Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1810: No longer separate

Ye Hao can't break free from his restraint. His kiss is overbearing. She clenches her teeth and keeps him from entering. He bites her lip, and when she screams, his cool tongue has slipped into her. In the mouth, she began to invade the city and kissed every corner of her mouth. She wanted to push him out, but he was sucked by him and forced to entangle him.

Bastard! Ye Hao's eyes were red, and she was kissed by a **** for no reason. She didn't even have the strength to resist.

"I haven't thought about it yet?" Modi's thin lips left her slightly, looking down at her pretty face with a blush, and seeing her eyes with anger, he turned and smiled. "May be more than a few times." Only then."

After that, he lowered his head again and blocked her lips.

Ye Hao forced a bite on his lips.

Sweetness is permeated between their teeth.

At the bottom of the eyes, Modi floated up and smiled, pressing her under her body. Unlike the previous hegemony, he gently kissed her, but still strong and could not allow her to retreat.

His blood was forced to be sent to her tongue, and she could not resist it if she wanted to resist.


Ye Hao felt that her mind had been hit by something, and various pictures exploded in her mind.

Mo Di 舔 kissed her pink lips, one hand wants to untie her skirt, suddenly a glimpse of a glimpse, handsome face instantly cast a cold look.

"This place is always not our place, let's leave first." Modi hugged Ye Hao and saw her look worried. Without any objection, she smiled and whispered. "You have no objection, that is, you agree to leave."

Ye Xie, her mind is too chaotic, and she is sober.

Just as they disappeared, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh." The top is called Ye Hao’s nickname outside. "I have something to say to you."

Outside the door, the supreme look was heavy. He just felt an unusual atmosphere. Although he was very weak, he still didn't feel at ease, so he came to see Ye Hao.

There is no sound in the house.

The supreme look changed and broke into the door. "Oh, rude."

No one is empty.

Modi! Immediately, I knew who took away Ye Hao. He flashed a sullen look in his eyes and immediately flew out to catch up with the position of the Flying Ship.

In the next room, Mingxi and Huohuang heard the movement and rushed to check.

"My mother?" Mingxi asked strangely.

"There is a breath of the city, it may be that the city owner took the donkey away." Fire Phoenix said with surprise, the city owner finally came back.

Ming Xi immediately said, "Space, take a quick look at whether you can enter the space."

"No, I am not here," said Fire Phoenix.

"Catch up, they may return to the spirit ship." Ming Xi said, leaving the priest's house with a fire phoenix.

Ye Hao’s head was sore and cracked, and even the inexplicable red seal of the palm began to hurt.

"Murdi..." Ye Hao looked at the man who held her in her arms, and her missing memories slowly came back.

The first time he met with him in the garden, she waited for him for two years, was killed and reborn... and then fell in love with him, and came to Xuantian mainland...

Everything is filled with her missing memories.

"墨容湛!" Ye Hao lived in his clothes.

"Think of it?" Modi bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

Ye Hao leaned in his arms and asked with a grin. "What have you done to me?"

Modi laughed softly, his voice was low and sweet, and he kissed her lips. "Sleep for a while, I know you are uncomfortable."

"I am more uncomfortable to see you." Ye Hao cried, she was so dizzy that she could hold up against him and was already trying her best.

"I know that you have eaten the love of love, I will leave my blood on your body." Modi gently rubbed her cheek, "How can I let you forget me."

Ye Hao still has a lot of questions to ask him. It is really dizzy and can't be asked at all.

"Sleep for a while." Modi took her in her arms and patted her back to sleep.

"Ming Xi...Fire Phoenix..." Ye Hao remembered that they were still in the Magic Palace. If they found out that she was gone, they would be very worried.

Modi said faintly, "They will find it."

"How come you are here?" Ye Hao’s consciousness whispered a question as he entered the darkness.

"Come to you." Modi whispered.

Even after the thunder and lightning, he still can't get rid of her from her heart. Even if her feelings for others are weak, she will never be obsessed with her.

"Oh, we won't separate again."

"City Lord!" White thirteen looked down and did not dare to see the scene of Mo Di holding Ye Hao.

Modi raised his eyebrow and glanced at him. "What?"

"The supremacy to find the Fei Ling ship went there, he found that the wife was gone." Bai XIII said, even the head did not dare to lift it, since the city owner came back to the mainland of God, the alienation of the stranger is more obvious. It also adds a bit of sacred and noble temperament, which makes people even more afraid to look straight.

"Ming Xi and Huo Huang?" Modi had already expected this, so there was no Ye Hao to fly to the ship.

Bai XIII said, "The subordinates have already sent a message to Master Ming Xi, and asked him to return to Tianzhu City first."

Modi is indifferent to the dagger, and does not seem to worry that Mingxi and the fire phoenix will be dangerous.

"Go to meet Ming Xi, take them back to Tianzhu City." Modi commanded, so he left Ye Hao and left the border of Yan.

"Yes, the city owner."

Mingxi, who was looking for the place where Modi was going, received the message from Bai XIII, and was about to leave, seeing the supreme face returning with sullen anger.

"My mother?" Mingxi immediately questioned, "Isn't that big demon lord took my mother away?"

"The big demon statue does not have the ability to take away." The supreme said coldly, "Your father took her away!"

Ming Xi shook his head. "Impossible. My father has already gone to the mainland of God. He has already broken his seven passions and he will not come to my mother."

"Where are you going?" The gloomy look at Mingxi, he finally let Ye Hao shake the practice of rejuvenation, and Mo Di actually took her away!

The supreme heart is angry, and he is more surprised to find that in addition to anger, he seems to be mixed with other emotions.

Oh, heartache, nervous...

He wants Ye Hao to stay with him forever.

"We heard the news and found that my mother was gone, and came out to find my mother." Mingxi called.

"Go back, I will bring your mother back." The whispered.

Ming Xi immediately shook his head. "I have to find it myself!"

"That's good, let's find it separately." I saw Mingxi at first, nodded and let Mingxi and Huohuang leave.

"My mother should have not left the Yan domain yet." Ming Xi said, with the fire phoenix and the supremacy to fly to different places.

The supremacy stopped and looked back at the back of Mingxi, his eyes were deep and deep.

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