Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1849: You are not Lu Hao

"What do you say?" Ye Hao’s hand holding the hilt was loose, and his face was white. "Ye Jingwei, what do you mean by this?"

Ye Jingzhen pulled Ye Jian’s sword out of her chest. She wanted to play the magic of the magic dragon, but I don’t know why, how can the magic Dan not summon the power of the demons, is it true that Ye Hao said that the children of the evil spirits? They are all sick, and their blood makes her sick as well?

"What do I say, are you not very clear?" Ye Jingyan sneered.

"No, impossible!" Ye Hao shook her head. When she was born again on Lu Yi, she had a memory of Lu Yan. Her sister was a kind and lovely girl. It was definitely not as vicious as Ye Jingying.

Ye Jingwei pushed the blade of Ye Hao firmly, and the other hand clenched her white ice sword. "If it weren't you, I would not die."

"You won't be Lu Yi, I won't believe it." Ye Hao's face turned white, how could she not believe that Ye Jingxi would be her sister.

"This is the fact, you owe me, give it back to me now!" Ye Jingqi screamed, the sword in his hand lifted high and slammed into the heart of Ye Hao.

Her sword fell on Ye Hao's body, but she couldn't get into her heart. Her wrist was entangled in the whip of the next day.

"I didn't owe you." Ye Hao looked up at Ye Jingyi. "You are not Lu Yi, even if there is a relationship, it is also Sakura, not you, you just know the memory, Ye Jingwei, even if you are Lu Hao After you have killed so many children, do you think that I can let my heart let you go?"

Ye Jing's face changed, impossible! She had seen Ye Xin’s heart before, Lu Yan has always been her heart and weakness, why is it useless?

"I was surprised? Why didn't I be fooled?" Ye Hao completely suppressed Ye Jingwei. "Because you never know Lu Yan, I don't know what I know about her."

"You..." Ye Jing's eyes widened, clearly in her grasp.

Ye Yan looked at her with a slight smile, and the five arrows of the next day pierced into the dantian of Ye Jingzhen.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Ye Jingyan laughed wildly. "Ye Ye, you are so stupid, actually sent the power of the demons to the door."

The power of the demons was continuously transmitted to Ye Jing's magical dragon through five arrows. The magic Dan she had just refined was greedily absorbing the magic, like a rising child, needing breast milk irrigation.

Ye Hao looked at her indifferently and passed on more magic to her.

"This is what you want?" Ye Hao smiled faintly, "Give you."

"Enough!" Ye Jingying's eyes became fearful. Her magical dan was just refining. Unlike Ye Hao's millennial heritage, she couldn't bear such a powerful magic. Her magical endurance has reached its limit.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Not enough, I will give it to you."

"No..." Ye Jingxi struggled to break free. She wanted to stop Ye Hao from giving her the magic. Her magic Dan had cracked.

"What are they doing above?" Ange asked questioningly.

Modi looked at Ye Hao with a burning gaze. "You will know it later."

“What do you want Ye Hao to do?” Remaining asked about the cold poison, “Go up and help Ye Jingzhen.”

When the cool poison heard the remnant, he was trying to save Ye Jingzhen, and the supreme scepter had fallen on him.

"You are no longer the demon of the magic palace." They whispered to them, "In the name of the high priest, you will be permanently driven out of the field."

"Supreme, you are not qualified to do this!" The face of the great demon is greatly changed.

Looking up at him, he looked at him faintly. "Remaining, you know, I can do this."


In midair, Ye Jing's screams spread throughout the abyss, her voice was fierce and resentful, and a strong fire bloomed between her and Ye Hao.

"Ye Jing's magical dan is ruined!" Ange raised an eyebrow. "Small cockroach is really good, I thought she would be cheated by Ye Jingwei."

Modi's thin lips were slightly picked, and since Ye Jingyu began to confuse Ye Hao, he knew that his embarrassment would not be fooled.


A loud noise, Ye Jingying's figure fell like a floc, her magic has completely disappeared.

Remnant and cool poison saw this scene, and I felt desperate in my heart.

The other sorcerers took a deep breath and unconsciously stepped back. They looked up and stayed in the air, and the whole person was surrounded by flames.

Dazzling, splendid, dazzling, people dare not look straight.

This is the new generation of the demon king.

"All the sorcerers’ orders, starting today, must not step out of the inflammatory field for half a step. They must not harm the innocent people of the Xuantian mainland without any reason, and must not harm the people. Your most important thing is to cure the diseases in your body and let the evil spirits avoid the genocide. The disaster." Ye Hao coveted all the fire, her voice is gentle and clean, but very firm.

Supremely, I kneeled down on one knee, "the order of the king."

Other sorcerers also followed his majesty, and the abyss came with a neat and loud voice. "The order of the lord of the king."

"The high priest, the remnant and the cold poisons have maimed a thousand babies, and the sins are not sinful. I want them to never be born again. The other demon sorcerers will be handed over to you, and they will be driven out of the Yan domain. They will never return." Supremely said.

"Yes, my king." The whispered.

Ye Hao returned to the side of Modi and smiled at his lips.

Modi took her hand and left the abyss.

It was not until I left the ice that Ye Hao took the arm of Modi. "How did I just do it?"

“Very good.” Modi said with a smile. “When did you learn to summon the power of the demons?”

"I saw it in the space." Ye Hao whispered, "There is nothing in your space. When I have time, I will search for a search. Maybe there are more good things."

"You have got the best." Modi's mouth raised slightly.

the best? Ye Hao looked up at him and said, "Is it the best?"

"What do you say?" Modi asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded. "You are the best."

Ange rolled his eyes to the side. "Do you have enough love? Think about the feelings of others."

"Mother, mother!" Suddenly, Mingxi’s voice came from not far away.

Huo Huang and Ming Xi came quickly, "Hey, Feng Zicun took people to attack the Yan domain."

"His speed is very fast." Ye Hao heard cold eyes, "Do you know how many people he brought?"

"Five thousand." Fire Phoenix said.

Ye Hao slightly frowns, the number is still quite a lot. It seems that the strength of Tang Guo is much stronger than they know. "Is it sakura?"

"In the demon king, it was originally seen by the sorrow, and brought her to the demon." Mingxi said, "The evil will not be the opponent of the demon, we will help out, give the demon... killed."

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