In this world, no matter which continent, no one will dare to trap the Black Dragon God here. It can trap the Black Dragon God. It must be a **** beyond their cognition. Therefore, they are better off leaving immediately. Stay here again.

"Come and bring Mingxi back!" Ange cried.

Huo Huang said, "Who will let you bring him."

Both of them couldn’t care about complaining and rushed to catch up with Mingxi.

When they flew over the black dragon, they found that the black dragon was wounded, but because of the long time, the wound had already healed, leaving only indelible scars.

Ange is shocking and can leave such a wound on the Black Dragon God. What kind of **** is it?

"Ming Xi, what are you doing?" Ange squinted and looked at Mingxi, standing on the faucet in horror, what this stinky boy wants to do!

"It's neck is stretched." Ming Xi said, he was pulling the chain hard.

Ange is mad, "Do you think this is an ordinary chain? This is a seal, not you can disconnect."

"The black dragon is too poor. It shouldn't be trapped here." Ming Xi said, reaching out and gently touching the wound that was honed by the chain, even the scales were worn away, showing how cruel the chain is to the Black Dragon God. .

"Black Dragon God doesn't need you to be pitiful..." Ange cried. "Let's go back."

"Wait a minute." Mingxi did not know why, he had an inexplicable intimacy with the Black Dragon. He took out the Lingquan from his arms and fell on the wound of the Black Dragon. Although the wound was already scarred, he felt that there would always be Useful.

"Do you think that the magic medicine of Xuantian mainland is useful to the Black Dragon God?" Fire Phoenix slammed its feet. "Even if you give it a lot of spirits, it is useless."

Mingxi also knows that it is useless. "Whoever is trapping it here, it should fly in the sky."

"Don't care who it is, let's leave here first." Fire Phoenix called.

"Okay." Mingxi promised, but still could not help but come to the front of the faucet, looking at the black dragon **** with closed eyes, he poured the last bottle of Lingquan in his hand on the injured eyelid.

Ange came over and pulled Ming Xi’s hand, "Go!"

Just as they turned around, the black dragon eyes that had been closed for many years had moved.

The fire phoenix froze. "Do you feel that something is wrong?"

"Don't be suspicious, go back." An Ge said, I don't know if the emperor's emperor on the mainland of God is coming to see the black dragon. He thinks... the black dragon is here, no matter the mainland and the heavenly continent. event.

"Master, isn't the person on the mainland of China trapping the Black Dragon here?" Ming Xi asked. "The aura of the Yan domain should be absorbed by the Black Dragon unconsciously."

If there is no support for Reiki, the injury to the Black Dragon should not last long.

"I don't know." Ange said that he is just a saint, far from the top of the gods on the mainland of God. Where is the secret, how can he know.

Min Hee felt a bit of frustration in his heart. He wanted to help the Black Dragon God, but his strength was weak, and even the chain could not be opened, and how to help it.

"Can we open the chain of the Black Dragon God?" Ming Xi asked.

"You don't make a joke! It's not something you can open. It's not an ordinary chain, and it's not made of cold iron. There are seals on it. Can you open the seal?"

Ming Xi licked his lips and did not speak.

They had already flown to the position of the dragon claws, and Ming Xi looked back at the curled dragon claws and sighed in his heart.

Just as they were going through the dark clouds, a weird sound came from their heads.

The faces of Ange and Huohuang have changed, and they don’t even dare to look back.

The bright claws of the mountain peaks are in front of them, and a calmness seems to come from the husky sound of the ancient times. "Who is this?"

"Black Dragon God?" Ming Xi's eyes lit up and hurriedly broke away from the hand of An Ge. "Black Dragon God, are you awake?"

Fire Phoenix grabbed Mingxi’s hand. “Where are you going?”

The murky dark clouds seem to be dialed away. They are obviously in the sky, but they feel the shaking of the earthquake. Mingxi’s body unconsciously floats above.

"Ming Xi!" Fire Phoenix and Ange yelled at the same time.

"I didn't move, yes... it was calling me." Mingxi cried, nervous and fearful. If Black Dragon God wants to kill him, his strength is too weak to escape.

At the same time, Huo Huang and An Ge were going to grab his hand, but they were swept away by a hurricane.

"Black Dragon God, we have no intention of disturbing, please let go of that child!" Ange cried, from another direction to seize Mingxi.

Mingxi has been caught by an invisible paw to the front of the faucet. The eyes of the Black Dragon God are slightly open, only to see the sharp scorpion condense a golden light, it is watching Mingxi.

"Who are you?" The dull voice came again.

Mingxi did not see the mouth of the Black Dragon God moving, but he knew that the Black Dragon God was talking. "I... my name is Mingxi, it is the human continent..."

"Human!" The sound of Black Dragon's voice will bring Mingxi closer, as if to see more clearly, "You are not a mortal bloodline."

"My father is Xuantian mainland." Ming Xi said.

The Black Dragon God snorted, "Is it?"

“How come you are trapped here?” Ming Xi hurriedly asked, “How can I help you?”

"Do you want to help me?" Black Dragon God seems to hear a joke, and he is stunned by Mingxi. He can't move, but the huge body has already given people the pressure to shock the soul.

Ming Xi said, "Where are you trapped here, because you, Yan domain has lost its sunshine and aura."

"What is this?" A drop of Lingquan floated in space and appeared in front of Mingxi.

"Lingquan..." Mingxi said, "Are you injured?"

Black Dragon God has not spoken for a long time.

Mingxi looked forward to looking for Ange and Huohuang, but only saw the clouds like black fog, and they did not see them at all.

He didn't know that Ange and Huo Huang were watching him. They were yelling at his name, but they were blocked by something, and the voice could not reach his ears.

"What to do? Black Dragon God will not want to kill Mingxi? Quickly think of ways to save him." Huo Huang was anxious to turn around.

"I also want to save, we are blocked by the Black Dragon God, and we can't get in." Ange cried.

"What does Dragon God want to do to Mingxi?" Fire Phoenix suddenly screamed out.

Ange’s face was iron and blue, and he tried to destroy the enchantment in front of him, but he could not do anything. He opened his eyes in horror.

The black dragon **** opened his mouth, and the sharp teeth of the sensation flashed with faint cold light.

Ah, oh

Ming Xi was swallowed by it.

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