The genie was originally evolved from a monster like human beings. It has not been cultivated. It has not touched human beings. The wild savage sorcerer is the savage beast. They don’t know what is common, and they don’t even think about the same name. Many of the sorcerers have no names at all.

They lived in the Xuantian mainland for a few years, and they came into contact with human wisdom, and gradually became human. However, in the aspect of intermarriage, they could never be like human beings. The devil is the devil. They are tempted and see. I like it, I want to express it in the most direct way, regardless of whether the other person is my own sister or someone.

After listening to the supremacy, Ye Hao could not speak for a long time.

"Don't you have a demon king? Why don't you set some restrictions? Do you know the consequences of marriage between close relatives?" Ye Hao couldn't help but get angry. The fire devil was pushing himself to a dead end.

There was a glimpse of confusion in the supremacy of the eyes. "We are devils, not like humans."

"So your waywardness makes so many innocent children sick." Ye Hao said coldly.

"You mean that the marriage of close relatives leads to the skin color of those children..." The top eyebrows wrinkled tightly. "Do humans also have cousins ​​and cousins?"

Ye Hao sighed. "That is not a brother or sister, nor a surname."

"I didn't expect it to be like this." The supreme was immersed in contemplation.

"Let's see the child first." As he said, the magic is hard to change. If you want to ban the marriage of the same name, it will take a long time.

At the top, Ye Hao came to the house, and the ten children sat on the stools in a proper manner, and saw them coming in and stood up in a panic.

"See the devil, the high priest."

I don't know if anyone has taught them. When they saw Ye Hao and the supremacy, they immediately went down.

Mingxi, standing next to Ye Hao, looked at them curiously.

Ye Hao is too lazy to argue that she is not an evil king.

She walked over to the child and said softly, "You are all up."

"What is your name?" she asked the child.

The child whispered, "My name is Mouton."

"Yesterday, you fell to the ground and twitched, but I feel that I feel uncomfortable?" Ye Hao whispered, she would hold the child's hand, yesterday was too hasty, she did not have time to take the pulse for him.

The demon's heartbeat and pulse are different from those of human beings. Ye Hao has already learned about it in medical books, but the pulse of this child is the same as that of human beings. This is not normal.

She took out the silver needle and gently tied it at the mouth of Mouton. A **** bead came out.

The color of the blood beads is light, which is different from the normal blood color.

She carefully observed the eyes of Mouton.

Mouton's pupil is different from ordinary people, not black or amber, but a pale pink, with eyebrows, hair and body hair are white, this disease is called albinism, usually occurs in close relatives More.

It seems that her judgment is correct.

"Fortunately, there is no sunlight in the Yan area, otherwise these people with albinism are even worse." Ye Hao said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Asked in amazement.

"They are albino, can't see the light." Ye Hao sighed. "Remember when did you start this disease?"

Supremely said, "I didn't have a reincarnation before, there are already people like this. It is already... more than two hundred years ago, it was only one or two at that time, so I didn't care."

"You have no scruples in intermarriage. As long as one of them has this disease, or if there is such a disease, it will spread more and more, and you are all close relatives, even brothers and sisters are not jealous, the chance of getting sick is even more Big." Ye Hao shook his head. "I am afraid that this disease will not be cured unless I can make them reborn. Otherwise, no one in the world can help them."

"What if I can't cure it?" Looking up at these children, I think that there are thousands of people outside there who have such diseases. His expression is dignified. Is it really necessary for them to go to ruin?

Ye Hao touched the hair of Mouton, only less than ten years old, but now has a white hair.

This kind of living environment, there is no medical treatment, how long can these children live? Ye Hao closed his eyes, "but fifteen."

“Is there no way?” The supreme calm finally failed. “Their parents can live for a long time.”

"Let's go out and say." Ye Hao said, look at these children, and go out of the room.

"Hey, the life of the flaming devil itself is long..." Supreme said.

Ye Hao said, "I know what you mean, but this child has already developed symptoms yesterday. Do their parents have a disease? They are not just albinism, all the problems of close relatives have already erupted on them, they Parents may be able to live longer, it does not mean that they have no problem, I think you should be aware that young inflammatory devils can rarely learn and succeed, and they are not affected by the marriage of close relatives. There are those of you who have lived for hundreds of years..."

"What should I do? Is the inflammation really going to die?" The supreme voice was painful.

"I don't know, my medical skills can't cure them, even if there is a spiritual spring, it's useless. They have no other way than to reinvent them." Ye Hao waved her hand, she wanted to help them, but... I couldn't help.

Looking up at the cockroach, looking at her with enthusiasm, hands clasped on her shoulders, "You have! Hey, only you have the means to cure them."

For the first time, Ye Hao saw such excitement, she frowned and pushed his hand.

His hand is like an iron wall, how can he not push it, "Supreme!"

"You have the magic Dan, you can cultivate the devil's highest ****, except that you will not have others, only you have cultivated the regenerative exercises, you will be able to reinvent them for them." Supremely said, "Hey, this It’s the reason why God chose you. You are here to save us.”

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Ye Hao frowned and said, "Let me go!"

Supremely, I found myself too excited. He loosened Ye Hao’s shoulder, and his tone was still a little urgent. “Hey, we’re a set of exercises that are called regenerative exercises. Only the demon king who got the magic Dan can practice. The last layer, although I have cultivated, but I can only go to the eighth floor. Only if you practice to the ninth floor, you will be able to reinvent the children and even help others rebuild the sea."

Ye Hao shook his head, "Impossible!"

"Possible!" Supreme said, "Hey, you said that you are a doctor, big doctors, do you want to die and die? If you don't save them, all of them will die, and the fire will die." ”

"I may not be able to cultivate to the ninth floor." Ye Hao whispered, "Supreme, I am not an evil."

"Besides you, there will be no other people." The supremacy said.

The Devils of the Dynasties have rarely done it, but he believes that Ye Hao is absolutely capable of cultivating to the ninth floor.

"You let me think about it."

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