Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1856: Black dragon god

Mingxi followed the Ange song and flew to the darkness of the sky. He didn’t know how long he had been flying. His spiritual power was already very abundant, but he gradually felt powerless and his spirits dried up quickly. It is not the mother's medicine and Lingquan that he gave him, he must have been unable to support it.

"How long have we been flying?" Mingxi gasped, and Ange also flew to the dark places in front of him.

"It will take ten days." Ange said, "Do you feel tired? We are far from the goal."

Mingxi looked at Ange with amazement. "What is that, it is so far."

"You will know when you see it." An Ge said, he took out a jade gourd from his arms and threw it into the air. The jade gourd instantly increased several times, just waiting for Ming Xi and the fire phoenix to sit steadily. "The closer you get to that thing, your spiritual power will be sucked away. It seems that my previous guess is correct."

"Why are you okay?" Fire Phoenix asked in a hurry. He was a beast. He felt that the spiritual power was too fast, and how the Ange looked nothing.

Ange smiled and styled. "I am a saint. Since this is a place on the mainland of God, how can it hurt me?"

Ming Xi looked up at the sky, and thought it was a dark cloud blocking the sun. Now the closer it is, it seems that it is not quite right.

"Over the years, hasn't the inflammation of the devil found anything different?" Ming Xi asked.

"They are inflammatory, if you really want to fly up, the spiritual power will be consumed faster," Ange said.

Even if it is like the demon king and the supreme cultivation, it is impossible to come here, because this thing is originally a punishment for the inflammation.

With the jade gourd of Ange, their speed has increased a lot, and they flew for a few more days. They passed through the thick clouds and finally saw a hint of white clouds.

"That... what is that?" The fire screamed out, pointing at the behemoth hovering over their heads.

In the sky above the inflammatory field, it is not a cloud, but a huge monster hovering here, where it is located, the surrounding clouds are thick and dark, and even a ray of sunlight can't be seen.

Don't explain that Hee and Fire Phoenix are stunned, and even Ange can't return to God.

"Black Dragon?" Ange blurted out and couldn't help but swallow his throat. "It's actually... the ancient black dragon, it was raised here."

What ancient black dragon? Ming Xi has never heard of any black dragon. He wants to ask the fire phoenix, but he sees the fear of the fire phoenix. He is the first time he sees such a look on the face of the fire phoenix.

"Little fire, are you okay?" Ming Xi whispered.

The fire phoenix returned to God. He looked at the black dragon with fear. He turned into a prototype and tightened his wings tightly. He explained to Xiaoxi in a low voice. "This is the dragon god, not the Xuantian continent, nor belongs to it. On the mainland of God, it is... the spirit of the Pangu gods who created the three continents. The dragon **** that existed tens of thousands of years ago, did not expect... it is still alive."

"..." Ming Xi took a breath, although the fire and phoenix is ​​only a three-word explanation, but he has been able to understand the meaning of the existence of the behemoth.

"How can the Black Dragon be here?" Ange said in confusion. "Is it not in the tomb of Pangu the Great? It is said that it was born and reborn two thousand years ago."

Ming Xi looked at the mountains in front of the black pressure, carefully identified, will see those peaks like scales, should be dragon scales, a dragon scale should be like a mountain, how big is this black dragon?

Huo Huang urged Ange. "Since the Black Dragon is here, let's go."

"What anxious!" Ange whispered, "There is no reason why Black Dragon God will stay here. See first."

"Ming Xi!" Fire Phoenix looked to Mingxi, hoping to get the support of Mingxi.

"You found that there is no, the Black Dragon God has not been moving, it is a great god, how can it stay here for thousands of years, there must be problems." Mingxi said, the eyes are shining brightly, he has not seen the dragon yet. It’s hard to come here. If you don’t look at it, he feels too unwilling.

The fire phoenix slammed a bit, and it was not quite right to react to the situation of Black Dragon.

"We are here at the tail of Black Dragon. It is sleeping." An Ge said, pulling Ming Xi’s hand and flying forward.

"Don't go, if you wake up the dragon god?" Fire phoenix lowered the voice and cried.

It is a pity that the two people could not hear him completely and have disappeared into the dark clouds.

The fire phoenix looked around and had to follow up, and still read his words in the mouth. "Ming Xi, you don't want to go crazy with that person. This is the dragon god. If you wake it up, you can take us in one breath. Let's go back to the 100,000 miles."

When Ming Xi did not hear the words of the fire phoenix, it disappeared without a trace.

"This is... Dragon Claw?" Mingxi exclaimed, the sharp peaks in front of him, oh no, it’s claws. Every paw is as big as a mountain. It looks like a scar, but it doesn’t affect the sharp and bright light. .

Ang's face was a bit heavy. He came to the side of his paw and reached out and touched the scar on it. "Black Dragon God was very hurt before, and it can hurt the Black Dragon. It has to suffer multiple injuries."

"Don't the Black Dragon God sleep here, is it hurt?" Ming Xi asked in confusion.

"It's hard to say, it's too big, we don't know where he is going wrong." Ange shook his head and said that he always felt very unusual.

Ming Xi said, "Let's find it."

"You are not afraid?" Ange raised his eyebrows. No matter who he is, he will be afraid of the ancient Black Dragon God. Is this little guy born with a burdock not afraid of the tiger, or is it really not afraid of the Black Dragon God?

"It's not that we hurt it. What are you afraid of?" Ming Xi asked.

Ange nodded gently. "You made a lot of sense. I can't refute it."

Ming Xi flew to the back of the Black Dragon. He gasped and looked at the black dragon lying in the clouds in amazement. "what is that?"

"Iron chain?" Ange rounded his eyes and saw a huge chain on the back of the black dragon. When you look closely, you find that the chain extends from the neck of the black dragon. "This is..."

"It is trapped here." Ming Xi said, falling straight on the dragon's back. "Look, this chain has trapped it."

Ange screamed, "Give me up!"

"I went to see it on the neck." Ming Xi said, he flew to the front as soon as he smoked.

The fire phoenix trembled behind Ange and asked, "Who can look at the entire mainland of God, who can trap the Black Dragon God here?"

If the Black Dragon God is angry, it can destroy half of the mainland.

Ange’s face is very ugly, and he feels that things are not something he can be curious about.

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