Guanghua Shengzun stood in front of Modi, and his posture was arrogant. He did not say a word, waiting for Modi to ask questions.

Modi’s thin lips were slightly picky, and it was ridiculous for the pretentious gesture of Guanghua. He took Ye Hao’s hand and prepared to turn and leave.

"Holy deity, how come you are here?" The voice of An Ge came from afar. The dazzling figure appeared in front of everyone, and suddenly came to the side of Modi, laughing and laughing. Looking at Guanghua Shengzun.

"Ange, how are you here?" Guanghua squinted at Ange. He didn't know that Ange was also in Tianzhu City. Modi was really good, and he was able to make Ange so loyal to him.

"I... followed by the brothers, Modi is my brother." Ange pointed to Modi, eyes looked at Guanghua innocently.

Guanghua showed a smile. "The Mocheng master is really good, and he can leave the mainland without being sealed."

Modi glanced at him contemptuously. "If you have something to say."

The implication is that if there is nothing else, then roll.

"The emperor has an order, and you want to go back to the mainland of God immediately." Guanghua is cold and cold, he can't understand, even if the Emperor is enthralled by the nine thunder and lightning, why can he ignore the rules of the gods, even the seals? If he didn't leave without permission, he would still be a relative in Xuantian. If he violated the rules like this, he should have abolished it and sent him into Tongtianhe.

"I know." Modi said faintly.

What do you mean? Guanghua’s eyes are pumping, what does he know? What does the meaning of Mo Di’s words mean that the children who passed him Guanghua’s words will not be made?

"Modi, don't think that you have been thundered by nine lightnings. You haven't been sealed yet. You are not a saint on the mainland of God." Guanghua said in a deep voice, he is still a sealed sage, and Modi sees it. He didn't even have a gift.

"What about that?" Modi asked softly.

He was not rare to go to the mainland of God. If it wasn't for the glory of the original glory, he did not intend to release the repair to withstand nine lightning. If it was not the day when he and Ye Hao became married, he did not want to let go of Guanghua.

Guanghua has never been known for many years, and he thinks that he is calm enough, but when he faces the Emperor, he knows that he will still be angry.

"Oh, Guanghua Shengzun, how can you go to Xuantian mainland? Is it the purpose of the emperor?" Ange said with a smile, he did not want Modi and Guanghua to fight, when Guanghua Shengzun must It will be played very badly, and the crime of leaving the gods on the mainland is even heavier.

"The emperor has a life, and you are required to return to the mainland of God immediately." Guanghua said coldly, his eyes sternly watching Ange, "Ange, you are a saint, you know the mistakes, you know that you have not been sealed yet." When you leave, you actually let the Emperor return, and you have married a woman in the Xuantian continent. If the emperor blames it, can you afford it?"

The smile on Ange’s face froze. Of course he can’t afford it. But Modi wants to marry his wife. Is that what he can stop?

Although everyone who has not left in the square has lowered their heads, but everyone is a cultivator, they can easily listen to the dialogue above. The more they listen, the more they are scared.

According to the meaning of the Guanghua Holy Word, the Emperor Modi has been... experienced nine lightning and extraordinary sanctification?

Nine thunders...that's not just a saint!

Fortunately, they have not been an enemy of Tianzhu City!

"Guanghua sage, the meaning of the emperor... Is it necessary for the Emperor to go back immediately?" Ange whispered.

"Yes! If you don't immediately go back to the mainland of God, hey, the consequences are conceited." Guanghua Shengzun said coldly.

Modi smiled faintly. "I have a voice, I know."

"It seems that you are not planning to go back to the mainland of God." Guanghua smiled and looked at Ye Hao, who was next to Modi. "All continents know that you are indifferent, even if you don't go to God's mainland, you are lacking in love." Today, I will stay in Xuantian for a woman. If you let the emperor know, do you think he will let you go? You can survive the high strength, then your woman? Just because she has magic Just want to survive?"

Modi’s deep and sly scorpion floated a layer of frost. “Guanghua, I don’t want to start. You’d better leave. You should be very clear. Even if I kill you here, I will not be exposed to God’s mainland. punishment."

Guanghua’s face suddenly changed. In fact, when he knew that Modi had left the mainland of God, he was thinking about watching the drama. Even if Emperor Zun did not abolish the cultivation of the Emperor, he must also be punished in the Tongtian River for a hundred years. However, there is no news on the emperor's side. It is simply a blind eye and a connivance of the Emperor.

He suspected that Modi had a backing on the mainland of God, but he did not want to admit it.

Is it true that there is really a relationship between Modi and Emperor?

"Modi, you are used to arbitrarily in the Xuantian mainland, thinking that you can also be arrogant in the mainland of God?" Guanghua warned, "Don't forget, you have just arrived on the mainland."

Modi went to Guanghua for two steps. A small enchantment condensed between the two of them. "What can I do on the mainland of God? I can’t do anything. It’s not that you can say more than one saint. You Deliberately alarming the emperor, let the emperor order you to send a message, do you think... you will be better off in the days of God’s mainland? You want me to go back to the mainland of God, then you must be mentally prepared, I will definitely Let your days go through very bad times."

Guanghua’s face was a burst of white, and he was not afraid of the threat of the Emperor, but he said the words of the Emperor.

Isn’t Modi not in Xuantian? How do you know what happened on the mainland? In order to let the Emperor know that Modi had left the Gods on his own, he also let the people of the Holy House secretly spread the words everywhere, which shocked the Emperor. So, he has inadvertently offended the Emperor?

"Roll! Otherwise, I will personally send you to leave." Modi said coldly.

Guanghua withdrew from the enchantment of Modi, and looked at him gloomyly. "Okay, okay, I really look down on you."

"Sacred, there is something to say, there is something to say." Ange said with a smile, he always felt strange before, he and Modi left God on the mainland for so long, no news at all, listen to what Guanghua said today Does Modi have a backing on the mainland of God?

He didn't know it! Modi did not tell him.

"Ange, do you want to stay here, when there is nothing else, you have to be locked in the Tongtian River!" Guanghua looked at Ange coldly.

"Sacred, I came to see my brother, always persuade him to go back." Ange said with a smile, when the emperor really asked the crime, he also wanted an excuse.

Guanghua snorted and left with two other saints. "Mu Di, you are waiting!"

He is definitely not going to give up!

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