Feng Zicun did not think that things would develop to this point. Ten thousand people went out, and it was less than half a day. All the eight thousand people who came back were infected with plague. Dozens of people could hide it. How could 8,000 people hide?

Everyone is afraid, even if he ordered them to attack the fire, they would not listen to it.

"The Lord, can't go on like this anymore. This plague is terrible. If we all get the plague, eventually everyone will die."

"Yes, the Lord, we... we talk to the Demon King."

"No one in the Xuantian continent can cure our disease. Only the evil spirits know how to heal."

Feng Zicun listened to the next sentence and asked for it. His heart became more and more violent.

"The Lord, Mo Taizun was taken away!" Outside came a warrior with white hair. He was kneeling in front of Feng Zicun. "Mo Taizun... Mo Taizun was infected with the plague, and his skill was lost. The child has been taken away."

Mo Mingxi! Is he not poisoned?

Feng Zicun looked at the black sky under the faint gaze. For the first time, he felt powerless. He was too conceited. He thought that he was bound to win the inflammatory field. He did not expect it to be normal.

"Order, withdraw from the enchantment, and ask Ye Hao to come out and meet us." Feng Zicun mourned the order, "Let her give us medicine, we will retreat."

At this time, Ye Hao had already retired and began to practice the regenerative exercises. Everything in the Magic Palace was always on the spot.

Ming Xi took Li Moqun to the priest's house and handed it to the top.

"Feng Zicun retreats. As long as we hand over the medicine that can cure their albinism, they will leave the Yan domain and never make it again." Ming Xi looked at the top, and he knew that both the mother and the father were retired. I don’t know when. When he came out, the mother told him to listen to the words he had, and he took Li Moqun back to life.

"I will personally go to see Feng Zicun." The low-lying look at Li Moqun, let the evil will take him first.

Ming Xi said, "Since Feng Zicun has surrendered, there will be nothing in the Yan domain."

"Yes, the embarrassing method is really useful." The faint smile in the upper eye, without the need to sneak out with Feng Zichuang, can make the other side know, "Ming Xi, how do you let those people get infected with albinism?" ?"

"This is my mother's way, I don't know." Ming Xi waved his hand. "The disease on them is up to one month. If they want to leave the field completely, they can't be more than a month."

Supremely decapitated, "I understand."

"Without my business, then I have also closed down." Mingxi said.

Looking at the back of Ming Xi’s departure, he sighed softly. He knew that Ye Hao would not stay here for a long time. She always had to go back to her place. He was somewhat contradictory, thinking that she would soon To cure the albino's albinism, I hope she can stay here longer.



Mingxi went to find Ange and looked for a long time before finally finding him at the entrance to the abyss.

"Master, what are you doing here? It's too cold here." Mingxi hid under the wings of the fire phoenix, looking puzzled at the Ange sitting in the abyss.

"Go down." Ange hooked his finger and threw a cold shackle to Mingxi. "I am studying here."

Ming Xi entered the abyss and suddenly felt that the whole body was warm and the aura was very abundant. "Where is it? Actually, the aura is so abundant."

"In the past few days, I have carefully examined the terrain of the Yan domain and finally confirmed my guess." Ange whispered.

"What speculation?" Ming Xi curiously asked, feeling that Ange seems to know what secret.

Fire Phoenix laughed, but still erected his ears.

"In the history books of the Gods, thousands of years ago, the inflammatory field used to belong to the territory of the Gods of the Gods. It was only used to breed the beasts. Later, there were spiritual beasts who cultivated wisdom and did not want to be driven by saints. All the beasts of the leader rebelled against the mainland of God. After decades of **** struggle, although the gods of the gods won, they did not completely eliminate those spirited beasts, but also the place of Yan. Abandoned, and never let the beast leave the control again, that is, fear of repeating the same mistakes.” Ange talked about a long history, this is a very secret past of the gods, because it is not a very glorious thing, so few people will know.

Ange will know this history and it is also a casual chance to see it inadvertently.

"You mean, the fire demon is the spirit beast that was raised on the mainland of the gods. Although they have evolved into an adult, they are still not able to be accommodating. Is this reason?" Ming Xi asked strangely.

"Smart, know how to make a difference." Ange praised the nod. "However, I have always been very surprised. Why is there no spiritual power in the Yan domain? According to the truth, it can not be the place where the gods of the gods were captive in the first place. It should not be Such."

Mingxi looked at everything around him. "It's different from other places. Isn't the inflammatory field without spiritual power and sunshine? Is it sealed?"

Ange suddenly realized his finger, "Seal! It is not a seal, it is... it is trapped!"

"What do you mean?" Mingxi was confused and did not understand what Ange was saying.

"I said that the place in the Yan domain was covered by something, so the spiritual power disappeared. This place is the most boundary of the inflammatory field. It may not be completely obscured, so you can feel the spiritual power." Ange explained it in a low voice.

Mingxi was shocked. "What can cover the entire field?"

Ange touched his chin and looked up at the black sky. "I don't know this, I might have to look at it."

"Let's go and see?" Mingxi's eyes lit up and felt that there was something fun.

"I am going, you can't." Ange smiled and looked at Mingxi. "Your cultivation is not enough. If you go up, you will not come."

Ming Xi said, "I am not dead, Master."

"Oh, yes, forget this." Ange raised an eyebrow. "If Modi knows that I will take you up, I will definitely kill you."

"No, my mother won't let him beat me." Mingxi has no fear, "He will kill you more."

Ange sneered, "Why should I take you to adventure?"

"Because you are my master." Ming Xi said of course.

"That doesn't work, it's too dangerous." Ang's head shook his head. He couldn't take the adventure with Mingxi.

Ming Xi said, "You don't take me, I will still go."

Ange frowned at Mingxi, and finally only compromised. "You are as annoyed as your father."

"I am a little better than him." Ming Xi said.

"Put the invisibility hood." Ange told him, "And you!"

The fire phoenix snorted and turned into an invisible hood.

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