The world is on earth.

Compared with the glazed yellow tiles and golden glory of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, the palaces of the hot springs are more like the houses of ordinary people. The roof is covered with gray tiles. It is not tall, and the main hall is the Nanmu Hall. Everything seems to be admirable and elegant, as if it is integrated into the natural landscape.

"His Royal Highness, don't run, wait for the slaves."

A touch of petite figure fluttered in the long corridor, bright and bright, like a dancing butterfly playing, followed by several palace ladies, actually can not keep up with her footsteps.

"The father promised to take me to hunt today, I am going to find the father." The tender and crisp voice came from the garden, and the small figure had already run out of the yard.

"Princess, princess!" The fragrant incense and the dew rushed to catch up.

Yes, this girl who has been born with powdered jade is Ming Yu. After two years, her facial features have grown more delicate and the sun shines on her body, making her look like an elf.

"Ming Yu!" A figure wearing a black brocade from the back of the horse, a quick walk to the front a few steps, holding the bright jade running in the arms, "How come out? Qi medical officer is not Do you want to be in the house?"

"Father, I don't have a fever, you touch my forehead, the medical officer said that I can come out." Ming Yu whispered a small mouth, squinting at a pair of eyes like Chen Chen looked at Murong Yu.

Murong Yan raised her hand and touched her forehead. "Well, it really doesn't have a fever."

The scent and the dew finally came over and saw the tall, handsome man who hurried down and said, "The slave has seen the emperor."

"How do you let the princess run out?" Murong was not angry and arrogant. Although the voice was cold, the two palace ladies were shocked and white.

"Slaves damn, not optimistic about the princess." Condensed and revealing hurriedly said.

Ming Yu glared at Murong's neck. "Father, I didn't pay attention to them. They still ran away from me and proved that my illness is all good."

"It seems that you should not teach you to learn martial arts, but it is used on this." Murong squeezed the tip of Mingyu, but said helplessly.

"No, no, the father promised to take me to the hunt. Xiao Wang didn't take me with me last time. I didn't play with him anymore." Ming Yu stunned.

"Would you like to go with you?" Ye Xiaonan walked up, looked at Mingyu gently, and gave Murong a ritual, "Your Majesty."

Ming Yu saw Ye Xiaonan and happily rushed over. "Hey, have you brought your cousin?"

Ye Xiaonan smiled and shook his head. "No, he is clamoring to come over, but he is as hot as the princess before, resting at home."

"Well, that can only be next time." Ming Yu said disappointedly, the delicate face of the reiki is difficult to hide.

"Ming Yu, do you still remember your grandfather? He is back, I want to see you." Ye Xiaonan patted her head.

"I only saw my grandfather two days ago." Ming Yu said with a sigh of relief.

Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "It’s not a grandfather in Kyoto, it’s...he’s father, you saw it when you were young, and now it’s forgotten.”

Ming Yu looked curiously at Ye Yinan, she did have forgotten.

Vaguely, she seems to have forgotten something, deep in memory, as if there is a gentle and sweet voice, is that... mother?

"I don't remember, it doesn't matter, I will see it later." Ye Yannan said with affection.

"Ming Yu, the father and the aunt have something to do, you go back first, and then take you to play." Murong said softly.

"Good." Ming Yu was so nodded, "Father, you have to talk."

Murong said with a good taste.

Ming Yu has followed the two palace ladies.

Looking at her petite figure, Ye Yinan whispered, "It’s almost three years, and Mingyu has forgotten them."

"She didn't forget it, she just didn't want to be sad, so she deliberately forgotten it." Murong whispered that for three years, he had already regarded her daughter as her own. Mingyu is his apple, he believes she always I will be back one day.

Ye Yinan took back his gaze and looked at Ye Xiaonan. "In the past few days, everyone has come to look for a minister again. I want to let the minister convince you to stand up."

"Don't care, you won't marry anyone." Murong said faintly, heading for the study.

"Is it for Mingyu, or is it... 夭夭?" Ye Xiaonan didn't know what to say. If there was no ink-handedness, he felt that Murong Yu was really a natural pair, but... So.

Murong faintly said, "When you stepped into the throne, you have decided not to live forever."

"Is it worth it? If you know, you will be sad." Ye Yannan said.

"That would have to be known when she came back." Murong smirked. "When Ming Yu grew up, she handed Yuan and Jin Guo to her hand, and she was worthy of her."

Murong Yu did not owe anything at all, but owed him too much.

"Qi has been in chaos, if it is not Cheng Hao, I am afraid that it has already been destroyed by Bei Ming." Ye Xiaonan said in a deep voice, "Cheng Wei wants to let the big princess ascend the throne, what do you think?"

"Zhao Wei?" Murong Yu thoughtfully rubbed the jade at the waist. "Cheng Wei and Zhao Wei did not formally get married, but the relationship between the two people all knows whether Cheng Hao wants to ascend the throne, or Zhao. Hey?"

Ye Yinan said, "No matter who, isn't it the same?"

"You can't let them succeed, let people obstruct." Murong said, in order to make Ming Yu's future peace and prosperity, he will not let Qi Guo and Bei Mingguo become stronger.

"Yes." Ye Xiaonan should be down.

Murong Yan looked at him. "Ye Daren came back for the sake of him. Is he... is there a way?"

"My father has a lot of knowledge, maybe there is a way." For three years, they have turned over Yunshan, and they have not found any news about the blasphemy, except for the strange cave.

"Hey, I believe that they are trying to find a way back in another place." Murong said.

Ye Yinan sighed deeply. In the past three years, Murong’s emperor’s seat was not easy. Some people have been fighting for a small prince for personal gain. If it’s not a small prince, it’s a good thing. Calm.

In fact, Murong Yu really didn't like being trapped in the palace, but he stayed for Ming Yu, even for Ming Yu. He managed the Yuan Dynasty very well. What made him most moved was that he I have been reluctant to make a reservation for many years. I don’t want to have children. I will fight with Mingyu in the future.

He really loves you and gives her life and life.

Unfortunately, there is only one.

"I have always felt faintly..." Murong whispered, "They are coming back."

"What?" Ye Xiaonan groaned, and did not hear what Murong was saying.

Murong faint smiled, "Nothing."

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