The internal disturbances in the Yan area have just subsided, and before they have time to catch their breath, Feng Zicun has led troops to attack the Yan domain.

Both the Great Devil and the Cold Poison have been ruined and destroyed, and they are put into the ninth-level prison. They can only live and survive until the last life is exhausted, and there is no chance of rebirth.

And Ye Jing's magical Dan is broken, and she also has albinism. After falling into the abyss, she has no breath. Without the guardian of the magic Dan, she has no chance to live again.

Supremely cleaned up the mess, re-arranged the sorcerer who was originally enchanted by the Great Devil, and then returned to the Magic Palace to return to Ye Hao.

The two-hundred-year-old genie was re-aggregated today.

"Mother, don't you worry about Feng Zicun? Why don't you let people go to fight?" Mingxi looked at Ye Hao with an eye, and couldn't understand how he could calm down after his mother. Don't he worry that Feng Zicun would really break the enchantment?

"Worried." Ye Hao nodded, but his eyes kept watching the sakura of the puppet, absent-minded, thinking of Lu Yi, who was once remembered.

Mingxi cried, "I am going to fight."

"Azhan!" Ye Hao did not hear Mingxi's words. She turned her head and looked at the Emperor Modi who was sitting in the chair of the Taishi. "I think my previous guess is correct, and Sakura is Lu Hao."

"No matter whether it is or not, she has no memory." Modi touched her head. "Don't be deceived by Ye Jingwei."

Ye Hao sighed. "Sakura now looks like a child."

Ming Xi sighed aside, he always knew that his mother's life is not simple, her name is Lu Hao, but he sometimes heard the father is called her Ye Hao.

Ye Hao, the original match of the father, is also the sister of Lu Hao.

It seems that...the mother is Ye Hao.

However, these are not important. Isn’t the most important thing now, is Feng Zicun? What is thinking after the mother.

"Mother, Feng Zicun will come in." Ming Xi reminded me again.

"Is it up?" asked Ye Hao.

"I am here." The supreme came in from the outside, holding the scepter in his hand. He looked at Ye Hao with a gentle and calm look. "Feng Zicun's things, I know, hey, do you have anything to tell? ?"

Ye Hao nodded. "Yes, we don't need to fight with Feng Zicun. He must still avoid the plague of the fire. I told him before that albinism is contagious. He should be dubious at this time. Now he has no albinism. There are not many cultivators who have cultivated. If they fight with Feng Zicun, they will definitely be hurt. It is better to let them leave with other methods."

Supreme does not want to fight with Feng Zicun, regardless of winning or losing, it is a kind of injury to the Yan domain.

If there is no albinism, it is another matter, but this disease will now kill the genitis, and they will cherish life more.

"That... what method should I use?" asked supremacy.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at Mingxi. "Let Ming Xi with four great devils, and a few people who have been infected with albinism and inflammation, let Feng Zicun see what the albinism is like."

Mingxi’s eyes lit up. “Mom, what do you need me to do?”

"I will tell you later," Ye said with a smile.

"Then I will arrange for the four great devils and other evil spirits." The whispered, he did not ask if Ye Hao had any arrangements. I believe she would have a way. He went to the side of Sakura Sakura and whispered. She took a few words and left with her.

When I left, Mingxi got to the side of Ye Hao. "Mother, what are you going to do?"

"When you see it clearly, the person around Feng Zicun... Give this to him, and the other side is not aware of it. Can you do it?" Ye Hao whispered in Mingxi's ear.

"That's too easy." Ming Xi came over the porcelain bottle in Ye Hao's hand. "Mother, you wait for me good news."

"Feng Zicun is already a tributary peak, don't be too proud." Modi looked at Mingxi faintly.

Ming Xi put away his smug smile on his face and nodded solemnly. "Yes, the father."

"Let Huo Huang go with you." Ye Hao told me that after all, Feng Zicun brought 50,000 warriors, and she was still worried about the safety of Mingxi.

"I will help Mingxi." Fire Phoenix said with wings.

Ye Hao’s bright eyes look to the side of the Ange.

"Look at what I am doing?" Ange sat up straight and found that Ye Hao and Mo Di were watching him. His elegant gesture instantly became fragile. "Do you want me to follow? I am a saint, can't Intervene in these things."

"Ange saint, not let you go to fight, Mingxi is good to be your apprentice." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Modi looked at Ange faintly. "You can't go."

"You...too bully, or a saint!" Ange felt the threat of Modi's tone. He snorted and stood up with grievances. "Ming Xi is my apprentice, if this little thing is If you can get hurt, it will be shameful."

Although he said this, he still left with Mingxi.

The temple only leaves Ye Hao and Mo Di.

Ye Hao took the initiative to sit next to Modi and extended his hands to hook his arm. "When I rushed Feng Zicun away, I began to practice rejuvenation."

"You can also practice now." Modi evoked her chin and bowed her lips.

"You already know that the regenerative method is to be like that?" Ye Haohong asked.

Modi licked her pink lips, "I heard that."

What I have heard, it must be clear.

"Do you still know how to cultivate?" Ye Hao bit his finger, the most clear about his belly black essence.

Modi buried her face in her neck and laughed out loud. "Well."

"You are really..." Ye Hao pushed him. "I hope to be able to practice early. We have been here for too long. When we go back, Mingyu will forget us."

"No, blood is thicker than water, you are always her mother." Modi whispered comfortably.

Although I think so, I feel sorry for my heart.

"Let's go out to see the palace." Ye said, "To count how many inflammations are albino, before I can cultivate them into a regenerative exercise, I can only rely on medicine to keep them steady."

Modi clenched her hand, "Okay."

"You seem..." Ye Hao got in front of him. "Since you have been in the Yan domain, you seem to be all by me, A Zhan, why?"

"If I intervene, those sorcerers will not hear orders, and you will not get the power of the demons." Modi whispered, "For the sorcerer, I am an enemy that they will never forget."

Ye Hao thought about it carefully. It seems that this is the truth. "We will not live here anyway."

Modi smiled at her, "Well."

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