Ming Xi looked back at the nephew. "Would you like to go back with me?"

"Go!" He took the hands of Ming Xi's wrists. She couldn't go anywhere now. She was still strange to the world. Apart from Ming Xi, she had nowhere else to go.

Ye Hao and Mo Di looked at each other.

“Is it better?” Modi hugged her up and saw that her face was not very good, and her eyebrows wrinkled.

"Well, it's already a lot better." Ye Yan said with a smile, she glanced at her son quietly, and Ming Xi took the little girl's hand, not far from them, it seemed that she was very concerned about the little girl. .

Ye Hao whispered to the ear of Mo Di whispered, "Is that little girl a white dragon?"

"Yeah." Modi faintly beheaded, it doesn't seem to care much about what it is.

"How can Mingxi be with her? Just what we saw is the Black Dragon. What is the relationship between her and Black Dragon?" Ye Hao asked.

Modi coveted her and looked at her. "Hey, I know it is about you. You look like now... it’s like picking a daughter-in-law."

"..." Ye took a moment and touched his face. "Like? Will I be a good family girl in the future?"

"You think too much." Modi said faintly.

Ye Hao powdered his lips and buryed his face in the arms of Modi, secretly watching them.

Soon, they returned to the Magic Palace. The top has been carrying the sorcerer to clean up the mess. Although the falling rocks in the back have been moved to other places, the damage at the beginning is still very large, and many of the sorcerers have been stabbed. It is.

"Oh..." I saw Ye Hao coming back, and there was a glimmer of light on the top of my eyes. The emotion in my heart was too excited. He forgot the Modi around Ye Hao, and he wanted to hold her hand in one step.

Modi looked at him coldly and dropped a barrier between him and Ye Hao.

"A Zhan!" Ye Hao looked at him helplessly.

"Sorry." The last one was stunned. I looked back at God and looked at Modi. "Hey, are you all right? What happened, the sun has sunshine."

Ye Hao said, "In fact, we don't know what happened. When we go up, the dark clouds have begun to disperse. Mingxi should be clearer."

Looking up to Mingxi, and the little girl around him, he had not had time to ask questions, and he saw that Ange had already held Mingxi.

"Stupid, you are still alive, I thought you became a dragon." Ange screamed at Mingxi, and there was no image of any elegant style.

"Master..." Mingxi smiled helplessly, because of the movement of Ange, he had to release his nephew's hand. "You are really ugly in a runny nose."

Ange hurriedly pushed him away, and the tears on his face disappeared, and he regained his temperament. "It’s my apprentice, and it’s really a big blessing."

"What about a small fire?" Ming Xi asked.

The smile on Ange’s face sank slightly. “He worried that you had an accident, forcibly broke your father’s enchantment, was seriously injured, and he was injured in the space. He should be able to come out in a few days.”

Mingxi eyebrows, worried about the fire phoenix.

"Who is she?" Ange found the nephew who stood behind Mingxi. "Hey, Mingxi, you can be very good, go to a dragon mouth, come back with a little girl."

"Don't come over." When the children saw Ange, they came over and immediately yelled.

A familiar Longwei rushed to the surface, Ange froze, pointing his fingers, "She... She is..."

"Master, my nephew is my friend." Mingxi did not want too many people to know the identity of her nephew, and hurriedly blocked the words of Ange.

It is obviously a dragon...

"Hey, you don't have to be nervous, there won't be anyone hurting you here. He is my master. After a few days, I will introduce you to Xiaohuo." Mingxi whispered.

“Where is this place?” asked her, and she felt that breathing was too uncomfortable here, and her aura was very muddy.

Ming Xi said, "This is the Yan domain. Before because of your grandfather, there have been no sunshine and aura for two thousand years."

The nephew was silent, she remembered, and the reason why she was able to survive was that her grandfather kept giving her a reiki. It seems that the aura before Yan Yan was sucked away by her.

Seeing Ye Hao waiting for him, Ming Xi knew that he had to explain to his parents. He said to his nephew, "You should go to my room first, and I will go to you later."

"Where are you going?" The child frowned and didn't want to be separated from Mingxi.

"Say a few words with my mother, and I will be back soon." Ming Xi said.

The nephew shook his head. "I am not separated from you."

Mingxi said helplessly, "I will come back to you soon."

"I don't care, in short, I have to follow you." Deaf decided decisively, his body suddenly changed, and Mingxi had a white dragon jade at his waist.

"Little, you are really good." Ange looked at Bailong Yupei and smiled at Mingxi.

Mingxi had no choice but to go to Ye Hao first.

Ye Hao and Mo Di had already seen him and his nephew in his eyes, and couldn’t help but look at Yu Pei. "Go to the temple first."

"Supreme, the other aftermath of the Yan domain will be handed over to you." Ming Xi said to the supremacy, she has done her best to save the fire, and now the sunshine and aura of the Yan domain are back, she does not want to intervene Other things.

"Okay." The supremacy is to understand Ye Hao's thoughts. He will not keep her in the Yan domain.

When he arrived at the Devil's Palace, Ming Xi said that he was swallowed into the belly by the Black Dragon God. He said that he held the white dragon jade in his hands. "Hey, mother, nephew can't find her hometown." And she has never touched the outside world, let her follow us later."

"Ming Xi, we are going back to the mainland, do you want to take her back?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice, and did not know if Xiao Bailong heard her.

"Think, the life on the mainland is much simpler than here, and it is suitable for children." Ming Xi said.

Ange said, "If someone is found her identity, it is not simple."

Ming Xi took Yu Pei. "I promised her grandfather that she will protect her."

"This is your business, you are the owner." Modi said faintly, "If you can protect her, you can do whatever you want."

"Thank you, Father." Ming Xi smiled and nodded.

Ye Xie met with Emperor Modi and agreed. Naturally, there is no objection. "Then we should be prepared. We have already done what we have done for the Yan domain. We can leave here."

Ming Xi asked, "Where do we have to go to the mainland of God to return to the mainland?"

"Yeah." Modi nodded faintly.

"You are sure to go to the mainland of God, can you still leave?" Ange looked at the Emperor, and the voice sank.

The ink of the Emperor Modi is deep and indifferent. "What is not."

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