Ye Hao finally got out of the room and came to the deck. She discovered that her flying ship was bigger than before and flying faster. She looked at Modi with a puzzled look.

"Where is this flying ship?" It doesn't look like it was made in Tianzhu City, and he came back from the mainland of God. He should have never been to Tianzhu City.

"I borrowed from the mainland of God." Modi said.

Ye Hao took his hand and walked around the flying ship. "It’s not a sage, it really is different."

Modi raised his eyebrow slightly. "Where is it different? Isn't the previous Lingling boat bad?"

“This is bigger and faster,” said Ye Hao. “Of course, your Flying Ship is also very good.”


Suddenly, there was a big drink in the sky.

Ye Hao was shocked and jerked up to look at the sky and asked the emperor around him. "Who is this?"

The face of Modi Junmei is indifferent, his eyes are deep and cold, "I don't care."

"Fart!" The bang broke and came. "Catch my flying ship and say that I am an insignificant person."

This time, Ye Hao has heard who is out.

"Ange saint..." Ye Weiyi, in her impression, Ange saints are more than a woman, and they are more elegant and noble, and there is such a rude side?

A beautiful figure finally appeared in the air, and Ange fell steadily in front of them.

"Small sly." Ang's face of the complaint, looks very pitiful.

"What do you call her?" Modi's voice was cold, and the narrow voice was even more unpleasant.

Ange succumbed to his mouth, "Xunzi."

Ye Hao felt funny, and it turned out that Ange was like this in front of Modi.

"What are you doing with you?" Modi asked unpleasantly.

" left the mainland of God without authorization, knowing what will happen?" Ange screamed. "You really care about it!"

Modi nodded faintly, "Yeah."

“It doesn’t matter if it’s repaired as a waste?” Ange asked without hesitation.

"Is it going to be abolished?" Ye Hao turned back and stared at him in shock. Didn't he say that he would only be reduced by 50%?

Ange snorted. "Small 蓁... 嫂子, he certainly didn't tell you the truth. He didn't even see the emperor. He ran away in the mainland of God, and now Emperor wants to summon him. He didn't even have a personal shadow, annoyed the emperor, and lost the position of the emperor, and he must not abolish his cultivation."

"Azhan!" Ye Hao grabbed his sleeve and looked at him worriedly.

Modi opened his mouth unsatisfactorily. "Don't scare her any more." He held Ye Hao's hand and said softly, "Don't listen to him, it's not that serious."

"Is it so serious, you know clearly." An Ge looked at Ye Hao, did not understand how cold-blooded, ruthless, how many times, the Emperor Modi suddenly went to the woman, and he still had a deep affection, even his own cultivation was ignored.

He remembered that the most indulgent in the centuries was the cultivation of the Emperor, otherwise the repair would not be so terrible.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao took his hand in a hurry. "You go back to the Ango saint."

"Not necessary." Modi put her in her arms and gently patted her back. "The little sage level is a big surprise."

The little saint An Ge is speechless.

"But I am still uneasy." Ye Hao whispered, "You are no longer the city owner of the city of Tianzhu, if the people on the mainland of China come to arrest you."

"Then let's come." Modi licked her head. "Scorpio is not the same as anywhere else."

Ange listened to the meaning of Mo Di, and frowned and asked, "You don't really want to go back to the mainland of China? What do you think, you are the Holy Emperor... you have to get the emperor's seal , have not yet received the holy house..."

"Are you enough?" Modi asked coldly.

"If you don't let me say it, don't say it." Ange said grievances.

Modi looked at him indifferently. "Then you still can't leave?"

"Don't go! I am coming to see you." Ange sat down, wide sleeves spread on the ground, and the peony on the sleeves looked good.

"Go to Tianzhu City, first go to find Mingxi." Modi slammed Ye Hao, and passed the order to Bai Shi, who had been hiding from it.

Ye Hao grabbed his clothes. "Can you really go back to the mainland of God?"

"Trust me." Modi whispered.

"Hey, what do you mean? I am so clear on my ship, I am like this?" Ange shouted loudly.

Modi looked back at him faintly. "You can roll."



Although there is a guarantee from Mo Di, she can't help but feel worried. She wants to be with him, but if there is danger, she would rather return to the mainland.

"Don't worry, Emperor will not abolish me." Modi saw Ye Hao still worried, no matter what he said was useless, sighed, "I know why Tianzhu City can stand in the Xuantian mainland." ?"

"Not because you have it?" Ye took a look at him.

Modi smiled and shook his head. "The existence of Tianzhu City has been for thousands of years."

Ye Hao looked up doubtfully. "So long?"

"Don't ask, where did I come from?" Modi hooked her chin. "Oh, my father, I am on the mainland."

"..." Ye Hao lived, and asked half a moment, "Isn't it the emperor?"

"I don't know." Modi said coldly, "I was just abandoned in the Xuantian continent. As for the father, I don't care. In short, you can rest assured that I will not be so easily repaired."

It turns out that his life is very poor, whether he is on the mainland or the Xuantian continent.

"Okay." Ye Hao whispered, it is hard to imagine how he survived in this continent of the jungle, how he survived today.

"Those people in Xuantian mainland know that you have already gone to the mainland of China?" Ye Hao whispered, "Those people will not surround the city of Tianzhu."

Modi smiled faintly. "I haven't officially registered yet. There are very few people in Xuantian mainland who will know. As for the people outside Tianzhu City, it doesn't matter whether they are scattered or not."

"Also, I am not afraid of them now." Ye Hao said with a smile. "And, the Yan domain is not as terrible as they thought. In the case that the evil spirits did not hurt them, why did they kill the evil spirits."

"Oh, if you say this, it will be opposed to everyone in Xuantian." Modi said with a smile, and his feelings are indifferent. It seems that Ye Hao has no influence on him anyway.

Ye Hao looked at him, "including you?"

"I don't count, you are my person. Every decision you make is my decision." Modi kissed her mouth and whispered.

"Well, this is almost the same." Ye Hao smiled with satisfaction.

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