Ye Hao listened to Ye Muxin’s heart and asked a few questions. She smiled and shook her head. She said helplessly, “You asked so much at once, how can I answer?”

"It doesn't matter, I have more time, you can say slowly." Ye Muxin said.

"I really have a magic Dan, and it has been refining, but I am not an evil king, Ye Jingzhen is the reincarnation of Sakura." Ye Hao did not say that Sakura has already woken up, "I have also been to the Yan domain, actually It’s not like everyone’s heard, the sorcerer...and the horrible and horrible you imagined, if you have the chance to go to the Yan domain, you will know what I am talking about.”

Ye Muxin said with a smile, "I don't know what kind of person you are? Since you said that the fire is not terrible, then they are definitely not terrible."

"Actually... there are also terrible things. Just like our Xuantian mainland, there are also brutal and ill-intentioned bad guys." Ye Hao whispered, "I have lived in the Yantian for a few days. I have seen their children, indeed. ,Very poor."

"Auntie, you are not really an evil king?" Ye Muxin whispered.

Ye Hao chuckled. "If I am really, are you afraid?"

"Others, I may be afraid, if it is you... then I am not afraid at all." Ye Muxin patted Ye Hao’s shoulder. "Actually, I hope that you are in your heart. You can ask me to go to Yanshi to play." It’s your, and it’s yours, maybe you don’t have to fight on both sides.”

"There are not many people who think like you. There are many people in Xuantian mainland who want to completely eliminate the evil spirits." Ye Hao whispered, she really hopes not to fight, after all, Yan Tian and Xuantian mainland war, The most hurt is the innocent people.

Ye Muxin coughed softly and took a move like a needle. "In fact, this time I came to Tianzhu City, it was... my grandfather asked me to come."

"Hmm?" This is what Ye Hao had expected. If he did not get the consent of the parents of Ye, Ye Muxin could not appear here.

"Are you still willing to go back to Ye Family?" Ye Muxin tried to ask.

Ye Hao did not answer, just looked at her like a smile.

"In fact, I don't have to ask, I know your answer. I changed it for me. I don't want to go back. Ye Jiake is not a good place. Anyway, I am not ready to persuade you. I just want to look at my grandfather." You are very good here. I heard that you want to be married to the Mocheng Lord. Later, you will be the righteous lady of the city. The entire Xuantian mainland has not dared to bully you." Ye Muxin said with a smile.

"I remember that your grandfather had already cleared all relationships with me. Looking for me to return to Ye Family. Are you afraid that Ye Family will be tired of me?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Ye Muxin snorted. "Don't look at the Ye family. It seems to be very beautiful. In fact, it has long been a slap in the face. Since the true identity of Ye Jingzhen and the supreme sage has been made public, the lord has completely left the Ye family. Grandfather wants to ask you to go back. Most of them want to use you to please the country. I don’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing for you. If it is not right, there is absolutely nothing good."

"Are you coming to persuade me?" Ye Hao laughed.

"Of course, I advise you not to return to Ye Family." Ye Muxin said with a smile, not worried about whether he would be blamed by Ye Boshu after going back.

Ye Hao smiled and looked at her. "Right, how is the Great Holy Zong now?"

"Not very good." Ye Muxin sighed. "Since the eruption is the identity of the high priest of the Yan domain, the Great Shengzong has been rejected by other sects. Even the kingdom of Zhou Guo has been condemned, and Shengzongmen actually wants to order. The sects of the whole continent want to completely remove the name of the Great Shengzong, and the head has to start the Fengshan enchantment, and call the disciples who are more prominent in the Zongmenli home, so as not to be hurt, the elders are discussing countermeasures. But so far, there is no way to discuss it."

"Some disciples feel that there is no future for staying in the Great Sacred, and they want to withdraw from the Great Sacred." Ye Hao’s voice is very cold. She has been in Dashengzong for more than a year. How can she not know the snobbery of some disciples? Mentality.

"In any case, the supreme identity has not been explained in a day, and it is difficult for the Great Saints to stand on the Xuantian continent." Ye Muxin sighed, "Is it really a high priest?"

Ye Hao said, "Even if it is the high priest of the Yan domain, how can it be that if it weren't for him, Dashengzong can still stand up now? It has long been eaten by the holy sect, and he has never done anything wrong. What is the qualification of the people of Xuantian mainland to crusade him?"

"You don't know, those people are all sloppy, they are actually villains, just like you were dealing with you." Ye Muxin said.

"Because the good and the evil, some of them are more fearful than the inflammatory." Ye Hao said coldly, "Well, don't mention them, you will stay, stay here for a few days."

Ye Muxin’s eyes are bright, “Can you?”

"Why not? Can you not drink my favorite wine and go?" Ye Hao asked.

"Think! Of course!" Ye Muxin grabbed Ye Hao's shoulder. "How long can I live? You don't have to keep me with me. I don't want to go back to Ye Family."

Ye Xiao smiled. "So afraid of going back, is there a demon ghost waiting for you?"

"It’s terrible than the devil and the ghost." Ye Muxin cried bitterly. "My mother wants me to marry."

"Haha." Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Ye Muxin lived in the castle. However, Modi did not like outsiders living around his yard. Ye Hao had to call the big manager of the tower.

"Uncle E, please trouble you to arrange a room for Mu Xin." Ye Hao said to the general manager who always looked sad.

"Yes, ma'am." Fenyi bowed his hand and said to Ye Muxin, "Ye girl, please come with the old man."

Ye Hao said, "You go to rest first, and I will go to you tomorrow."

"Good." Ye Muxin nodded with a smile. The city tower is the most mysterious place in Xuantian mainland. It is a great honor for her to live.

It was not long before Ye Muxin left, and Mo Di came back.

"I am going to find you." Ye Hao saw him appear at the door, smiled and walked over, took the initiative to hook his arm. "Today I went to see Mingxi, and the Ango saint seems to teach very well." of."

"Who is coming to you?" Modi felt the smell of an outsider here, frowning unhappy.

"Yemu Xin, I used to take care of me in the Great Shengzong." Ye Hao said, "Ye Boshu wants to let her come to persuade me to return to Ye Family."

The eyes of Modi flashed a sullen, "Get rid of."

"Hurry up, Ye Muxin is different from other people in Ye Family." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I have left her with me for a few days. At that time, I can't have a family member."

"You like it." Modi looked down at her.

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