Ange frowned and stood up. "What, is it an idiot?"

Sakura Sakura followed him, "Idiot?"

“What happened?” Ye Hao asked in surprise. “How did she become like this?”

"It must be Ange who doesn't know what to do with her." Huo Huang immediately said.

When Ange didn't pay attention to the fire phoenix, he looked at Sakura and shook his head and sighed. "It's a pity."

"Only one soul and a half, it is not easy to wake up, the mind is naturally not sober." Modi said faintly, looking at Ang, indifference, "Since you wake her up, it is responsible for sending her away. ”

"Where to send it?" Ange rounded his eyes. "You don't want me to take her back to the mainland of China? I haven't passed the Tongtian River, she is dead."

Modi said coldly, "That is your problem."

Ange feels that his good quality and elegant saint temperament is completely useless when he meets Modi. "Are you a city owner, a holy emperor, what happened to an idiot?"

Ye Hao looked at the sakura, standing behind Ange, her eyes were clear and clean like a child, and she was unfamiliar and ignorant of everything around her, and looked around at a loss.

She doesn't seem to have a bit like an evil demon who will be plagued by Xuantian mainland. It is just a poor girl who is homeless.

"Or, let her live first." Ye Hao hooked the sleeves of Modi, "I see her..."

Her words have not finished, Yan Ying suddenly ran over, eyes brightly looked at Modi, both hands still want to hug him.

"Brother..." Sakura looked at him with pleasure.

"Roll!" Mo Di waved her out, his eyes cold and indifferent.

Ye Hao hurriedly took hold of Sakura, and asked strangely, "What do you call him?"

Sakura Sakura opened the hand of Ye Hao, and the eyes seemed to only see Mo Di, "Brother, brother..."

"She seems to only recognize you." Ange’s face resumed the gorgeous smile of Li Tao Li Li, and his eyes were full of ridicule. He felt that there was a good show.

Modi’s face was gloomy, “throw her out!”

The eyes of Sakura Sakura are filled with tears in an instant. It seems to be scared by the indifference of Mo Di, "Brother, brother..."

"Hey, such a flowery little girl, throwing her out of Tianzhu City is not too cruel." Ange said with a smile.

"People let her take it first. She has been sleeping for so many years, and she certainly has some problems." Ye Hao said.

Since Ye Hao is all open, Mo Di naturally will not marry her face. "Let Yin Siyue take her down."

Sakura Sakura looked at Modi lively, and seemed to understand why he was so indifferent.

"I don't want to go, don't want others." Yan Ying pushed away Ye Hao's hand and looked at Modi. "I just want my brother."

Fire Phoenix frowned. "I think she is still very awake, let her go to fend for herself."

Yin Siyue came in from the outside, standing in the sakura next to Ye Hao, her eyes flashed a mess.

"Take her down." Modi said coldly, if it wasn't because Ye Hao was easily soft, he had already thrown her into the flame desert.

"Yes." Yin Siyue had never seen Sakura before, so she did not recognize her identity. When she saw the face of the city owner, she had to rush to go and pull the hand of Sakura.

"Let me go, let me go, my brother, save me." Sakura cherry pitifully called Modi.

Modi’s face is even more ugly, and endurance seems to have reached its peak.

Ye Hao coughed a little and walked over to hook his finger. "She is now unconscious and looks like a child, don't care."

"Don't let her appear in front of me." Modi said indifferently.

"Oh." Ye Hao nodded. "Let's go back first."

Modi took Ye Hao’s hand and left the Suzaku Hall without returning.

"Oh, it’s wonderful." Ange patted his hand. It turned out that Modi was only different from Ye Hao. The sakura waking up actually used Modi as his brother. This is also fun.

"Ange saint, what is the sakura?" Mingxi asked.

"How do I know that only one soul and a half remembered Mo Di, it seems that I loved him very much in the last life." Ange said with a smile, "Well, yes, good, I don't know if there will be a good show next." ”



"Are you angry?" Ye Hao was taken back to the house by the Emperor, but he did not speak for a long time, did not know what he was thinking, she took the initiative to go to him, reaching for his waist.

"The supreme is in the city of Tianzhu." Modi coveted her, his voice was cold.

Ye stunned, "What? He came so soon?"

"You seem to be looking forward to it." Modi's tone added a bit of dissatisfaction.

"No, he actually went to Tianzhu City, I was surprised." Ye Hao immediately shook his head, how could she expect to go up to Tianzhu City, not afraid of him fighting with Modi?

Modi stretched his hand and pinched her cheeks. "The news that you and I want to get married is already spread."

"Do you really want to... get married again?" Ye Hao forcedly asked, "We are all married... three times!"

"The first time there was no room, it was not counted. The second time was on the mainland, not counting." Modi said faintly.

Ye Hao endured the urge to turn his eyes on him. "Well, it’s up to you, you won’t post it widely?”

“Fa.” Modi smiled lightly. “Let everyone know that you are my wife.”

"Whenever someone comes, it is not a shame." Ye Hao feels that the entire Xuantian mainland should still be jealous of her.

"There will be many people." Modi said with a smile.

Ye Hao knows that he is not a person who likes to be lively. Since he sent his invitation to go out, he must have his reasons.

"I won't see Sakura in the future." Modi whispered.

"You said that she once loved you, so even if there is only one soul left, I only remember you?" Ye Hao smiled and asked, she reached out and hooked his chin. "Beauty is not shallow, the Lord of Mexico."

Modi’s thin lips twitched a faint smile, and she teased him.

"If Ye Jingqi knows that Sakura is alive, I don't know what to think." If Ye Hao thinks thoughtfully, I feel that waking up Sakura is definitely a big influence for many people.

"It doesn't matter to you." Modi hugged her up. "Oh, it's just three things, it's debt."

"What, I haven't finished yet." Ye Hao said with no anger.

Modi smiled and looked at her. "It doesn't matter, there is time."

"You haven't told me what you did in Scorpio City?" The first thing is to come to her. Since he has already come to Scorpio, he can't do anything. He shouldn't think about it. Look for her in the tower.

"Oh, don't be distracted, don't think about other men." Modi bite her earlobe, no matter what it is, it doesn't matter.

Ye Hao bit his bit on his chin.

The room is full and the spring is boundless.

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