Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1820: Do whatever you want

Ye Hao heard that the Ange saint was sent to find Mingxi, and he knew that his son would return soon. He was waiting in the yard for the past two days.

"Is waiting for Mingxi?" Modi walked in from the outside and saw Ye Hao standing in the courtyard, and his eyebrows were slightly picked.

"I said that I came back these two days. I still have no news. The stinky boy, I sent him a voice. He didn't return to me in one sentence. He came back and died." Ye Hao screamed, "Since Come here, Ming Xi’s temper seems to have changed..."

Modi asked with a funny smile, "Where did it change?"

"You didn't find it?" Ye Hao hooked the fingers of Modi. "When he was on the mainland, his temper was very calm, just as boring as you are. After he got here, his temper was naughty."

Although she is complaining in her mouth, she feels gratified. She has always worried that Mingxi is not like a normal child. Now, he seems to have a childish side. When he is on the mainland, he must be regarded as a Murong Cham. The object is learning, and in short, a small face with a carved face.

Modi grabbed her finger and looked at her in a low voice. "Do you think... I am bored?"

"Yeah?" Ye Hao looked at him. The focus of their concern seemed to be different. "You don't like to talk on weekdays. You have a face on everyone. Indifference is so daunting. Don't you be bored? ?"

"I am indifferent and alienated, making you daunting?" Modi's finger gently licked her chin. "I didn't find it before. You still have this feeling for me."

Ye Hao heard the wrong words in his words. "When I first saw you in the palace, weren't you such a person? You...you just didn't feel the same at that time."

“When?” Modi asked softly, pressing her lips against her lips. “When are you intimate?”

"You can't say it..." Ye Haohong glanced at him with a blank face. "This topic is too biased! We are explaining Xi!"

"It goes without saying that it is more important between us." Modi whispered, "Go back."

Ye Hao stood still, "Where did you go last night?"

"To repair the enchantment outside the city of Tianzhu." Modi took her up and strode into the room. "Hey, I won't be indifferent to you in the future, it will make you feel... passionate." fire."

"..." Ye Hao froze in his arms. I don't know why, she thinks of the fierceness of his when she wants her. Isn't that enthusiasm?

What does his enthusiasm look like?

"I didn't say that you are indifferent to me now, Azhan, we have something to say!" Ye Hao patted his chest. "What if the Ango saint can't find Mingxi?" Contact the song saint."

Modi gently placed her on the soft couch and looked at her with a low smoldering look. "Hey, I remember telling you that in your heart, the most important person can only be me, living by your side." The person is also me, not Mingxi or Mingyu."

"You are still jealous with your son?" Ye glared at his shoulder. "Is there such a slap in the face?"

"It doesn't work if you occupy your mind." Modi said faintly, he didn't care if he had children, but because Ming Xi and Ming Yu were born to her, he also loved them, but compared with Ye Wei, different.

Ye Hao turned his eyes and gave it to him. "Fortunately, I am not your daughter, or I have to be wronged. I said, my daughter is my father's lover."

Modi’s face sank and stalked Ye Hao’s waist close to himself. “You must have been in my life, not Ye Yiqing.”

"..." Ye Hao did not bite **** his chin. "You eat the inexplicable vinegar again. I don't care about you. You didn't do this before. How to become a person with the original, then So love jealous?"

"Maybe..." Modi bowed his head and kissed her. "It's not enough."

Ye Haogang felt his belt untied by him, and the nephrite on his chest was grabbed by him. She snorted, "pain!"

"Mother, mother, I am back!"

Suddenly, the voice of Ming Xi’s loud call came from outside, breaking the embarrassment of a room.

Ye Hao pushed the Emperor Modi and stood up in surprise. "Ming Xi is back!"

"I will see him again later." Modi gave Ye Hao in his arms, and a fine kiss fell in her ear.

"No, he is looking for me." Ye Hao cried, there was no meaning for wanting to linger, and he was satisfied with Mingxi.

Modi pressed her not to move.

"Tonight..." Ye squinted at his neck and whispered in his ear. "I can do anything with you tonight. It’s a big day, you let me go to see Mingxi."

"What do you want?" The ending of the Emperor Modi rose, and he was full of expectations for tonight.

Ye Hao remembered the spring pictures he had shown to her, and there were some pictures in it... it was so shy.

"You are getting up, if Mingxi ran in and saw it." Ye Hao urged him.

"Ming Xi did not dare to come in." Modi whispered, "Hey, promise me, don't lie."

"I won't lie, it's always you lie!" Ye Hao glanced at him, pushed him to sort out his clothes, and determined that there was no difference before he went out to see Mingxi.

In addition to the Mingxi and the fire phoenix that just returned, the courtyard is here, and the sage of the Ange is here. Ye Haoqing fortunately she has just decided to reject the Emperor, or it is really big.

"Ming Xi!" Ye Hao calmed his face. "Where did you go? How many microphones did I send you, how come you didn't return to me?"

"Too many people made it, I didn't listen..." Mingxi whispered, "Mom, you don't know, I was trapped in a jade that was stolen in the day. We haven't found it for several days. It’s easy to escape."

Fire Phoenix nodded beside him. "Yes, Mingxi was almost cooked."

"What happened, you were injured?" Ye Hao took Mingxi over and almost didn't take his clothes down to check.

"I'm fine!" Ming Xi hurriedly yelled, "It's not already back."

The fire phoenix opened in a cool, "not only came back safely, but also when I passed through the Xingyun Mountain, I brought back the hail that was hidden there."

Ye stunned, "What ice?"

She hasn't seen any hail for so long in Xingyun Mountain.

"Yan Ying, the former Yan Wang, has been hidden in the Xingyun Mountain." Huo Huang said.

Ye Hao was even more shocked.

Mingxi glanced at the fire phoenix. "Mother, I am also trying to protect myself."

"You told me to talk about it, stealing a hail, how do you protect yourself?" Ye Hao cried out awkwardly. "Don't bring me the hail!"

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