Although Ye Hao decided to leave, he stayed in the inflammatory field for half a month until everything was on the right track. It was confirmed that no smoldering had albinism, and regulations were issued. It is strictly forbidden to be close to each other to become married and have children. A series of laws, such as the aura of human spirits, and the supremacy of the idea of ​​leaving.

"Now everyone has already brought you the king of hope." The whispered, he did not want Ye Hao to leave, however, he knew that she still has a bigger tie waiting for her.

She will not stay.

"It's not me." Ye Hao whispered, "It's Sakura, she should have been the real sorcerer. I got her body when I was wrong."

Although there is no evidence, Ye Hao has already felt that Sakura is Lu Hao, and the sakura that had already died should be Lu Yi’s return.

Supremely, I looked at the cherry blossoms that circled in the sun. "I will take care of her."

"I originally wanted to bring her back together." Ye Hao looked at the bright and bright smile of Sakura. "She is very dependent on you now. Perhaps, she stayed in the Yan domain, is her best destination."

"After you leave, I will let everyone know her identity, she will become the new devil." The whispered, "I will protect her."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "I believe you will."

Supremely looked at her silently, "I will come back later?"

"Even if I think, I am afraid it is difficult." Ye Hao said.

If she really wants to come back, there should be nothing to be able to live with her.

It’s just what she thinks in her heart.

"Look outside to see it." Ye Hao said that she hopes that the evil spirits will learn to cultivate and learn to cure diseases. Now the sun in the Yan domain has returned and there should be a new life.

As Ye Hao thinks, the extraterrestrials are indeed full of vitality everywhere. The flaming devils are no longer the same as before, they will only shrink to the corners, they will re-inject life, and under the guidance of the palace people, learn to cultivate and learn. life.

"In the near future, here will be a new world." Ye Hao said with emotion, "The enchantment of the Yan domain can not be relaxed, and now it is still vulnerable."

"I will let the news that Black Dragon God used to be here. The people of Xuantian mainland only need to know that they used to be places on the mainland of China, and they will not dare to offend again."

Ye Hao nodded and smiled. "It is good to let them fear in their hearts. However, I hope that you can also put down your grievances and stop looking for revenge on the Xuantian mainland."

"After so many years of survival, we cherish today's life and will not want to fall into the war again."

"That's good." Ye Hao gently beheaded.

"Ming Xi seems to be there." The top pointed to the front figure, except for Ming Xi, and the little girl and fire phoenix he brought back.

The fire phoenix raised the injury for half a month. It only reappeared yesterday. It was already chaotic and hopping, followed by Mingxi.

His face didn't look too good, as if his beloved toy was snatched away, he walked in front of him, behind him, Ming Xi and his nephew.

"The little girl... I couldn’t feel the breath of her." The whispered, half a time and the first time I saw her, he could still feel her different from ordinary people.

"Isn't this very good?" Ye Hao looked at Mingxi with a smile. She liked her children very much. Although she had divine power, she was not deep, simple and cute, even if she was alert to them. But it is not malicious.

The supremacy looked calmly at Mingxi. "This child will not be worse than the Mocheng master in the future."

Ye Hao smiled slightly.



"Ming Xi, wait for me." The child shouted softly, taking a few steps to pull Ming Xi's hand. "There are too many people here, messy and dirty, and things are not good."

The latter sentence is the point! Mingxi felt so funny in his heart, and he had been with her for so many days. He already knew her very well. He always liked to say that he was guilty of writing, and he still liked to eat.

"There are hands and feet, can't walk? Hey, the Bailong people turned out to be so delicate." Fire Phoenix said sarcastically.

Its fear in the face of the Black Dragon God has disappeared, and in the face of the nephew, he has restored the beast and the proud.

"Our dragons are more expensive than some stinky birds."

"Ah!" Fire screamed scornfully.

Ming Xi smiled. "Little fire, I haven't asked why you don't like Master. Why don't you even like it?"

"He yelled at me." He whispered in the ear of Mingxi.

"Nonsense!" Fire Phoenix rolled his eyes. "I don't like Ange, it's because...the past, but you, it's a grudge, a grudge!"

"Don't your ancestors have hatred? I don't know how many thousands of years ago, you still remember? Little fire, you are a man, to be generous, it is not good to care for a little girl. "Ming Xi said with a smile.

Fire Phoenix raised his eyebrows and thought about it. It seems to make sense.

The nephew took the hand of Ming Xi. "When can we leave here? You are not saying that the mainland is more fun than here?"

"Look at the meaning of my father." Mingxi said, "Would you like to leave with me?"

"Where are you going, I will go there." The nephew said firmly.

Fire Phoenix snorted. "You dragons have disappeared in the world for so many years. You don't go back to your own kind, and follow Mingxi."

"Grandpa said that he can protect me." He said, "I don't know how to go back to find a family anyway, then I am with Mingxi."

I don’t even know where my family is, but I don’t know who is trapped here for thousands of years. It seems to be very pitiful.

The heart of the fire phoenix is ​​simple, and the aversion to the white dragon is replaced by sympathy.

"Who are those people?" The nephew suddenly pointed to the sky and asked.

When Ming Xi looked up, his face changed instantly. "Come back to the Magic Palace to find my father."

How come the holy sacred **** on the mainland? And in addition to Guanghua Shengzun, it seems that there are more powerful people coming.

Could it be that the disappearance of the Black Dragon God alerted them?

"Ming Xi." Ye Hao also found those saints, her heart was tight, and hurriedly called Ming Xi, "Let Huo Huang take the deaf to my space first."

If the people on the mainland of God discover the existence of a deaf child, she will definitely take her away.

The breath of the deaf children can survive and can not hold on to the Holy Spirit of God.

"I won't go," cried the child.

Ming Xi took her hand. "If you don't want to be taken away, you will listen to my mother, oh, you said that you believe me."

"There is still a lot of delicious food in the space." Fire Phoenix said, it is his private goods.

"Then let me go." The nephew immediately nodded and promised.

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