Above nine days, the smoke is flowing like water, the light is soft and gentle, and the octagonal pavilion above the Bichi is playing against two people.

"Imperial is not, can't be sealed, is it right for you?" The man in the dark blue robes is sitting across from him, and it is the Modi who should have been sealed today.

"What to do with me." Modi said faintly, "I am not sealed today, he will not be sealed tomorrow?"

"You know why Shi Tiandi is not here." The man opposite the Emperor Modi whispered, "You don't have to go to the mainland. If you are sealed, how can you go?"

Modi did not speak again, silently falling on the board.

"Before you let Ye Hao go to the holy place, you will be together." The man saw Modi not talking, and said one more.

"She will forget me." Modi's voice is cold, and Ye Hao is only a mortal after all. Unlike him, if he is truly sacred and goes to the mainland of God, he will definitely be cut off from his feelings.

The young man laughed and said, "Are you afraid that she forgot you?"

"No more." Modi threw the pieces in his hand, "Go back."

"You are so anxious to go back, others will know that you have not been sealed yet." The man smiled and said, "The next game."

Modi frowned at him. "Is it yours here?"

"Can't I be here?" the man asked.

"Well, where did the emperor go?" Modi asked coldly.

"I really don't know, his old man likes to go everywhere. Maybe he went to the mainland on this occasion, maybe in the Xuantian mainland." Xi Xiu reluctantly waved his hand. "Nobody is here, anyway, you don't have to be today." Sealed, others can blame you, as for the exquisite emperor... You know, where the emperor is, where she is."

Modi took the piece in his hand and silently made another round.

“I heard that you brought your wife and children?” Yan Xiu asked with a smile. “Would you like to introduce me to know?”

"No." Modi glanced at him coldly.

Yan Xiu shook his head and sighed. "It's too stingy. After the scorpion is extraordinary, isn't it a family?"

"She won't come here." Modi said faintly, suddenly, his anger was shaking, someone left his enchantment, and he stood up suddenly. "I have to go back."

"What's wrong?" asked Xiu Xiu to see the face of Modi, and asked strangely.

Mo Dilian did not answer, and has disappeared from the place.

The repairer hurried to follow up.



Shenghuang Mountain, Ye Hao is squatting with the Emperor Hou Ze.

Hou Zeyu stared at Ye Hao with a round eye, and gasped with a big breath, showing how fast he had just come.

He waved his hand and put Ming Xi and his spirit pets.

Mingxi embraced and returned to the white fat fat pet egg to Ye Hao's side.

"You are raising a pig." Ye Hao knocked on the spoiled egg, and whispered in a low voice.

"Even if you are raising a pig, after all, it is your own, crying and you have to raise." Ange feared that Mingxi would not be a spoiled egg, said with a smile.

Ming Xi looked at the spoiled egg and put it back into his own space.

The Emperor Hou Ze has been waiting impatiently. "Hurry up, give me the repairing Yuan Dan."

"Give, ten." Ye Hao threw the box to him. "You said that ten Xiuyuan Jindan will return our son."

"Yes, yes." Hou Zesheng opened the brocade box and his eyes were protruding. It really was a repairing Yuan Dan, and it was more pure than his own. It smelled like this, and it was obviously just brewed. It could not be her. I found it from elsewhere.

"Stand up!" Hurricane Hou Ze blocked Ye Hao from their way, and looked at Ye Hao with his eyes. "Is this your cultivation?"

Ye Hao nodded. "Yes, I didn't find it from elsewhere. What do you want to do, do you want to go back?"

"If you dare to go back, our city owners will not let you go." Fire phoenix cried in front of Ming Xi.

The Emperor Hou Ze will sway the fire phoenix. "How many furnaces did you refine?"

"A dozen furnaces, a dozen furnaces, according to what you said are given to you." Ye Hao said, watching the Queen of Hou Ze vigilantly.

"What!" Hou Zesheng was shocked. "Is there a ten golden dragons in one furnace?"

Ange smiled and asked, "The Holy Emperor, is there any problem with this Golden Dan?"

No problem is the biggest problem!

He is to see that Ye Hao has not been superbly sanctified. It is the emperor's realm. It is definitely the power of the heavens in Xuantian. Here, even the Ange next to her is above her. How is she? Maybe you can make such a drug?

"You personally alchemy? No one is helping you?" asked Hou Zesheng, compelling.

"No! No!" cried Ye Hao. "When I was alchemy, the Ango saint was protecting me for the law. You asked him."

Ange nodded. "The Holy Emperor, this is really what she personally made."

"I don't even have a woman like..." Hou Zesheng's face was defeated. He didn't believe that he had refining a hundred pots of medicinal herbs to refine three. This woman had only a dozen furnaces and had already produced such a golden dan. He also refines what Dan.

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "Who said that women can't be alchemy?"

"What kind of furnace do you use, what kind of medicine is used, Dan Fang? Show me." Hurricane Hou Ze cried a little wildly.

"This has nothing to do with you." Ye Hao stepped back a few steps. It is no wonder that An Ge said that this person is a madman, and that he will only be immersed in the world of alchemy all day long. It seems to be very crazy.

An Ge blocked the front. "The Holy Emperor, everyone has their own talents. Ye Hao is a good talent in this area."

"You mean that I have no talent?" Hou Ze frowned and looked at Ange.

"I don't mean this." Ange laughed a few times, but in my heart, it was like this. People are more mad than people.

Just like him and Modi, it is clear that he was superbly sacred early, and as a result, Modi was already a holy emperor, and he was still a little saint.

"You really don't have the talent. Yesterday, even the simplest condensate Dan burned a few stoves." Ming Xi said seriously, "You still don't want to make alchemy, is it not good to find other hobbies?"

"..." Ange silently looked at his little apprentice, so it would kill the dead directly!

The Emperor Hou Ze apparently refused to accept the reality. "Show me your Dan, I want to know where it is different."

This is too much! Where is the direct request for Dandan?

"The Emperor of the Holy King..." Ange wanted to stop, but he swept away.

Just when Hou Ze was about to catch Ye Hao, there was a black shadow in the air, and the black sword was directed at his hand.

Hou Ze’s eyes flashed through the light and hurriedly avoided.

Ye Hao looked up and saw, "Azhan!"

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