When I came to the Great Shengzong, I found that the seal of the seal was not passive. I knew that the Great Sacred is still safe. He quietly came to Xingyun Mountain and saw that the ice cave had collapsed.

He stood opposite the small lake, and even if he didn't go, he knew that Sakura was no longer there.

"Ming Xi..." I feel a headache. If it is someone else, he will surely chase the past, but this person is Mingxi. How did he come here unreasonably, and he took the sakura.

"Come on, the sound is coming from behind."

"Isn't it going to be too supreme?"

"How is it possible! Too great is the high priest of the Yan domain..."

Hearing the sound coming from a distance, I sighed in my heart and had to leave here first.

The two children who left with the hail at this time have left far away, and they chased them along their breath. After a few days, their breath disappeared.

The cultivation of Mingxi and Huohuang is not as good as the supremacy. If they do not meet the Ango saints halfway, they have already been chased by the supremacy.

"Ange saint, how are you here?" Ming Xi curiously asked, should he not be on the mainland? "Are you coming back with my father?"

"Don't mention that guy!" Ange screamed with a black face. "I haven't worn the day with Modi."

Fire Phoenix looked at him contemptuously. "You are not as good as people, you are forced to bring us."

"Don't you talk, will you die?" Ange snorted coldly.

"That will take us back to Tianzhu City." Fire Phoenix snorted, he felt that Mingxi took the hail too evil door, it is better to get away early.

An Ge’s heart is full of resentment. Doesn’t he just call a few small beggars? Modi is a stingy ghost, actually asked him to find two children, but also his name, he can set up a transmission array, can find faster.

Nonsence! He can't set up a talent in the city of Tianzhu.

"Ange Saint, my mother is in Tianzhu City?" Mingxi asked.

"Yes." Ange snorted. "She and Modi are getting married."

Mingxi’s face is stiff, “They, big marriage?”

"The invitation should be sent out soon, don't say so much, go back to Tianzhu City." An Ge said, start the transmission array, throw two children into the transmission array, and the spirit force spurs the transmission array. Bring people back.

The news that Modi and Ye Hao returned to the Xuantian continent soon spread throughout the mainland, just like the thunder of the flat, shocking everyone.

Zhou Guo, Xizhou City, Ye Jia.

"Ye Ye is back?" Ye Boshu stood up fiercely and looked at Ye Wei with a gaze. "Is this really true?"

"Really, my grandfather, the news from the side of Tianzhu City, I heard that Modi came back with Ye Hao personally." Ye Wei said.

Ye Boshu re-entered, and thoughtfully on the face, since Ye Hao and Mo Di disappeared in Tianzhu City, and then Ye Jingyu and the supremacy disappeared. It was not long before it was the highest priest of the Yan domain, and the real demon king. It is Ye Jingwei.

But what kind of identity is Ye Hao is still a mystery.

Fortunately, he did not directly admit that Ye Jingyi was a prostitute of Ye Family, otherwise it would be a big problem.

"You go to Tianzhu City to see her and let her come to Ye Family." Ye Boshu said.

"Grandfather, even if I went to Tianzhu City, Ye Hao would not necessarily see me." Ye Wei did not expect his grandfather to make such a request. He did not think that Ye Hao would like to have a relationship with Ye Family.

Ye Boshu indulged for a moment. "You are right, let your sister go."

"Let your heart go? Ye Hao will meet her?" Ye Weixin is still very resistant to Ye Hao, even if Ye Hao is not an evil king, but it must be related to Yan Yu, otherwise her son can cultivate undead Why did you pretend to be a prostitute of Ye Family? She is still very suspicious at all.

"Yes, I will call my heart." Ye Boshu said in a deep voice.

Ye Wei pressed all the dissatisfaction and turned and retreated.

I saw Ye Shizhong and the couple outside the Square Garden.

"Hey, mother." Ye Wei took a gift.

"Tell your grandfather, what did he say?" Mrs. Ye whispered in a low voice, knowing that Ye Hao appeared in Tianzhu City, her mood had been very bad, because this woman, her daughter was wronged The diverticulum, now that the second emperor has been smashed, the Laner has gradually alienated, and she wants her to grow up in the palm of her hand and she will end up in such a way that she can't wait to kill Ye Hao.

However, looking at the meaning of the old man, there seems to be the intention to draw Ye Hao.

"My grandfather let the heart go to the city of Tianzhu." Ye Wei whispered, "I am going to find a heart to say this."

"The old man thought that Ye Hao is so good?" Mrs. Ye couldn't help but smile slyly. "Don't say it is looking for a heart. Even if he goes, Ye Hao will not necessarily see him. Now, what is the identity of Ye Hao is still unclear. If it is really related to the Yan domain, is it still enough for the country to give us the cold?"

Ye Shizhong indicated that she should stop talking about it. "My father did this and he had his own considerations."

"What considerations?" Mrs. Ye Dakou blurted out. "He just wants to rely on Tianzhu City."

"Enough." Ye Shizhong drank him. "Is it still too bad for us in Zhouguo?"

Mrs. Ye Da is not willing to tighten her lips. "If you don't say it, I won't say it. I am waiting to see a joke."

Looking at the lady who turned away, Ye Shizhong looked heavily at Ye Wei. "The situation of Da Shengzong and Ye Jia is not good today. Shengzongmen is convening all the factions to fight against the inflammatory fields. If we can If you have the opportunity to make a great contribution, you will be able to make a sin, let your heart go to Scorpio City, let her not attract people's eyes, and can't be known by others. You go to Dashengzong to find the head of the army and see what decision he made."

"Yes, father." Ye Wei nodded.

In addition to Ye Jia, other sects are equally vigilant about the return of Ye Hao, and all the nationalities sent people to Tianzhu City to investigate.

Their people have not yet arrived in Tianzhu City, and another amazing news has come out.

Modi is getting married!

"The children have it, are they still married?"

"Who is it?"

"Not just... Ye Hao?"

"What do you mean? Is Modi planning to go with the Yanmo family?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I heard that the real inflammation king is Ye Jingwei!"


Outside the city of Scorpio, there is a discussion about the marriage of Mo Di.

Supremely sitting in the corner of the inn, silently listening to other people's arguments.

Mo Di actually... want to lick Ye Hao! He is a saint who is already on the mainland of God. How can he become a protagonist in the Xuantian continent?

"The high priest, Modi really wants to marry the devil?" The evil will lower the voice and ask for the supremacy.

"The advanced city will say it again." Supremely said, there is an unspeakable feeling in the bottom of my heart.

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