
What is the answer!

No one in the entire Xuantian continent will be able to see the fire, but what does this have to do with crusade?

"Mucheng Lord, do you remember what the inflammatory demon did to our mainland a thousand years ago? If we are not guarded, we will certainly suffer such tragedies in the future," said the elder Su.

"You only remember what the evil spirits did to Xuantian mainland. How can you not remember how your ancestors treated the sorcerer?" The crisp, indifferent voice came from the outside, and a beautiful figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Ye Ye!" Li Moqun stood up, his eyes staring at Ye Hao, and soon found the difference between Ye Hao, "What about your magic Dan?"

"What is your business!" Ye Hao said coldly.

Li Moqun was stunned and his eyes became more sensational. He looked at Ye Hao. "You have refining the magic Dan. Only the high priests of the Yan domain can refine. Have you colluded with the supreme?"

"You know the evil demon!" Ye Hao sneered. "I am refining my magic dragon. Who helped me refine it? What do you have to do with you? You said that an old man doesn't want to think about how to help you." The sects are carried forward, and they think about killing people all day long. Are you not afraid of wicked things and do more?

Li Moqun was stunned by Ye Hao’s words, and he couldn’t speak for a long time. “You...you...”

Others didn't dare to laugh, so they had to cough with a low head and cough.

"Mrs." White thirteen whispered. "You said it wrong, Mo Taizun would have no children!"

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "Sorry, I said wrong."

In order to cultivate a unique method, Li Moqun has retained his spirit from the palace when he was young. He is proud of today's revision, but he can say it in Ye Hao. He thinks this is a shame.

"Mr. Zhaomo said so, is our mainland sorry for the devil?" Feng Zicun snarled.

"I'm sorry, I can't say it, but now, the sorcerer is on their one-acre three-point land. Why do you always want to kill and kill them? Who are they in the Yan domain?" Ye Hao slowly walked into the hall. Looking back at them, "I want to prove my position in the Xuantian continent, why don't you kill yourself and take the flaming demon to prove yourself, what do you mean?"

"Mrs. Mo, two hundred years ago, Sakura had tried to attack the mainland and killed many warriors in the Xuantian continent!" Li Xianrong said.

Ye Hao sneered, "Is it? Isn't it because the martial artists saw it, so it was killed by the sakura? I remember that Sakura just wants to get the Scorpio City, right, the Mocheng Lord."

"Sakura wants to let the sorcerer live in Tianzhu City, and I refused." Modi said, looking at Ye Hao.

"The king of the Tang Dynasty, since the death of Sakura, has your people been killed by the sorcerer? Li Zhangmen, what did the sorcerer do to your holy sect? There are also blood sects and Taiyimen, you... ...so you can't wait to destroy the sorcerer, isn't it because you don't know how many disciples and even elders in this sect are actually sorcerers?" Ye Hao's mouth floated and smiled, his voice was not high and he echoed in the hall. .

Everyone looked at Ye Hao violently, and there was an embarrassment on his face.

Ye Hao smiled. "Maybe, some of you are actually inflammatory, just to prove that you are human, so you have to hate the evil to show your position?"

"Mrs. Mo, the mouth said nothing, you can fall to us." Li Moqun screamed in anger.

"I just doubt, it is not that you must be the sorcerer." Ye Hao waved his hand. "In fact, no matter how many people in your martial art are killed, are they killing people? If not, you will Can't you be a normal disciple? If they don't show up, even if you kill the entire sectarian disciple, and can prove it, can you get it?"

"You will kill the evil spirits. Do you not hate the hatred of those who lurk in the Xuantian mainland? It is their kind, after all, it is better to give everyone a peaceful place to live together."

Feng Zicun said, "Because of this, we have to fight against the evil spirits. By then, those who are hidden in the Xuantian continent will naturally reveal their true colors."

"If they deliberately do not appear for revenge in the future?" Ye Hao asked coldly, "If the most trusted person around you is actually taken over by the wicked? Can you guard against it?"

"It seems that Mrs. Mo has already regarded herself as an evil demon, saying that you are not an evil king, who can believe it!" Li Moqun snorted.

"Even if I am an evil king, how about?" Ye Hao went to Li Moqun a few steps, his eyes cold and glaring at him. "I killed your family, or dig your grave. I have lived for so many years, no. I have done a bad thing, how many people have you killed, how many things have you done, you said that I am a demon, your heart is demon!"

Li Moqun was blocked from speaking, pointing to Ye Hao.

"You don't think that killing the evil spirits is for the heavens. You don't think that the evil spirits are evil. Shouldn't you live in this world? I want you to see, what is the devil, what is evil, who is the one who eats and does not spit bones. The monster!" Ye Hao's hands condensed a group of dazzling spiritual power, and there was a huge curtain in the middle of the hall.

In the light curtain, the smoke was everywhere, and the screams came out from time to time. The tall, strong and powerful sorcerer fled in a panic.

The sound of the bone-cutting meat is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. All the light curtains can see are blood, and almost no clean places can be seen.

This is the real blood flow into the river.

A man in a robe grabbed a woman who was very tall and had no ability to resist.

The man bite into the girl's neck and the blood spurts out. He **** greedily.

"They are inflammatory, not our kind, they must kill them."

"Kill them, don't let them grab the spirit with us..."

"Help, save lives."

The knife fell and the blood splashed.

“I heard that a girl who has eaten an enchantment can make her body stronger and stronger, and the spiritual power is better!”

"Catch those girls."

"Eat them! They took our food, we ate these girls..."

A pile of white bones.

The river is bloody.

Thousands of flaming devils ended up with less than five hundred. They struggled to find a place to survive, and finally survived in the flaming field.

No sunshine, no flowers, only ferocious monsters.

They fought the monsters for hundreds of years before finally becoming their masters.

This is why the evil spirits later entered the mainland of the palace to hate the roots.

Everything is due to cause and effect.

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