
Ye Hao rounded her eyes and looked at Ange, and looked up to the top. When he saw his face turned strangely, she knew that Ange said it was true. She used to know the meaning of double repair. Later, Modi and her Together, every day, she said in her ear to help her improve her skills. She said that the two are together in a double repair. She also said that her physical constitution is most suitable for double repair. She and Mo Di are husband and wife, and it doesn’t matter if they do double repair. It is the first to follow...

"In fact, you can practice without double repairs." She said quickly that she is already the wife of Modi. He naturally would not be delusional. Even if he thought about it before, he would not agree with his temperament.

Ye Hao sighed and couldn't help but smack the Emperor Modi. He must know that the regenerative method was to be double-educated. He didn't tell her, did he want her to practice supremely?

No, he seems to have said that she will not let her practice the regenerative exercises with the supreme.

"I will accompany you to practice." Modi's voice came in a low-humidity in her ear. Ye Hao's cheeks were reddish. When he saw him look good, he knew that he had told her by voice.

"That, let's go to the Magic Palace and talk about it." Ye Hao said, "Right, what happened to Sakura?"

Slightly smiled, "She is in the priest's house, except for the four great devils, no one knows that she woke up, and waited for the future... I will take her away."

"That Ye Jingzhen... Is she still in retreat?" Ye Hao frowned, she always felt that the existence of Ye Jingwei was still a big threat, I don't know when she will go crazy.

Different from the supremacy, Ye Jingzhen should still think about crusade against the mainland.

If Ye Jingjun becomes the demon king, then the Yan domain really needs to be very hot.

"Yes, and the Great Devil is protecting her for the law." The supremacy said that now the Magic Palace has been divided into two factions, and even the first ones support Ye Hao to be the inheritance of the Magic Dan. They both support Wang Jing and So I also married a few devils, and they all stood on the side of Ye Jingwei.

If Ye Jingzhen really re-cultivates the magic Dan...

It is impossible to condense the top of the eye. It is impossible for Ye Jingzhen to cultivate the magic Dan.

“Do you know where she is going to retreat?” Ye Hao asked, isn’t it necessary to retreat to kill her? Then can she not be strong first?

"I'm still looking for it." The whispered, he didn't want to stop Ye Jingyi's cultivation in the past, but she didn't know when she had left the magic palace. Now she is still hiding in the deep mountains to practice, and there is a big demon to cover her. It takes time to find out.

Ye Hao said, "Let the Ango saints help us find it."

Said, she turned to look at Ange, but the guy did not know what he was thinking, looking at the sky with a gaze.

Supremely, I looked at the Emperor Modi. "The Mocheng Lord has a profound relationship with the Yan domain. I came here and hoped that... you can hide your identity properly."

"You can rest assured that you won't let the demon know that he is Modi." Ye Hao promised, "And, we also warned on the Xuantian continent, no one will come to crusade."

"Not necessarily." The supremacy is to know what Ye Hao said in the castle. Because of this, he thinks that she is more valuable. It is more hopeful for them. "Feng Zicun has called the military army to the Yan domain. coming."

Ye Hao’s face sank, “that guy is still not dead!”

"Feng Zicun is young and full of enthusiasm. He wants to be a blockbuster in the Xuantian continent. If he can defeat the Yan domain, then he is the second Mocheng master." The supremacy said.

"When he comes, let's talk." Ye Hao's eyes brightened, and she already thought of a good way to deal with Feng Zicun.

"Hey, are you thinking of something?" Fire Phoenix got to Ye Hao's side and looked at him curiously.

Ye blinked and said with a smile, "I will know when he comes."

"Come on." Looking up at the palace in front, flying under the ship, it is already a magic palace.

Their flying ship is invisible, and the flying ship on the mainland of God can also hide the pressure, so there will be no inflammation to detect their arrival.

"Ange saint, why don't you get off the boat?" Ye Hao found Ange still standing on the deck in a daze, she looked at him doubtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh, oh." Ange returned to God and saw the Magic Palace snoring again, muttering to himself. "Nothing wrong, even the palace is the same, how can this be?"

Ming Xie came to him. "Master, you have been talking to yourself for a long time. What are you talking about?"

"No, I haven't been to this inflammatory field yet. I have to take a good look at this opportunity." Ange said with a smile.

"There is nothing to look at, there are black pressure everywhere, not even a glimpse of the sun, let alone those flowers and plants, and I feel annoyed when I look at it." Fire Phoenix said, to the Yan domain, he would rather hide. Go inside the space.

Ange frowned. "That's more to look around."

"Wait, I will take you there." Ming Xi said with a smile.

"Don't you go around, if you scare those fires?" Ye Hao said, "And, don't let Ye Jingjun's people find you."

She didn't want to stun the snake, let Ye Jingzhen know that she would send someone to stop the cultivation of the rejuvenation method. She hadn't found out where Ye Jingxi was, at least until she broke Ye Jingyu's cultivation.

"You can rest assured that we have a stealth cover that will not be discovered," Ange said.

Mingxi’s eyes lit up, “Invisible hood? What is that, Master, show me.”

"Don't worry, don't worry when we go out. If you are small, I have to change it for you." An Ge said.

Fire Phoenix jumped on the side, "I have to go."

"Are you not abandoning the black pressure outside?" Ange raised his eyebrows to see him.

"Hey, I am going to protect Mingxi." Fire and Phoenix screamed.

Ange smiled and did not care about him.

When I arrived at the Magic Palace, the temperament of Mo Di's body changed automatically. Even the appearance looked a little different. It didn't look so strong and sultry before. He walked silently around Ye Hao and kept a certain distance from the top.

On the supremacy, I saw Ye Hao, who was walking around the Modi, and his heart was bitter.

"Have you been here?" Ye Hao whispered.

"I have been to Mingxi before." Modi said faintly, "I have been there a few times before, what happened?"

Ye Yan sighed, "The enchantment of the Magic Palace is just like the play for you."

"The enchantment is now stronger than before." Modi smiled and said that the supreme cultivation was unexpectedly high.

It should be... can be extraordinary in the realm of sanctification.

"Zhan brother is really the best in the world." Ye Hao said with a dogleg.

"Where does the lady mean?" Modi asked faintly.

Ye Hao laughed, "All."

"Well, the lady thought that I still looked good." Modi said coolly.

"..." The man is really careful.

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