to understand why this generation will appear two sorcerers. "God did not choose Sakura to become the demon, so the magic dan Inherited to Ye Hao's body, the devil is chosen by Heaven, not you."

The big demon is staring straight at the top. "Do you think Ye Hao really can bring benefits to our inflammatory domain?"

"What good?" Asked in a cold voice, "Great Devil, what have you done for the Devil, why do you think the Devil will bring you benefits?"

"Isn't the existence of the devil king not to lead us all to a better life?" asked the Great Devil.

Slightly smile, "When are you going to regard the devil as a faith, you will naturally believe that Ye Hao can bring about change."

"That... Ye Jingwei? The high priest, she is also the devil." Someone asked.

"There will be only one Devil." The supremacy said that before other people still want to speak, he whispered. "Today, you should all go back."

The Great Devils walked up a few steps to the top. "You will protect Ye Hao as the demon king, but don't forget, the devil is not protected, but protects our entire field. You feel that Ye Jingyi is not qualified to be the devil, I think She will be more powerful than the devil of the previous generation."

"Yes? I am looking forward to it."

"The high priest, retired." The big devil's wide sleeves scorned and bowed.

Supremely decapitated, "Do not send."

In a short while, the priestly palace restored the silence of the past.

"The high priest, we can't stop the great demon statue," said the two priests' servants.

"You can't stop it." The swinging hand is on the top, and he is not careful to be fooled.

"Ming Xiu Xi was injured," said the waitress.

The supreme twilight sinks, "I know."

He walked through the hall and slowly walked to the back yard.

Ye Hao and Ming Xi did not return to the room, they are in the pavilion in the yard.

"Listen to Xie He was injured?" The last came over and his eyes fell on Mingxi.

Mingxi gave him a faint look.

Ye Hao stood up. "Those people are gone?"

"Let you be shocked."

"We are not so vulnerable, just..." Ye Hao slightly frowned. "You left me in the Magic Palace, it was always bad."

"Hey, the devil is not the king of the Xuantian continent, nor the emperor of the mainland. He needs the support of others to sit on the throne. The advent of the devil is determined by God. No one can control the magic. Whose body, although Ye Jingying has the memory of Sakura, but she has no inheritance, she can't get the approval of the demon kings of the past generations. So many generations of demon kings, no one helps the sorcerer to solve the survival problem, why is this magic dan on you? This is the destiny destined for it. If you resist or don't admit it, you can't let go of the inflammatory field in your heart." Supremely said.

He always believes that Ye Hao will become the leader of different former devils.

"But I don't know what I need to do. I really sympathize with your living environment, but what can I do?" Ye Hao gently shook his head, since I saw how the sorcerer was forced to come here and see them. How has she been treated by human beings, she is indeed very sympathetic, and I hope that they can have a place to live, but what can she do?

"Then don't think about it. When the time comes, there will naturally be a way." Supremely, as long as she can stay, she can.

Ye Hao looked at him seriously. "Supreme, I will not be here for too long. If I find a way, I will leave. I must return to the mainland."

Supremely said, "I said, you want to leave, I will not stop you."

"Thank you." Ye Hao looked at him and staggered his sight.

"Is the injury of Mingxi important?" asked the supremacy.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a minor injury." Ye Hao said, "This kid is naughty and always thinks that he is invincible in the world, let him eat some losses."

She does not want Mingxi to think that she has cultivated the immortal practice, and she can really not die. In this Xuantian mainland, there are people on the sky, and there will be people who are even more powerful than themselves. Small injuries are better than serious injuries later.

"The sick child has brought the priest's house, are you going to see it?"

"I will go with you." Ye Hao said immediately. She turned back and warned Huo Huang and Ming Xi. "You are here, don't run around, don't go anywhere else, and if you are in trouble, I will kiss you."

Ming Xi said, "Mom, I will go with you."

Ye Hao looked up and gently nodded, and she agreed to Mingxi’s request.

The children were placed in the northwest wing of the priest's house. There were ten people who entered the palace. They were seen on the street by Ye Hao that day, and the child she had saved.

"Fifty years ago, the vast majority of children born to the sorcerer were like this, and now there are very few newborns."

After a moment of silence, Ye Hao asked, "Do you have a sinister marriage, can you have a taboo identity? For example... the same name is not married?"

"No." Supremely frowning, "Since being killed by humans... so many girls, our women are relatively rare. At the beginning, many of them were brothers and wives, and even brothers and sisters..."

"You are not a mess of ethics?" Ye Hao scorned.

Supreme smile, "Hey, there is no cure for the evil spirits, the nature is no different from the monster."

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