When Modi came in, he just saw Ye Hao still looking in the mirror.

"What's wrong? Do you not like this clothes?" Modi walked behind her, watching her blushing red dress, bowing her lips and kissing her.

"No, this red wedding dress looks good, that is... do you think I am fat?" Ye Hao said sadly. "I didn't look so much meat before."

Modi glared at her thin waist with a grip, "Where is fat?"

Ye Hao is embarrassed to say that her chest is full and too full, she whispered, "It is fat, you did not see it?"

"I look." Modi turned her body over and looked up and down. "The meat is too little."

"Where there is less meat!" Ye Hao grabbed his hand and put it on his chest. "Look, there wasn't so much meat here. It's more obvious to wear this clothes. I want to relax the waist position so that it doesn't look like It’s too ugly.”

Modi’s fingers poked her chest gently. “Is this fat?”

"Don't move." Ye Hao glanced at him. "You go out, I have to change clothes."

"Do you not feel that you are fat?" Modi surrounded her with one hand. "I will see where there is more meat."

Ye Hao patted his arm. "Don't you."

"It is a lot bigger than before." Modi untied her clothes and held the soft nephrite.

"That is because I have born Mingxi and Mingyu..." Ye Hao whispered, "I have already given birth to a child, and I have to be a relative, will I be laughed at?"

Modi laughed softly and bowed his head and kissed her. After a while, he said, "You look... or my little girl."

Ye Hao smiled sweetly, picked up his toes and kissed his mouth. "Well, the mouth is sweet."

"Just like this?" Modi looked at her like a smile.

"What do you want?" Ye Hao poked his chest.

Modi hugged her up and "needed a bigger reward."

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask you." Ye Hao slipped out of his arms. "How did you just let the supremacy go?"

"Otherwise?" Modi faintly asked.

Ye Hao thought carefully. "He is not your opponent. However, he took the sakura away very well. After all, Sakura is the one he brought, but how can Sakura only recognize you?"

"Do you think she recognizes me? If she recognizes me, she will not approach me." Modi said coldly, he is the one who killed her, how could she dare to approach him.

"But..." Ye Hao said with a smile. "She calls your brother."

Modi held her chin, "Do you still want to tease me?"

"Don't dare." Ye Hao blinked at him and blinked.

"After waiting for a pro, go to the Yan domain." Modi contains her pink lips, "cultivating the regenerative exercises."

"You... accompany me?" Ye Hao asked indefinitely. He was the nemesis of the flaming demon. If he went to the Yan domain, it was not to scare those sins.

Modi looked at her slightly, "Do you want to be with you?"

Ye Hao immediately shook his head. "Of course not. I just want you to stay with me."

"Well, since you are so hopeful, I will naturally accompany you." Modi smiled lightly.



Since the sakura was taken up, Ye Hao’s days in the tower were even more dull. If there is Mingyu here, she would feel like she was returning to the Jinguo harem.

What she is asking for is this kind of plain and warm life.

Mingxi has been following Ange’s cultivation recently. I heard that it has been worshipped as a teacher. Because of this, Modi has been unhappy for a long time.

His son actually went to find someone else as a master.

"Madam, someone is asking for it outside." The voice of the ring came out.

Ye Hao is awkward, who will come to her? "Who wants to see me?"

"Da Bao said that it is a girl named Ye Muxin."

“Yemu heart?” Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a surprise, “Let Da Baofa invite her in.”

I thought that there was no chance to see Ye Muxin again.

Ye Muxin outside the tower is very embarrassing at this time. She is not the first time to come to Tianzhu City, but it is the first time to come to the tower. This is the most mysterious place in Xuantian mainland. She does not know that Ye Hao would like to see it. she was.

"Ye girl, my wife invites you to go in." White Thirteen appeared in front of Ye Muxin and whispered to her.

Seeing the white thirteen, Ye Muxin stunned. "You...it was the great law of the city of Tianzhu."

Ye Muxin smiled very reluctantly. In fact, she had long known that Bai Shi is a big guardian. It was just because Ye Hao was surrounded by the city that she had never had the chance to see him again.

"Yes, I have been offended by Ye Hao before, please forgive me." Bai XIII whispered.

"Where have you offended me, you have saved me several times." Ye Muxin was sour and hurriedly bowed his head.

White Thirteen looked at her, "Ye girl, please come in with me."

Ye Muxin gently nodded and followed the white thirteen into the tower. She looked at his firm and generous back and remembered that he had saved him several times. "I... Actually my grandfather asked me to come to Ye Hao." ”

"Is Yeah girl not wanting to see her lady?" White Thirteen slowed down and looked back at her.

"I certainly want to." Ye Muxin immediately said that although Ye Hao is not her cousin, but they have suffered several times together, she has long regarded Ye Hao as a sister, "I just don't want you to... misunderstand It is."

White thirteen smiled a little, "Ye girl's intentions for the lady, everyone knows."

Hearing him saying this, Ye Mu’s mouth smiled. “Thank you.”

"Thank you?" Bai 13 asked doubtfully.

"Nothing." Ye Mu smiled heartily. "This building is really big."

White thirteen looked at her again and took her to the backyard.

Ye Hao has been waiting in the courtyard, seeing the figure of Ye Muxin, happily walked over, "wood heart!"

"Auntie!" Ye Muxin's eyes lit up and he walked over to hold Ye Hao's hand.

"Mrs." White thirteen lined up a ceremony, "The first one retire."

Ye Muxin couldn't control himself, turned his head and looked at the back of Bai Shi left.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao asked with a funny smile. "I can't bear the white thirteen?"

"Where, don't talk nonsense!" Ye Muxin's cheeks were red, and he hurriedly turned his head back. She looked at Ye Hao. "How are you? I thought I would never see you again."

Ye Hao took her hand. "We went inside to talk. I thought I couldn't see you. I didn't expect to be back."

"After a long time after you and the city lord, it was said that Ye Jingzhen and the supreme sage... It is the savage king and the high priest of the Yan domain. What is going on? Where are you going?" Ye Muxin asked worriedly.

Although everyone knows that Ye Hao is not an evil demon king, but the magical scent of Ye Hao has been shown, so many people still taboo her.

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