"What is above?"

The mountains and rocks are like rain, and they have rolled down from the sky. Many of the sorcerers who have not escaped in time have been killed by falling rocks.


"God wants to punish us for the evil spirits, is it for us to destroy the family?"

"Ah... help."

The inflammatory field is full of shouting voices.

The Magic Palace has also been chaotic. After eating the elixir of Ange, it has recovered its spiritual power. He saw the big stone falling in the sky, and immediately set up an enchantment on the magic palace to keep the falling rocks out.

"This is... the body of the Black Dragon God?" An Ge screamed. "It is not a way to go on. We have to transfer these stones to another place."

The supreme will say to the evil, "I will tell you immediately, and all the repairs for the demons will be saved to save other evil spirits."

"Yes, the high priest."

At this moment, a ray of sunlight penetrated the clouds and landed on the land of the inflammatory field, and a hint of aura pervaded the air.

The speed of those falling rocks slowed down, becoming no longer vertical, but going in the other direction.

The land of the inflammatory field seems to have lost its voice in an instant, and all the sorcerers stopped the action of escaping. All the sorcerers looked up silently. Most of the sorcerers living in the inflammatory field had never seen the sun since birth. This stranger The warmth of the warmth made them burst into tears.

"High priest, have you seen it?" The voice of the evil snoring.

"Yeah." Looking up at the sky, the throat seemed to be stuffed with something.

"It's sunshine, it's aura..." Everyone called out.

The strong joy has not yet dissipated, and the screams came again.

"It hurts, my eyes hurt."

"The high priest, I am sore..."

The smoldering enchantments were exposed to the sun, and suddenly the skin became red and screaming.

"Fast, let the alchemy of the albino return to the house." Supremely recalled from the surprise, remembering that Ye Hao once said that the inflammation of albinism is afraid of the sun.

At this time, a soft light shone, almost covering the entire field.

The inflammation of the albinism suddenly felt the pain disappeared, as if a big hand was gently touching their skin.

"Regeneration method..." The calm face that has always been difficult to control is excited.

"This is the power of the Demon King." Evil will exclaim.

"The demon king has been cultivated into ... regenerative exercises?" The devil screamed incredulously.

"Devil! Devil!"

"Long live my king."

The land of the inflammatory domain once again broke out with strong joy. This is the ultimate hope of the enchanted two thousand years, and they finally waited.

"The high priest, the demon king...we don't need to destroy the genie." The evil will burst into tears.

All the evil spirits have collapsed. Although they don't know what happened in the sky, it must be related to the demon king.

Without the advent of the Demon King, they would never see hope and hope.

The soft, beautiful, warm light lasted for half an hour, and finally slowly dissipated. The albino sorcerers were pleasantly surprised to find that their skin had returned to normal, and immediately knew that the Demon Lord saved them.

The entire inflammatory field is calling for the name of Ye Hao.

At this time, in the sky above the inflammatory field, Ye Hao was unable to lean in the arms of Modi after releasing the last layer of regeneration method of the regenerative method.

When she and Modi penetrated the black cloud, they suddenly swayed. When she saw a ray of sunlight, she began to release the last layer of the regenerative method.

If you don't do this, the albinos of the Yan domain will definitely die.

"Azhan, did you see Mingxi?" Ye Hao asked weakly, and she used all her energy to cover the entire inflammatory field of the inflammatory field in the regeneration law. Now it is really no strength.

Modi held her tightly in her arms and gave her the medicinal herbs. She looked at her pale face and whispered, "I saw you, I will take you up to find him."

"What is that?" Ye Hao looked at the distant sky and there was a colorful cloud. There was a black dragon and clouds, slowly looming into the clouds. "Dragon? Ange saint said... Black Dragon God?"

"It looks like the dragon soul of the Black Dragon God. The black dragon they saw is dead." Modi said with a deep voice.

"Ming Xi?" Since the Black Dragon God is dead, how did it eat Mingxi?

Modi held Ye Hao to the top and continued to fly up. The black dragon has completely disappeared, and the dark clouds that condensed over the inflammatory field are disappearing little by little.

"The original inflammatory field will lose sunlight, because the black dragon is here... Who is trapping him here?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

"It is possible to make a dragon god. Except for the Pangu god, there are only people from the Horlong family. However, the hunting dragon has disappeared for a long time." Modi explained faintly, and the deep scorpion slightly picked up, "Ming Xi is there. ”

Ye Hao hurried down from his arms and saw that Ming Xi was not far from them, but there was a little girl around him.

Mingxi also found Ye Hao with them. "Mother, hey, are you out?"

"Who are they?" The nephew grabbed Ming Xi's hand and prevented him from leaving.

"Don't be afraid, that's my mother, they won't hurt you." Ming Xi took hold of her hand and smiled at her.

My nephew was born here, and I have never seen anyone. Mingxi is the first stranger she saw. He saved her. She trusts him, but she can hardly trust others.

Modi had already come to them with Ye Hao. He looked at his nephew and immediately knew that she was not an ordinary person. However, he did not ask much if he saw his son protect her.

"What happened? Ange said that you have an accident." Modi asked quietly.

"Ming Xi, you are fine, let me see." Ye Hao's tone is anxious, she can not be as calm and calm as the Emperor.

"Mom, I am fine, you see that I am not good, Black Dragon God did not eat me." Ming Xi said with a smile, pulling the hand of the nephew, "Hey, mother, she is a child, is... I just met friend."

Modi looked sharply at the nephew and raised his eyebrows slightly. "White Dragon?"

The nephew's face changed and he hurriedly hid behind Mingxi.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Ming Xi said to her nephew, "I am a good man, they are not hunting dragons."

"..." Ye Hao is a bit dumbfounded, what is going on?

The nephew watched Modi and Ye Hao with a vigilant look. His eyes fell on Mo Di’s body and he was surprised to ask, "Are you a Protoss?"

Modi raised his eyebrows faintly, "No."

"It is clear." The child whispered, but did not dare to see Modi again behind Mingxi.

"Let's go ahead, the dark clouds have spread, I don't know what the Yan domain is." Ye Hao sees that the children don't like talking very much, and they don't ask Ming Xi, but ask them later.

Modi nodded lightly.

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