Supreme took the sakura, and Ye Hao’s heart in the air finally fell. She just worried that Modi would fight with him here.

"Azhan, how come you?" Ye Hao went up to the arm of Modi. "Don't you say something?"

"Yeah." Modi nodded faintly, "just passed."

This excuse... obviously knows that the supremacy came here.

"In fact, it is good to let the Sakura take away." Ye Hao said with a smile, "You are right."

Modi coveted her for a while. "You think it's a good thing, that's a good thing."

"Of course it's a good thing." Ye Hao whispered, although he knew that he was very cold to Sakura, but Sakura now only recognizes Modi, and every day his brother calls, for a long time, who knows what will happen, "In her long Living in a big place, maybe she can wake up soon."

"If she is awake, it is not a good thing." Modi said coldly, "She can only be a dead man who can't be a demon king again."

Ye Hao thought about it carefully, it seems that it is better.

Modi left her waist and Ange wanted to keep up, blocked by a transparent wall, and he was so angry that he yelled.

"Ange Saint, you have to be interested." Ming Xi patted his arm.

"What do you mean?" Ange asked, not understanding what Mingxi said.

Fire Phoenix laughed and reminded him, "When the city owners are together, you go to join in the fun."

Ange stunned. "I am good for him. If I don't follow him, if someone on the mainland of China comes to arrest him, no one will help him."

"Is your cultivation more powerful than my father?" Mingxi whispered.

"Ming Xi, you are getting less and less cute." Ange snorted.

"Ange saint, it is better to teach me how to practice in the hail." Ming Xi said with a smile.

"Conditions!" Ange said that he least likes to lose, and there must be exchange conditions.

Mingxi glanced at him. "Next time we go to the Yan domain together?"

"Cut." Ange snorted, "The inflammatory field is full of black pressure, what is fun."

"The world is on earth." Ming Xi said.

"Good!" Ange immediately nodded and promised, "Then I will accept your apprentice."

Mingxi frowned. "When did I say I want to worship you as a teacher?"

"What? You don't worship me as a teacher, but you want me to teach you how to practice. If there is such a cheap thing, let's talk about it. If you look at the entire Xuantian continent, who can become a saint's apprentice, change someone else, and certainly can't wait. I promised." Ange said with no anger.

"That is because others do not have a sacred emperor." Fire Phoenix said coolly.

"..." Ange was speechless. "You won, but you still have to call me a master."

Ming Xi said, "Okay, no problem."

Ange showed a smug smile. "Let's go, I teach you how to use the ice and the fire to match your cultivation."



Supreme took Sakura out of the castle. He didn't stay in Tianzhu City. He couldn't let other people know that Sakura had already woken up. Even though she had only one soul left for a while, she was still a terrible for others. The presence.

"High priest, this...not..." The four great devils will be shocked when they saw Sakura, and they are really the demon king.

"She is no longer a devil." The whispering said, put the sakura in the carriage, "first return to the field."

"Go back now?" The solitary stunned. "The high priest, don't we bring Ye Hao back?"

Looking up at the sakura, "Unless Ye Hao himself took the initiative to return to the Yan domain, we would not take her away. Let's go back first, she will come to us."

The four great devils will look at each other and look at the still slumbering sakura, and whispered, "The high priest, since the sakura demon wakes up, then she..."

"There is no magic Dan, no matter whether it is Ye Jingwei or Sakura, they can't be the King of the Demon. The thing that wakes up from the cherry blossoms, you must keep it secret, you can't leak it." The high priest ordered.

They forget the magic Dan! Except for Ye Hao, Ye Jingwei and Yan Ying have no magic Dan.

"The high priest, you can rest assured that we will not say this thing." The four great devils will say.

"Let's go." Supremely said, before dark, he left Tianzhu City.

Soon, the news of the supremacy passed to the tower.

Modi was talking to the four great guards on the main hall. When he learned about this incident, he only raised his eyebrows faintly, and he did not feel surprised. It seemed that this incident was already in his expectation.

"The city owner, the invitation to marry your wife has been sent out. The people of each sect have sent people to attend the wedding. Recently, there are more and more warriors in Scorpio City, most of them are to inquire about the city owner and his wife. Bai Baifa said with a deep voice.

"Where the city owner, when will they get them to inquire." Yin Siyue snorted.

Bai XIII said, "The city owner, although after you and your wife left Tianzhu City, we released news to truly disclose the identity of Ye Jingwei, but the various denominations still have doubts about the lady."

"Even if they doubt it, do they want to come to the siege?" cried.

Modi looked at them and said, "When do you know when the various sectarian countries are going against the Yan domain?"

"This..." White Thirteen is in a dilemma. "The city owner, I heard that the Tang Guoguo and the Shengzongmen have been arguing, and there is still no date."

"Tang Guoguo and Shengzongmen want to use this opportunity to become the biggest sect and country in the Xuantian continent. No one will give the opportunity to show off the limelight. They all want to replace the status of Tianzhu City." Said.

Modi faintly beheaded. "The most important thing in Tianzhu City today is the wedding, and the various owners are called back."

Yin Siyue bowed his head and his eyes flashed a bit.

"Yes, the city owner." White Thirteen felt puzzled. The city owner has always disliked the excitement. This wedding has almost invited the heads of all the sects of Xuantian, and always feels like doing something.

"That's it." Modi whispered that he had disappeared from the top position.

He went to the backyard to find Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is trying to red dress, only a few days, everything is ready.

"Is this too tight?" Ye Hao looked at herself in the mirror and felt that the position of her chest seemed a bit tight. It seemed that she was too exaggerated in front of her.

"Madam, this is all done according to your size. If you relax a few inches, the clothes will not fit." Embroidered mother said with a smile.

Ye Hao held her chest, she remembered that she had not been so tall before...full.

"Let's do it first." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I have something to change, I will tell you."

She still quietly relaxed a bit.

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