Modi's rough fingertips licked the chin of Ye Hao, recalling the process of fighting with Sakura two hundred years ago.

"It seems... she has appeared." Modi thought thoughtfully. "But I don't remember. How do you think that I would like you because of her?"

"Well, I just guessed it." Ye Hao said with a smile, the fact that the Emperor Modi had never touched a woman for hundreds of years, she thought that he really might not know what it was like at the time, "but you too Too outrageous, how can I feel that she is a man."

Modi said faintly, "The demon king has been wearing a mask."

"What if it was me?" Ye blinked and looked at him seriously.

"You..." Modi’s thin lips smirked, "Is it afraid that I will admit you?"

Ye Hao gently licked, "Yes."

Modi laughed, "Hey, you are stupid."

How could he admit her wrong!

Well, he really won't admit her, Ye Hao feels that he has asked a silly question.

Modi laughed softly, bowed her head and kissed her lips. The tip of her tongue portrayed the shape of her lips. It was gentle and lingering. He didn't like other things to occupy her too much thought. The best she saw was his. .

Ye Hao’s hand hooked on the neck of Modi, and his body leaned softly in his arms.

"Sweet." Modi kissed her earlobe, plunged into her robes and gently kneaded.

"Azhan, I want to see Mingxi..." Ye Hao whispered, wanting to leave from his arms.

Modi pressed her under her body, her voice was low and her voice was a little unpleasant. "Hey, don't be distracted at this time."

"Say good night..." Ye Hao.

"Start now, to the evening." Modi said.

Ye Hao scratched his chest. "Azhan, let's regenerate a child?"

"No, don't want one." Modi said firmly, reaching out to untie the skirt of Ye Hao.

"No!" Ye Hao did not know what to think, suddenly his face changed, struggling from the body of Mo Di, "A Zhan, I ... I am also born again, do you remember? I am born again on my sister, really The demon king should be Lu Yan, not me."

Modi frowned slightly and held her back in her arms. "How about that?"

"What's the matter, don't you think there is a problem?" Ye Hao cried, if it wasn't for her, Lu Yan might not... he would not die.

“What's the problem?” Modi asked faintly. “If she is the demon king in destiny, she will not die.”

Ye Hao’s mood was a bit low. She was holding Modi’s waist. “I just saw Sakura, and I suddenly remembered my sister.”

"You shouldn't think that Sakura is Lu Hao?" Modi looked at her with a funny smile. "What the **** is thinking."

"I am not thinking about it!" Ye took a look at him. "I saw a sense of familiarity when I saw Sakura."

Modi licked her head. "You think too much."

Ye Hao took his hand. "Let's go check it out, I don't trust."

"Oh, twice." Modi looked at her in deep gaze, and the tone seemed meaningful.

"What?" Ye Hao didn't understand what he meant, looking at him with a confused look.

Modi put her hand on a burning place and smiled faintly. "Remember, this is to be paid back."

"..." Ye Hao immediately opened his hand and glared at him. "You... shame."

"Let's go." Modi said with a smile.

Ange took the hail to the Xuanwu Temple. Although the fire phoenix did not like the Xuanwu Hall, it was still difficult to follow.

"Do you really want her to wake up? If she wakes up, is it still the demon king?" Ming Xi asked Ange indefinitely.

"A demon king without a magical Dan, what do you think she will do?" Ange gently waved his hand. "Reassure, people have seven souls and six scorpions. Her other souls have long since reincarnation. Now, wake up. After that, I still remember that I was still another thing. Besides, can she still beat your father?"

Mingxi thought for a moment and thought that Ange said it makes sense. "Well, you got her out first, and this hail gave me."

Ange's finger was lightly touched, and Sakura blossomed out of the hail, and a ray of light slowly spit out from the mouth of Ange, and did not enter the body of Sakura.

Huo Huang looked at Sakura Sakura with vigilance, although he also knew that the devil's magic Dan was on Ye Hao. However, this Sakura was the enemy of Xuantian mainland. He could not relax and be wary.

"Hey? Why don't you wake up?" Ange passed a spiritual force to the body of Sakura, and the other side had no faint changes except for the ruddy complexion.

"All said to be dead, how can you wake up." Fire Phoenix screamed scornfully.

"Impossible!" Ange shook his head, put Sakura on the ground, and reached out to test her breath. "She is still sleeping?"

Mingxi doesn't care much about whether Sakura can wake up. He doesn't know that person anyway. He is interested in Han Bing. Since the last time he played with the magician of the Yan domain, he always wanted to improve his repair. However, no matter how he cultivates, it is difficult to make progress.

The fire of his anger was not really utilized at all.

Maybe this ice can really help him.

"Small fire, we are gone." Ming Xi collected the ice and prepared to bring it back to his room for use as a bed.

"Good." Fire Phoenix nodded, and could not wait to stay away from this cherry blossom.

They just walked to the door, but they saw that Modi and Ye Hao came together.

"Hey, mother." Mingxi stopped, and he was always very restrained when he was facing the Emperor.

"Citymaster, ma'am." Fire Phoenix stood by Mingxi and looked at the ground.

"Ange?" Only two of them were seen, and Modi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ming Xi said, "He is waking up Sakura, we are going back."

Ye Hao pulled him over. "What about the cold?"

"Mother, I took the ice breeze back, and I practiced there in the future. The Ango saint said that he would do more with less in the practice of ice, and I will ask him how to practice when he arrives." Mingxi said with a smile.

"You!" Ye Hao poked his forehead. "I still have something to ask you."

"What is it?" Ming Xi whispered.

Ye Hao looked at Modi and said, "I will ask you later."

They walked into the Suzaku Hall and saw Ange in the eyes of Sakura.

"Wake up, wake up?" Fire Phoenix screamed in surprise, his eyes staring straight at the sakura that had already sat up.

Because of the relationship between the cold and the hail all year round, the color of the cherry blossoms is almost transparent, and the eyes are black and bright, and they are watching the songs.

"What is your name?" Ange reached out and shook her in front of her, and was testing her.

"What is your name?" 弑 Sakura is slow, and asks one word at a time.

"I am asking you, you are not asking me." Ange laughed at all kinds of styles, and it was rare to have patience.

Sakura Sakura looked at him and spoke slowly. "I am asking you, not asking me."

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