Modi fell to Ye Hao's side, his eyes staring at Hou Ze with a stern look, and his eyes were filled with murderousness.

"Azhan, you are back." Ye Hao held his arm and worried that he and Hou Ze would fight.

"What happened?" Modi looked at Hou Ze with a cold eye, but he was asking An Ge.

He handed Ye Hao to An Ge. Since they are all here, it is that An Ge did not protect her.

Ange whispered, "We are going to save Mingxi."

Hou Ze looked at his own hand and looked at the long sword suspended by Modi, "Good sword!"

"Who are you?" Modi asked coldly.

"He is the Emperor Hou Zesheng, Mingxi's spiritual pet egg accidentally ate his Xiuyuan Jindan, I doubled it back to him." Ye Hao whispered, "Azhan, everything is more expensive."

Everything is waiting for them to return to the mainland.

Hou Zesheng’s eyes looked at Modi’s eyes in a sluggish manner, and his eyes turned to Ye Hao. “I just want to see Dan Fang.”

Mingxi whispered to Ye Hao, "Mother, you will give him Dan, and with his talent, even if you practice according to your Dan, you will definitely not become Dan."

"What you said makes sense." She modified Dan Fang. The previous Dan Fang was based on common medicinal materials. The medicinal herbs she cultivated were based on the medicinal properties of her space. Moreover, she added a drop of dragon. Blood, for the safety of her children, she did not write the dragon's blood on Dan.

"Hou Ze Shenghuang, isn't you giving Dan Fang to you, you are no longer entangled with us?" Ye Hao turned to look at Hou Ze.

Modi said coldly, "You don't have to bother, let's go."

Let others threaten his wife and children? What is he?

"In any case, it is just a Dan." Ye Hao held his hand and touched him on the back of his hand to give him a smooth hair. If he fights with Hou Ze, he will surely alarm other people, and he will be addicted to the alchemy. Certainly not interested in wanting to go with them.

Ange whispered to Modi whisperingly, "In addition to alchemy or alchemy, the Emperor Hou Ze is not going to hurt Yan and Ming Xi, don't be angry."

Modi glanced at Ange coldly and prepared to go back and settle with him.

Ye Zhen afraid to beat Hou Ze ink emperor, hurried Denmark will throw him, "Here you are, do not come to us friends."

"Come on and go." Ye Hao took the hand of Modi and ran quickly.

"Why don't you tell me?" Modi allowed Ye Hao to pull him, but his voice was still full of chill.

Ye Hao knew that he must be angry, and blamed her for concealing this incident to see Emperor Hou Ze.

Modi glared at her waist and listened to a cliff. They had already returned to the Emperor's Mount of the Emperor, and Ange took Mingxi and they did not know where to hide.

"Oh, I am very angry." Modi said with a low voice. "I don't like you having something to look at me."

"I think I can solve it..." Ye Hao took the initiative to cover his waist. "I know that you are not sealed for me. Now there are a lot of people staring at you. Hou Ze is the Holy Emperor. If you fight, it will definitely cause Attention, Azhan, I just want to be safe, the family can be reunited, and I don’t want to have extra money."

The voice of Modi is low and cold. "Do you think I don't want to?"

"Not..." Ye Hao's two tender white hands hooked his neck and kissed his chin. "But you can't see me being wronged. You will be an enemy for me and Hou Ze. I know you will have everything." The way, but I think since I can do it, let me do it."

"Hey!" Modi called her name in silence.

Ye Hao's beak bites his earlobe, his voice is charming, "Well?"

"Do you think that **** can make me not angry?" Modi asked coldly.

"Can't you?" Ye Hao's eyes were bright and shouting, "I am tiptoe, tired."

Modi sighed in her heart and hugged her up. "Are you sure to eat me?"

"Otherwise? Do you want to eat for other women?" Ye Yan asked with a smile, she was so sleepy for so many years, and then clearly his body is gone.

"I don't care about you about this matter." Modi whispered coldly. "Ming Xie went for three days and was not allowed to leave the room for half a step."

The smile of Ye Qiujiao froze, this is the first time that Modi punishes Mingxi, and it is still so heavy!

"A time is all right." Ye Hao whispered.

"Four days." Modi said with no expression.

Ye Hao sticks out three fingers, "three days in three days!"

"Ming Xi has never been a Xuantian continent, and his temper has become too wild. If this matter does not teach him, he will only become more and more troubled in the future. When he comes to the mainland, he can only be an ordinary person. His practice will be Restricted, if too arrogant, his punishment will be heavier in the future." Modi whispered.

"I know, I will talk to Ming Xi, I will restrain him in the future." Ye Hao whispered.

Modi bowed his head and kissed her forehead. "Well."

Ye Hao smiled and asked, "Are you now sealed? Can we leave?"

"Not yet, the two emperors are not there, and they are not required to be sealed for the time being." Modi whispered, "Tomorrow, I will go to the Lingwu Mountain and open the gap to pick you up."

"Good." Ye Hao gently nodded.

Back to the Holy Emperor's Mansion, Mingxi has been waiting for the Emperor in the Great Hall.

The fire phoenix stood by the side, and Ange sat upright on the armchair, his eyes kept looking obliquely outside the door.

When he saw the return of Mo Di and Ye Hao, he coughed and reminded Ming Xi.

"You go back to the house to rest." Modi looked down at Ye Hao. "Isn't that tired?"

"Not tired." Ye Hao immediately said that she promised to punish Mingxi, but she was still a little worried about how Modi would reprimand him.

Modi raised his eyebrows. "Since it is not tired, then I will go back with you."

"No, I go back." Ye Xiao said with a smile, it was hard to make him not angry, and then drag on, maybe the punishment for Mingxi will be heavier.

When Ye Hao left, Modi walked in and sat down in the Taishi chair in front of Mingxi.

"Do you know where you are wrong?" Modi asked quietly.

"Father, I know it wrong." Ming Xi bowed his head, and he really knew that he was almost in trouble.

Although Xiuyuan Jindan was not eaten by him, but the spirit pet is his, he did not care, it is his fault.

"You made the mistake, you want your mother to clean up for you, this is your fault!" Modi said coldly, "From now on, you better know one thing, your mother is a jealous person, you You can only respect her and protect her, instead of cleaning up the mess, smashing your own troubles, and cleaning up yourself, otherwise don't go out and stay in the house forever."

"Father, I remember." Ming Xi raised a little face that was almost the same as Mo Di, except that he was too young, otherwise it was really the second Modi.

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