At the beginning, Ye Family was planning to let Ye Lan marry Mo Di. At that time, every woman who married Ma Di was murdered. No one would marry him. Later, he sent people to Zhou Guoguo. The girl married to the great law of Tianzhu City.

Isn't that white 13?

"You seem to be looking forward to it." Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Ye Muxin gently bit his lower lip. "I just like him."

"Well, it's fine." Ye Xiao smiled and nodded.

"Hey, hey..." Fire Phoenix yelled outside. "Come on, come on, something went wrong."

Hearing the sound of the fire and urgency, Ye Hao stunned. "What happened?"

"Those people are coming again!" cried the fire phoenix. "And more than the last time, Feng Zicun, Li Xianrong, and the **** sect of the elders of the Soviet Union... They are all looking out to the city outside the tower."

"Feng Zicun is the king of the Tang Dynasty?" Ye Hao slightly frowned. "Do these people want to besieged the city?"

Ye Muxin followed from the inside and heard Ye Hao’s words. "Impossible, those people should not dare to do this again."

"I heard that the four countries and the major sects have sent people, and now they are still being stopped outside the tower." Huo Huang said, because Modi is going to be married, the enchantment of Tianzhu City has been solved. These people Nature can easily enter the city.

Ye Hao sinks up, she knows Modi very well, whether it is on the mainland or here, he is not a person who likes to live like a show, so he has to marry her this time, she has been surprised, carefully pondering He must have been intentional.

"What about the city owner?" asked Ye Hao.

The fire phoenix shook his head gently. "I don't know."

"Auntie, will it be related to crusades?" Ye Muxin whispered.

"They really don't give up." Ye Hao's voice is cold, and the sorcerer hasn't hurt the mainland for many years. These people always want to kill the genie, they are not for the benefit of others, not for the protection of the heavens. The people, but to prove that they are the most powerful country or sect.

Proving yourself with the blood and life of others is really... great.

"The city owners will definitely not pay attention to them, rest assured." Huo Huang said, "How do they face such a thick skin, less than half a year, so forget about their once siege."

"I will go and see, Mu Xin, you go back to raise your wounds." Ye Hao said.

"Hey, I am going with you." Fire Phoenix called.

Ye Hao looked at him. "Don't you say that you want to go to Mingxi to practice?"

"I don't like to see Ange." Fire Phoenix smashed, he was born with An Ge, and the two were bickering together.

"You send the wooden heart back, I will go on my own." Ye Hao patted his head and said.



In addition to the Tang Guoguo, the Ningguo Guozhu also came here. They all came to participate in the wedding of the Emperor, in fact, for what, only they know best.

"The city owner invited everyone to wait in the hall." Bai Xie personally came out and ushered them into the tower.

Modi gestured calmly and sat on the top, even if there were two heads of state below, he did not intend to stand up.

The lord of the Tang dynasty, Feng Zicun, saw the posture of the Emperor Modi. The young and flamboyant face flashed a touch of dissatisfaction, and felt that the Emperor Modi did not put people in his eyes.

"You are driving to the tower, I don't know what's going on?" Shen Ying, standing next to the Emperor Modi, bowed his hand and asked quietly.

"I know that Mocheng is mainly married, we congratulated before, can't we?" Feng Zicun held his hands behind his back, straightened his waist and asked with pride.

There are still a few days from the wedding. Congratulations at this time, who can believe?

Shen Ying looked at the Emperor.

Modi smiled lightly. "That would thank Feng Guozhu."

The elders of the Blood Lingzong stood up with a smile. Because of the perennial cultivation of ghosts, his face looked very pale. Even with a gentle smile on his face, it still gave birth to a bit of chill.

"Oh, the Lord of Mexico, we are here to congratulate you, but also have something to ask for." Su Da elder smiled.

"Please sit down," Modi said softly.

Feng Zicun looked at Modi and glanced in his heart, sitting proudly in the first seat on the left.

On the status of identity, it should be Taiyimen. Li Moqun is more highly respected. However, when he was besieged last time, he was confronted with Tianzhu City and he had handed over with the wife and children of Modi, so although he was sitting here, he always Silence does not speak.

"Mucheng Lord, we must say sorry to you about the last incident." Li Xianrong said with a smile. "Everyone was deceived by the supremacy and Ye Family. The original supremacy and Ye Jingzhen were the high priests of Yan. And the devil."

Modi faintly raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Xianrong indifferently.

Li Xianrong was seen by the Emperor Modi with his eyes on the back. He smiled even harder. " would it be a fire?"

"Li Zhangmen, is the meaning of your words, is it my fault?" It was Li Moqun who found that Ye Hao had a magical atmosphere.

"Mo Taizun, the identity of the supremacy is now very clear, do you still insist that Mrs. Mo is related to Yan domain?" Feng Zicun asked mockingly.

Li Moqun looked at the Emperor Modi. "The repair of the Mocheng Lord is far above the old man. Can you not see that there is indeed a demon in the lady?"

"Yes." Modi nodded lightly, his eyes were cold and sharp, and his thin lips floated with a mocking smile. "How about that?"

"I heard that each generation of the demon king reincarnation will bring the memory of the previous generation, and the magic Dan will follow the reincarnation. Ye Jingzhen is the reincarnation of Sakura, but the devil is on the body of Mrs. Mo, Mrs. Mo. There is no memory about the inflammatory magic at all. Then she is not an evil genie. However, the new generation of the demon king has no magic dan. Is this not a good thing for our Xuantian mainland?” Said.

Li Xianrong nodded. "Mucheng Lord, we hope that you can lead everyone to fight against the evil spirits again."

"What did the evil demon do?" Modi’s voice was cold. "Two hundred years ago, I killed Sakura, because she wanted to occupy the city of Scorpio. The people who killed it have already killed. Now you want to attack the sorcerer. , why?"

"The fire is not removed, it is a threat." Feng Zicun said.

"Feng Guozhu, then your courage is too small, even an evil demon who has no magic Dan is afraid." Modi said coldly.

Li Moqun looked at Mo Di, "The Mocheng Lord seems to be very tolerant of the inflammation."

"I thought that I was disdain to kill those who didn't even have self-protection." The temper is difficult to survive now, and he doesn't have to kill it.

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