Modi in Lingwu Mountain also encountered a block.

He once opened the gap and knew how to find the location of the gap. However, he found that the gap between the Lingwu Mountain and the human continent was a small island in the middle of a lake. To go to the gap, he had to go through the lake.

"Is there no other gap? This lake is... there is a dragon, we are not his opponents." Ange whispered to remind the Emperor.

"When he sleeps, we can pass." Modi looked at the calm lake. If he was alone, it would be fine to go through the lake to the gap, but there was Ye Hao around him, and he was not willing to take risks.

Ange looked at Modi in horror. "Are you true?"

"You are here for a while." Modi vacated, overlooking the entire lake in the air, the lake is crystal clear, so you can clearly see the huge dragon disk sleeping at the bottom of the lake, the body almost occupied the entire bottom of the lake.

This dragon has been on the mainland for thousands of years, and no one has ever been able to accept it as a beast. It can be seen that his cultivation is shallow.

Ange was very anxious to see below. He was really afraid that Modi woke up the dragon.

"Let's go." Modi came to Ange's side and motioned him to go to the small island in the center of the lake.

"Really to go?" Ange squinted.

The Emperor took the lead and flew over.

Ange glanced at the lake carefully, and there was no sound around him. He was more surprised when he stood alone.

"Wait for me." Ange whispered and followed Modi to fly over.

There is a whirlpool in the center of the island, which is not too big or small, just enough for one person to pass, that is the gap leading to the human continent.

The seal of this gap has not broken open, proving that no one has ever passed here.

Modi remembered what he had said to him.

If God disappears, the three continents will be out of balance. If there are more and more gaps, or if the seal is broken, then the people on the mainland can not go to the mainland. Among the three continents, the human continent is the weakest, because the mortals there can't cultivate. Even if the martial arts are stronger, they are not as good as a beginner.

If there are only two gaps in the mainland, it is easy to do. After they leave, they are completely sealed. No one can go to the mainland.

"Can you open the seal?" Ange asked quietly.

"Yeah." Modi nodded. When he was about to open the seal, his eyes suddenly sank. "Someone took it."

Ange snorted, "What?"

Modi has turned and left quickly.

When I came to the mountain gate of Lingyue Mountain, the Giants of the Mountain did not know when I woke up. I have already noticed that someone has broken into the Beast Mountain and is looking for the Lushan Mountain.

"I was found..." Ange looked at Modi nervously and was found to be incredible by the Shoushan people.

Modi looked at the mountain guardian slightly, and he should not wake up so quickly.

"He can't see us." Modi said coldly, and the figure rushed toward the giant like lightning.

Ange followed him, flying from the giant's movement gap.

"Who dares to smash the mountain!" The giant felt the breath of the Lushan people. Although he could not see it, he was able to discover the existence of Mo Di, and his movements in the hands of the people were faster, and he almost caught the Emperor.

"If he is caught by him, he will be able to pinch us with a palm." Ange cried.

The giant simply sat down and blocked the mountain door.

Modi stabbed a knife on his knee.

"Oh..." The giant screamed and jerked.

Surrounding as if an earthquake is shaking.

At the moment when the giant jumped up, Modi slammed the singer's clothes and rushed out against the ground like lightning. The giant's big feet almost stepped on them.

"I thought I was going to be the first saint to be trampled to death in history." Ang looked back at the giant and took a deep breath.

Modi was close to the thin lips, and his eyes were awkward. He thought that putting the cymbals in the Holy Emperor would not cause an accident. I did not expect anyone to want to be against her.

Ange wants to comfort him a few words, but can't find comfort.

Returning to the Holy Emperor's House, Modi saw the enchanted enchantment at a glance, and was able to destroy his enchantment into such a way that that person must be the repair of the emperor.

"City Lord, you are finally back!" Fire Phoenix found the figure of Modi, and wowed and ran over. "He was taken away by the Vatican Emperor, and the city owner is going to save her."

"Van Luo?" Modi was cold and savage, and the whole body exuded a murderous murderous.

Yan Jun came over palely. "Adult, Van Lao Dijun will expel the lady and the young master from the mainland."

Modi turned and left without saying a word, going straight for nine days.

"Don't be impulsive!" Ange cried, and followed closely behind Modi. "Van Luodi is the law enforcement emperor. His cultivation is above you. You rush to save, don't put yourself in." ""

The emperor is already a **** above nine days. Even if the cultivation of Vatican is not the best among the three emperors, it is far more than the emperor.

Modi is only the Holy Emperor.

"You don't follow." Modi said coldly, sending Ange away.

"I am not greedy and afraid of death. There are only a few ways to save the shackles. I don't have to be hard-pressed." An Ge said, "He will follow the Vatican emperor, and he doesn't want to cause too much turmoil. You have to think about it." If you fight with Vatican, whether you win or lose, you will suffer, unless you don't want to bring back to the mainland."

The speed of Modi is not diminished, and the voice is cold. "Who told you that I am going to fight with him?"

"No?" Ange snorted. "Where are you going?"

Modi did not return to him, but just flew faster.

Ange felt puzzled, and immediately followed the Emperor Modi, and found that he went to the palace of Emperor Xi of the Emperor. He whispered, "Is it wrong? It is not Van Luo."

Two boys came forward to stop them.

"Do you want to repair the emperor?" Modi will show them a jade token in his hand.

"Adults, our emperor retired yesterday to practice." One of the boys recognized the two days before the Emperor Modi played chess with the Emperor Sui, and his attitude was respectful.

Modi thought for a moment, "I am going to find him."

what? The two boys stunned. "Adults, the emperor retreats, no one can bother."

"If something goes wrong, I can only let him go through the retreat after two days." Modi said, he walked in.

The two boys were to stop the Emperor, but they were entangled in Ange.

Modi did not want to fight with the people who repaired the palace. He walked in the past and went to the place where the repairs were closed.

"I will say who else dares to force me." Yan Xiu came out of the palace and looked at Modi reluctantly.

"Go to save the disaster." Modi said coldly.

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