The flying spirit ship was hidden in the darkness of the magic palace. Ye Hao, they came to the priest's house. When they first entered the temple door, they saw that the evil would walk in a hurry, and the look did not look right.

"What happened? Sakura?" The supreme look of the evil will be wrong, and the heart is tight.

The evil will see the supreme sigh of relief. "The high priest, his subordinates have been watching the sakura adult, the devil suddenly came, and the lonely can't stop him. I originally wanted to help... When I went back, I sakura Adults... are gone."

"I said, don't leave her in one step." The last twilight came cold.

"It’s damn!" The evil will collapse.

Supremely angered the chest, "I will go back to her immediately. She has no memory for this place, but there are still many people in the Magic Palace who remember her, in case it is discovered..."

If you find that Sakura will bring back to the priestly palace, it is still a good thing. If you take it to Ye Jingwei, that is trouble.

"What's wrong?" For the first time, Ye Hao saw such a dignified look on the top. Isn't it true that Sakura is in trouble at the Magic Palace?

Supremely said, "Sakura has ran out and brought her back. I didn't let other people know her existence."

“Does the other know that it is not good for her?” Ye Hao asked.

"Ye Jingxuan is born again on the body without the roots. If she finds that the body of Sakura is awake, she will take it away..." Although Ye Jingzhen is the rebirth of Sakura, it seems to him that he is already two different people.

He hopes that Sakura can maintain such a childlike innocence, not to be hurt by Ye Jingzhen, and not to think of more things.

Ye Hao yelled, "Let's go get her back."

"Already people have to look for it." The first look at the evil will give a glance, the evil will immediately turn and stride away.

In any case, I have to find the sakura, and I can't let Ye Jingqi get her.

Ye Hao turned back to Mingxi and they told me, "You also go out to find Sakura, you must find her."

Mingxi originally planned to go around with Ange, and when he heard Ye Hao’s instructions, he immediately agreed. "That I went with Master."

"I will go too!" cried Fire Phoenix.

"Azhan, let's go find it." Ye Hao took the hand of the Emperor, "Sakura seems to be a child. If it is caught by Ye Jing, there is no power to parry."

Modi faintly looked at the top, and he was led by Ye Hao.

The Magic Palace is very large, except for the palaces where the Demon King lived, as well as other palaces such as the Devil, the King, and other palaces. Together with the Temple of the Priest, the entire Magic Palace cannot go down one day.

"There are few people in the Magic Palace." Ye Hao and Mo Di found it and found that this magic palace was somewhat different from her imagination.

"Not quite a lot." Modi clenched her hand, and there was a fascinating enchantment between them. He had played against the sorcerer, although many of the sorcerers now have albinism, but those who practice Those who have passed the magic are all living for hundreds of years. They are not born as a close relative of Ye Hao. Now they are all in the magic palace, some become the demon, some become the devil, some become the devil. Respect, all are improved than the two hundred years ago.

As for why not come out, it is probably still measuring what.

Ye Hao looked at him sideways and whispered, "What do you mean?"

"There is no closure," Modi whispered. "Perhaps, it will appear soon."

"I understand, they said that it is a retreat. In fact, they are waiting to see. I want to wait for me and Ye Jingwei to fight for you. In the end, who is the most likely to become the demon king, they will go out to vote." Ye Hao from the words of Mo Di Analyze his meaning.

Modi smiled at him and said, "There is progress."

"What do you mean by this, too small to see me!" Ye Hao whispered softly.

"Well, don't dare." Modi's eyebrows were dyed with a smile.

Ye Hao’s eyes were watching all around, and he said coldly, “I don’t know how these evil spirits hiding in their own nests are now a difficult stage in the survival of the inflammatory field. How do they still think about themselves, is it important to be the demon king? ?"

"For them, it is very important." Modi feels that these people who do not appear may not want to rely on Ye Jingwei. There should be a large part of the reason that Ye Xie's attitude is still unclear.

Ye Hao didn't want to be an evil king, they figured out that loyalty was useless.

"Strange, where did Sakura go?" Ye Hao temporarily ignored the people who were hiding. She just wanted to find Sakura as soon as possible, but after searching for a long time, she still did not find her trace. Others have not sent any messages yet. It seems that it has not been found.

There is no movement around the Magic Palace. If someone finds Sakura, it should cause alarm.

Modi did not answer, and finding no one would have no effect on him.

"Do you have any way to find Sakura?" Ye Hao suddenly turned his head and looked at Modi brightly.

This kind of look like the owner's eyes... Modi stretched out his hand to cover her eyes, "No."

"How come, no, you are so powerful!" Ye Hao smiled and pulled his finger. "You can find her, right."

"No, there is only one woman I can find without hesitation in this world." Modi’s voice is faint, and there is no spiritual power in Sakura. He is really hard to find her. As for other methods, he does not intend to try for her. .

Ye Hao felt that she should not feel like a flower at this time, but her mouth could not help but curl up. "Let's continue to find her."

Others also have no news of Sakura.

The supreme is the high priest, he can sense the abnormality of the entire magic palace, but he still can't find the cherry blossom.

On the other side, Mingxi they found it more arrogant.

An Ge took a stealth cover and simply changed it to Ming Xi and Huo Huang. They were looking around in the magic palace with impunity.

“Where is this?” They came to the palace farthest from the priesthood and found that the atmosphere was more repressed than before.

"Look, King!" Fire Phoenix pointed to the man who came out of the hall. The man had no hands, and it looked like a horrible horror. The whole body exudes the breath of the stranger.

Mingxi frowned and glanced at him. Of course he recognized that the man was a king, and his hands were abolished by his father.

"He is already a waste person, can he still stay in the Magic Palace?" Ming Xi whispered, he remembered that the demon had almost no human feelings. Everything was based on self-cultivation and could live in the palace, at least it was already Magician clothes level.

"Don't forget, he is the son of the great demon." Fire Phoenix said.

Ange frowned and looked at the king. "You said that he is a waste person? He is rebuilding the sea with the inner beast of the monster, and the ghost is repaired. He is preparing to win."

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