Until the Guanghua Shengzun left the tower, everyone in the square did not return to God.

Ye Hao took the hand of the Emperor, "Azhan."

"Yeah." Modi looked at her with a smile, pinching her soft hand and indicating that she didn't have to worry.

Ang’s beautiful eyes stared straight at the Emperor, as if to see a flower on the face of Modi.

"Feng B, Bai XIII, drop off the guest." Modi whispered, leaving Ye Hao with him.

"Wait for me!" Ange shouted loudly and hurriedly followed.

In a twinkling of an eye, Mo Di and others have disappeared on the steps.

"What about people?"

"I was the one who was on the gods of the gods. Did you hear what he said?"

"I heard, Mo Di He... is it an extraordinary sanctification?"

"Guanghua Shengzhao does not seem to dare to think about the Emperor Modi, is the position of the Emperor Modi higher than him?"


The discussion in the square sounded like a pan.

Wu Yi and Tang Hanyan looked at each other. It seems that Mo Di is already superbly sacred. If Ye Hao has a bit of benevolence to the Great Sacred, then they will not be afraid of being annexed by other sects.

Li Xianrong whispered to Li Moqun, who was next to him. "Mo Taizun, it seems that the big mountain of Tianzhu City, we can't pull it down."

"Then wait for others to come down." Li Moqun said coldly, the gaze of the eyes looked at the direction of Guanghua Shengzun.

Others have no thoughts at this time. There is only a strong feeling of happiness. They are not offended by Scorpio City. The blaze is self-defeating. Ye Hao’s words are so clear, and it is offensive to offend her. Yucheng, hehe, they don’t want to be an enemy of Modi.

Fenyi and Bai 13 began to send away the guests in the tower.

Ye Hao was taken to the underground palace by Mo Di, and before the door of the underground palace was about to close, An Ge came in and came in, "Mu Di, what to do, what should I do? Should we go back?"

"Go out!" Modi looked at him coldly.

"It’s all time, you are not nervous? You... are you holding me something, are you on the mainland of God? Is there a backing? The emperor gives Guanghua a warning, but he has not ordered you to go back. This is too inconsistent with the rules of the mainland." An Ge blocked the door and did not let the door of the underground palace close.

Modi squinted slightly, and was very helpless about the rogue behavior of An Ge.

"No matter what punishment, you will be safe, can you feel at ease?" Modi said softly.

"This is almost the same!" Ange nodded. "No, this is not the most important thing. Do you really not go back to the mainland?"

Modi said faintly, "I don't worry, I will go when I go. Emperor will not come to arrest me personally."

"You answer me a question, I will leave immediately, I will listen to you in this life." An Ge stared at the Emperor.

"Ask." Modi's thin lips are slightly hooked.

An Ge swallowed his throat. "Have you seen Emperor Zeng already?"

Modi looked at him and said, "Yes."

"..." Ange squinted, "When?"

"A problem." Modi said faintly, raising his hand and waving Ange to the underground palace, the door of the underground palace was closed.

Ange squatted on the door. "Mu Di, clearly, when did you see Emperor, how can I not know? Who are you?"

Ye Hao vaguely heard the voice of Ange. She turned her head and looked at Modi. Looking at his handsome and handsome jaw, the words of Guanghua Shengzun were still in her mind. Don’t say that Ange would be shocked, even she felt very Surprised.

The man around her... identity seems not so simple.

"What are you thinking?" Modi whispered, holding her in her arms.

"I am worried." Ye Hao whispered, "I don't want to be separated again. I don't want to do it all day. Do you still remember to promise me?"

He promised her that no matter what happened, he would not be separated from him.

"Okay, we won't be apart." Modi whispered, hooking her chin and kissing.

Ye Hao put his hands on his arms and actively kissed back.

On the occasion of the confusion, Ye Hao was pressed against the wall by her, her legs were wrapped around his waist. "Wait... wait a minute, let's go back to the room."

"Yeah." Modi took her earlobe, hugged her up and walked in from another door in the underground palace.

It is a new house that has been carefully installed.

“How can there be a room here?” Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"I often practice here." Modi said in a mute, "It is also from here to the world, meet you."

Ye Hao discovered that there was a wall in the room that was strange and looked very colorful and beautiful.

"Can you still pass?" Ye Hao wanted to get out of his arms.

"I can't go." Modi whispered, put her on the bed, "Hey, today is our cave night, don't think about other things."

"How can I not want to, the Guanghua Shengzhao looks like it won't stop, I am worried that he will deal with you." Ye Hao said.

Modi kissed her lips. "He is just a villain, insignificant, not in his heart."

"When do we go to the Yan domain?" Ye Hao's slender legs hooked his waist. This question she always wanted to ask, but could not find a chance.

"Go tomorrow." said the Emperor.

Ye Xiaomei smiled and hugged his neck tightly.

In the bridal chamber, the candlelight was turned red, and a pear tree was pressed against the sea.

On the next day, Ye Hao remembered that he did not seem to get the answer to the question he asked. What is the life of the Emperor? She thought about it, even if she didn't know it, it would always be known at any time.

Today they are leaving Tianzhu City, Modi did not intend to bring other people, but Ye Hao wants to let Ming Xi follow them.

She does not want to let Mingxi stay alone in Tianzhu City.

Just as Mingxi’s cultivation came to an end, he came out of the cold ice and found that his own fire suffocation seemed to be finally able to be applied to the immortal practice. Although it could not be completely used, it was not dead before. The power of the law has been much stronger.

Modi did not intend to bring other people.

Bai 13 said with concern, "The city owner, let the next one go to the Yan domain."

"No, you stay with you." Modi said faintly.

"The city owner..." White thirteen face stiffened, "His subordinates... are not in a hurry to get married."

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "You are not married now. If the wooden heart is taken away by others in a few days, your city owner will tell you the uncle, he will help you with the marriage, wait for you to become a relative, then go to the Yan domain. Find us."

White Thirteen looked at Modi and knew that the decision of the city owner was no one can change.

On the flying ship, Ye Hao looked at the endless city of Tianzhu. She turned to ask Modi. "Those people in Xuantian mainland will go to the Yantian area?"

"I don't dare to learn the lesson." Modi said softly.

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