Soon, they have come to Xuantian mainland.

I didn't expect to set foot on this place again. Ye Hao thought that she would never come again. I don't know when I can see Mingyu. She has been away for two years. I definitely know the news and will go back to find Mingyu.

"Thinking about children?" Modi came to her and saw her look, full of thoughts and sadness in her eyes. It must have been remembered by two children, as well as relatives on the mainland.

"Yeah." Ye Hao felt uncomfortable in his heart and turned to his arms. "I want to know the jade, I feel my heart hurts, and I am embarrassed with my brother. I don't know how they are, how will Mingyu be affected?" Wronged..."

Modi hugged her tightly. "When I left, I entrusted Mingyu and Jinguo to Murong, and he would not treat Mingyu."

"Murong 恪?" Ye Hao took a moment, remembering the man who had changed her life for her life, she felt sore in her heart, she thought that there were so many owes to Murong, and I didn't expect it to owe more.

How can she return him?

"And Ye Yinan and Lu Daren, who dares to be wronged by Ming Yu?" Modi patted her back. "So, rest assured."

"I am her mother, even if more people take care of her, it is not that I am by her side, my heart is still sad." Ye Yan swallowed, "Can you quickly get things done here, we go back Well, I am not a rare immortal, as long as you are by my side."

However, some things are not what she wants to get, I don’t want it, I don’t want it. She has the inheritance of the magic Dan. Even in the human world, she will come here sooner or later, and she cultivated to this extent and went to the human continent. Will definitely not adapt.

"Okay, let's go back." Modi did not clarify the words. "When the time comes, Mingyu will follow you to practice and let her live for a long time."

"Can you cultivate in the human world?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

Modi smirked, "You can bring Mingyu here."

Ye Hao shook his head in disgust. "I don't like it here, don't let Mingyu come."

"Well, don't come or not." Modi snorted softly. "In any case, Jin Guo has been given to Murong. When we go back, we will take Mingyu away. We will find a place where no one knows, and stay. After our little days, okay?"

"It sounds good." Ye Hao said with a smile, just, remembering that she had not seen her daughter for two years, the smile on her face faded away. "I haven’t seen Mingyu for two years, will she take me? forgotten."

Modi kissed her mouth. "No, even if you don't remember, you can think of it as soon as you see you."

Ye Hao finally relaxed and smiled and hooked his neck. "Yes, I am her mother, blood is thicker than water, she will definitely remember."

"The front is the land of the Great Sacred." Modi pointed to the peaks in front of him. "The Great Holy Family has closed the mountain. It seems to be related to the supreme identity."

"Sheng Zongmen has always been eyeing the Dashengzong. I can’t wait for it to be quicker and more supreme. They have an excuse to deal with the Great Shengzong." After all, she came out from the Great Shengzong, and naturally she did not want to see the Zongmen. Being bullied.

"The Great Saints still have the enchantment left by the supremacy. It is not easy for Shengzongmen to attack the mountains. What's more, they will not have extra thoughts to deal with the Great Sacred." Modi said faintly.

Ye Hao looked up at him. "You seem to know everything about Xuantian mainland."

"Know yourself and know each other." Modi said with a smile.

"Then you must know that there are still people around the city of Tianzhu." Ye Hao looked at him.

"It has already been dispersed." Modi whispered, "Only a few left to stalk outside, know that we are not in the city of Tianzhu, and now they are busy arranging forces to eliminate the evil spirits."

Ye Hao pushed him away, "What?"

Modi sighed in his heart and he knew she would be the reaction.

"This time is not the same as your last time. It is not so easy to call." Modi took Ye Hao’s hand to the deck. "Xuantian mainland has five major sects in the five countries. Who will co-ordinate who will lead the troops?" Make sure that everyone wants to use the Yan domain to become the second Tianzhu City owner in the Xuantian continent."

"Who do you think will be?" Ye Hao asked, should she start with a strong hand, don't let these people hurt the fire.

Modi laughed. "There will be no such person, so I will continue to fight. Don't worry, let's watch the show first."

Hearing that he said this, Ye Hao was relieved. Apart from him, no one should be able to eliminate the Yan domain. "You promised me not to intervene in the Yan domain."

"As long as they don't hurt you, I don't intervene." Modi kissed her forehead.

"Yeah." Ye Hao smiled sweetly and took the initiative to snuggle into his arms. "Hey, that is the Xingyun Mountain."

Mo Dijun was indifferent and had no interest in the place she lived with.

Ye Hao glanced at his face and knew that he didn't like her to mention the supremacy, so that no longer said more, this man is a big vinegar.

"The city owner." White thirteen came from the other side. "The young master has not returned to the city of Tianzhu."

"Where did Mingxi go?" Ye Hao blurted out. In order to get along with her, Modi deliberately stayed for many days. According to time, Mingxi should return to Tianzhu City faster than them.

Ange didn't know when it came. He stood on the bow and said slowly, "Where can I go, I must have been arrested as a hostage."

Modi waved his hand and Ange fell off the pole.

"What are you doing!" Ange screamed.

"Noisy." Modi said coldly.

If Ye Hao couldn’t attend the song, she looked nervously at Bai XIII. “Do you know where Mingxi is? I gave him a voice, and I haven’t heard back yet.”

"The young Master Ming Xi did not have a message on the Fei Ling boat for a long time." Bai XIII whispered.

"The supreme will not hurt him, what is going on?" Ye Hao anxious. "Let's go to Mingxi."

Ange glanced at Modi. "Maybe it is to trap Ming Xi in the jade."

"You can say one more thing, you don't have to leave the mainland of God in your life." Modi said faintly.

"By..." Ange saw the sharp eyes of the Emperor, and had to close his mouth with grievances.

Mo Di soft voice said to Ye Hao, "Ming Xi is greedy, wait a second, maybe there is news, even if it is caught up, he is safe, don't you say that the supreme will not hurt him? At most It is to be personal."

Ye Hao frowned. "I will send him a voice again."

"Yeah." Modi looked at Bai Xie coldly and coldly. "Give the news to Mingxi again, let him return to Tianzhu City as soon as possible!"

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