Modi re-understood the passing of things from Mingxikou and asked him to take out the spoiled eggs.

"Father, although it is a small egg, but ... he is my own, you don't hurt him." Mingxi whispered, worried that the Emperor would flatten the spirit of the egg.

"Well?" Modi glanced coldly.

Ming Xi looked back at him firmly.

"Get it out, show it to me." Modi said coldly.

"It still looks like an egg." Ming Xi whispered, took out the spirit of the arms, "Look."

Modi looked at Ange faintly. "How did you get it?"

I heard that the spirit of the gods on the mainland has been very rare. Many of the beasts are directly selected from the Beast Mountain. There are not many saints who can get this kind of spirit.

"I found it, I originally intended to use it myself." An Ge said, my heart secretly fortunately fortunately sent out, he did not raise pigs.

Modi took the spoiled egg in the palm of his hand and observed it carefully. He was not the first to see the spoiled egg. However, this kind of morphing spirit was still seen for the first time. He had a crystal clear condensate in his palm. Dan.

The spirit pet egg suddenly moved a few times, two small white hands stretched out, grabbed the condensate Dan, a small mouth appeared on the eggshell, and licked it again.

"..." Mingxi helped the amount, died to the end, still so greedy.

Modi picked up his eyebrows, and each of the spirits and the keeper was changed by fate. He was also very curious, what kind of beasts Mingxi could raise.

"Let him be optimistic, and if you are in trouble, you can't afford it." Modi said coldly.

"Yes, the father, I will not let it go to the disaster." Ming Xi hurriedly took the puppet egg back, and waited for it to return to the shape of a round egg after the condensate, and then put it back into his arms.

Modi whispered, "Go and squat, you can't go out for three days."

"Yes..." Ming Xi's voice became weak.

The sympathy of the fire phoenix shows that love can help.

"You go too." Modi said to the fire phoenix.


Ming Xi hooked the neck of the fire phoenix, "Go."

Only the Emperor and Ange are left in the main hall.

Ange is restless and he does not want to face Modi alone.

"What are your plans?" Modi asked faintly, and Ange followed him to Xuantian, and became the master of Mingxi. He intended to stay, or wanted to follow the world.

“What do you mean?” Ange asked with Emperor Modi. “Would you like to drive me away when you get rich?”

"Do you want to go to the mainland? If you go to the mainland, you have to give up cultivation for a while, there is almost no spiritual power there," said the Emperor.

Ange frowned and said, "Don't you want to come back? Can you and Ye Hao still adapt to the life on the mainland? Don't forget that your avatar didn't have any memory to survive on the human continent, and Ming Xi, he At the age of six, there is such a cultivation. Do you not intend to let him come back?"

"If you don't want to go back, then we will stay in the world." Modi said faintly.

"She is reluctant to marry her daughter. Can't you bring your daughter here?" Ange asked.

Modi's twilight fretting, "Mingyu may not be suitable."

"What about Mingxi?" Ange whispered.

"At the time, he chose himself." Modi said that he would not ask where Ming Xie must stay, he can choose.

Ange immediately smiled and said, "Then I have to go with it. When Mingxi wants to come back, I can bring him back with him."

"You are free." Modi stood up. "Then you have to be optimistic, don't let him be here."

"You haven't answered me yet. What is your title?" Ange shouted, how to seal a holy emperor without a little bit of movement.

It is a pity that Modi left early and did not answer his question at all.



After leaving the main hall, Modi did not immediately go to Ye Hao. He came to the house of Mingxi.

"Do you see enough?" Modi asked coldly.

A man in a dark blue robes appeared in a figure and looked at Modi with a smile. "Your son, yes."

"It's time to go back." Modi faintly opened.

"Do they know your life?" 钰修 whispered.

Modi blinked slightly. "They don't have to know."

"Okay." He shrugged his shoulders. "Leave your son, I will take care of him for you, how?"

"Impossible." Modi refused coldly. "Don't play this idea, I hope that our family will be reunited."

Yan Xiu picked up a good-looking long eyebrow. "Speaking of Ye Hao, her alchemy is better than Hou Ze. She gave Hou Ze's Xiu Yuan Jin Dan very pure."

"What do you want to say?" The beautiful face of Modi was covered with a layer of ice, and even the eyes were cold.

"Shi Tiandi respect does not want to force you, after all, they sent you away, I feel very owed to you, but ..." Yan Xiu lowered the voice, and he and the Emperor had an extra layer of enchantment, "Ten years ago, God is gone, and the whole God is in jeopardy. The existence of God is the rule that supports the balance of the three continents. If the days of his disappearance are longer, the mainland will be out of balance and the consequences will be serious. You are clear."

Modi’s face sank. “It’s just ten years, and I’m thinking too much.”

"Not only that, if only God is not seen, the two emperors and emperors will not pay attention, and the seal that limits the balance of the three continents is weakening. This proves that the power of God is weakening and God is in trouble. "钰修 whispered.

"I will not stop you from leaving. You can go to the mainland to see it. Within ten years, the mainland is sure that the war is going on, and the people are not living."

"With the power of the emperor and the emperor, they can maintain a balance for hundreds of years. If you are willing to come back, they will be very happy."

"That's what I want to say." Yan Xiu looked at Modi. "I will close the next day, and you have to go back to the mainland. There is a gap in the palace of the Emperor. You know how to go."

Modi coveted, "I know."

Yan Xiu gave him a deep look. "Then I will go first."

"Don't send it." Modi whispered, he looked at Mingxi's room, and his eyes flashed a trace of darkness.

On the other hand, after receiving the Dan Fang of Ye Hao, Emperor Hou Ze returned to his house immediately. He wanted to study what happened to his Dan.

He did not believe that he had no talent for alchemy.

"Hou Ze Shenghuang, the movement of Fang Cai, is it related to you?"

He just sat down and heard a deep voice coming from outside.

"Van Luodi Jun?" Hou Ze frowned and looked up and saw a middle-aged man in a stunned appearance in midair.

The middle-aged man followed the two men, the Guanghua Holy Respect and the Five Dynasties.

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