Ye Hao said that if she wants to think about it, she does not force her to promise, let her practice the practice of the demon king, that is, let her become the demon king, even if he did not say it, it actually means this.

The children lived in the priest's house, and Ye Hao took the herbs in the space, with prescriptions, and let them cook for them.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Fire Phoenix saw Ye Hao standing in the window and staring, and asked in the past to join her.

Ye Hao was shocked by the enlarged face of the fire phoenix, "What?"

"Mother, what did you say to you?" Ming Xi came over and looked very serious.

"Today, you all see those children. With my medical skills, I can't cure them unless I practice their regenerative exercises." Ye Hao whispered.

Ming Xi asked, "You are in a dilemma."

"Yes, the regenerative method can only be cultivated by the demon king. I am not the demon king. If I practice, then I can't really get rid of it..." Ye Hao actually knows that he is only one step away from the position of the demon king, but she It is the subconscious mind that is not willing to do that step.

"Cultivate, why not cultivate?" Fire Phoenix called. "The only way to regenerate the practice is to be able to cultivate, even if it is a saint on the mainland, you can't cultivate."

Ye took a look at him. "After cultivation, I will become the Demon King."

"There is nothing wrong with becoming an evil king." Mingxi said thoughtfully, "I will practice the regenerative method first."

"..." Ye Hao ordered Mingxi's forehead. "This is a practice of stealing others."

Ming Xi smiled. "It’s not that you stole it. It’s the first to be sent to you personally.”

"Don't bother me." Ye Hao pushed the two children away.

"You see, are you worried that you will be against the city owner in the future?" Fire Phoenix asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao frowned in confusion, "What city owner?"

"Your husband, the city owner of the city of Scorpio, is Modi, the ink of the mainland, Murong Zhan, they are the same person, have you forgotten?" Fire phoenix asked Ye Hao's face.

"墨容湛?" Ye Hao whispered, the name is like an awl stuck in her mind, she felt blank in her mind.

Ming Xi looked at her with big eyes. "Mother, did you think of anything?"

Ye Hao shook his head. "Mu Di killed the last generation of the Demon King. It must be very hateful to the devil. If he is your father, I definitely don't want me to be the Demon King."

"Hey, do you remember the city owner?" Fire Phoenix asked with surprise.

“Why did I forget so many things?” Ye Hao knocked on her forehead. “I didn’t have any impression of Modi. Did it happen before?”

It seems that I still haven't thought about it.

Forgetting the reason why Dan is the best medicine, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate, it must have its precious things.

Anyone who obeys the love of love will forget the person she wants to forget. When Ye Hao cultivates and forgets the love of Dan, it must be the thing of the city owner in the medicine.

"Or wait for the father to come back, let him tell you." Ming Xi said.

"It's not early, you are going back to sleep." Ye Hao scolded them.

Ming Xi pulls the fire phoenix that still wants to talk. "Okay, mother, then let's go first."

"Why don't you let me say a little more? Maybe you can think of the city owner..." Fire Phoenix called.

"Impossible, don't waste your efforts. My mother will definitely not leave room for things. Can she remind her of her, and she has to look at the father's ability." Ming Xi looked at the air and looked at the taunting tone.

The fire phoenix frowned. "But the city owner is on the mainland of God. I don't know when he will come to find it."

Ming Xi, but laughed.

In the sound of the fire phoenix, they went back to the room next door.

Ye Hao stood at the window and shook her head and smiled. My heart was even more puzzled. She must have happened to forget the Emperor.

But Modi...

She really did not expect that she was actually a child born with Mo Di, who had never told her before.

The head hurts! Ye stunned her eyebrows. She wanted to try to remember the lost memories. Her head hurts drastically. She didn't want to think about it anymore.

Do you want to practice regenerative exercises? This will save the fire.

She remembered that the ten children today looked at her eyes, each one full of reverence and admiration, her eyes pure and clean, she could not ignore it.

Ye Hao sighed and lay down on the bed. She was sleepless and hesitated.

The moonlight outside the window, a star did not see.

She thought too much, and the movement around her did not pay attention. Even a long figure appeared around her, she did not see it at all.

Modi stood silently at the bedside, and looked at her in deep and dark eyes. She stared at a pair of bright eyes and looked brighter than Chen Xing at night. However, I didn’t know what I was thinking, even from the space. Did not find out.

"Refining, or not?" Ye Hao two hands, looking at both sides, seems to be making a difficult decision.

"Oh..." Modi couldn't help but screamed at her.

Ye Hao was shocked and jumped up and sat up straight from the bed, and there was a whip in his hand.

Modi quickly buckled her hand and pressed her half under her body. "It's me!"

"Who are you?" Ye Hao looked at the man in front of him. He had a deep and beautiful facial features. The eyebrows were clear and moving. He looked at her with a gaze. It was a strange face. Why did she feel that she had a strong Familiarity.

"Forget me!" Modi was dull and his voice was a little unpleasant.

Ye Hao frowned and looked at him. "You are Mo Di?"

"Remember?" Modi loosened her hand and pinched her chin. "Hey, look at me, think back carefully, is it really forgetting me?"

"I can't think of it, you give me away!" Ye Haojiao snorted, she looked at this strange face, the more she thought of the more painful.

Modi sat down in her arms and pressed her finger against her lips. "It seems that I have forgotten me, I don't want you to forget me."

"If you are really the father of Mingxi, it must be disappointing to the extreme, otherwise I will not eat the love." Ye Hao said coldly, struggling hard.

"I advise you not to move, I don't want you all the time." Modi's thin lips pressed against her ears. "Seeing you, I can hold back is good."

His breath is so cool, his body has a faint dragon fragrance, this feeling... It is so familiar, she is a little scared and wants to resist his approach.

"Oh, think of me." Modi pinched her chin, and her thin lips were heavily printed on her lips.

"No..." Ye Hao worked hard and wanted to break free from his arms, only to find that her cultivation seemed to be weak in front of him. She could not move in his arms.

Modi's fingers fell lightly on her palm red mark, a drop of blood dripping from his fingertips, falling into her palm, "think of me, hey!"

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