Like Ye Yu’s guess, this Vatican is more courteous to her.

However, it is probably the first ritual soldier.

"Mrs. Mo, your son is not in the Holy Emperor. Where did you hide him?" Van Lodi looked at the leafhopper sitting opposite. He didn't quite understand the woman. She was really not afraid, or still Be calm?

Ye Hao smiled. "My son's temper has always been naughty. Where is he hiding? I really can't say it."

"Oh." Fan Luodijun sneered. "You have a god-level space, your son and the black dragon god, is it inside?"

Even she has space to know?

Ye Hao looked innocent and confused. "What **** level space? What is that?"

"Mrs. Mo, now I am gracious to you. If you don't give up your son and the Black Dragon God, then don't blame me." Fan Luodi Jun is a cold, he has been guarding the Black Dragon God for hundreds of years. Want to know the whereabouts of the dragon from it, but the black dragon mountain has long been turned into a dragon mountain, a little dragon can not track.

"Oh? Then what do you do, is to expel me, or is there any 18 criminal law service?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Van Gogh’s emperor saw that she had no fear at all, and her heart was annoyed, but she was not moving. “I know, you thought that Modi could still save you, even if he came, how is it here, here is nine days. Even after nine lightning, he is just a holy emperor. He has five holy emperors and he is the most junior. The other four have been in the emperor for hundreds of years. They have not been able to become emperors. You think... can Modi come in to my place?"

"I don't know why, I just think he can come in." Ye Hao smiled faintly. She knew that Modi was not an emperor, but he would definitely come for her.

What she is worried about now is that he is afraid that he will not care for her, and eventually he does not know what kind of situation he wants to become.

Vatican emperor sneered, "It seems that you still don't know much about God's mainland, and you don't know how much difference between the emperor and the emperor."

"I don't need to know, I just want to know, what are you looking for for my son, just because he has seen Black Dragon God?" Ye Hao asked.

"This is what you cultivated. You can't do even a dozen repairs of Jin Dan. You can't do it. You can do it. You have added dragon scales inside, right?" Fan Luodi will repair the yuan. Dan put in front of Ye Hao, "The black dragon was taken away by you, right?"

Ye Hao looked up and smiled at him. "Emperor, even you can't catch the black dragon. Do you think my son has that ability?"

"Maybe it is luck." Fan Luodijun once suspected that he did not think that Mo Mingxi had the ability to get a black dragon, but his people went to the Yan domain to check. Only Mo Mingxi had seen the black dragon. Besides him, who else? ? "Without your son, there will be no other people."

It seems that he knows exactly what happened over the inflammatory field at that time. Who told him that he has already been to the Yan domain?

There are many questions in Ye Xin’s heart, and she believes that it will not be supreme.

"What did you do to the Yan domain?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

Fan Luodijun raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised. "You are very smart, you can still guess this."

Ye Hao looked at him coldly.

"I haven't done anything to the inflammation of the Yan domain. If you don't want to say it again, it's not necessarily the case." Fan Luodi said faintly.

Ye Hao is silent and no longer speaks.

The Vatican Emperor’s eyes were cold, and the mountain-like spirits shrouded.

A strong and powerful pressure! It didn't take long for Ye Hao to support it, and he felt that the sea was sore.

Sure enough, the difference between the gods on the mainland and the Xuantian continent is still very large.

"Think of it?" Fan Luodi asked coldly, seeing Ye Hao's mouth overflowing with a trace of blood, he increased the pressure.

Ye Hao smiled and still didn't talk.

The Vatican is cold and cold, but I don’t see the coffin without tears.

When I was about to continue, I heard Mei Lan calling him outside. He looked at Ye Hao with a faint look. "I will give you time to think clearly, I want to expel the mainland, or tell me where your son is. ""

Ye Hao looked at him and left the room with a cold eye. She spit out a breath. Fortunately, she had the foresight to let Mingxi go to her space first, otherwise it would definitely be discovered by Van Loo.

She looked out the door and felt that Van Loo would not come back for a moment, and hurried to the space to see Mingxi.

"Mother, what happened?" Ming Xi was in the space, knowing nothing about the outside world. Without the permission of Ye Hao, he could not go out of space.

"Nothing." Ye Hao patted him on the shoulder. "Would you wake up?"

"Not yet." Ming Xi looked up and looked at Ye Hao. "Mother, you are hurt. What happened outside?"

Ye Hao didn't touch her, afraid of getting her breath, she looked back and looked at Ming Xi seriously. "You must be optimistic about the nephew, don't let her leave the space, someone outside is looking for her."

Ming Xi helped Ye Hao’s hand. "Who is it? He dare to hurt you?"

"No matter who you are, your father will come to save me soon." Ye Hao said, "The most important thing for you now is to protect your nephew."

"I want to go out." Ming Xi looked at Ye Hao resolutely.

" Obey." Ye Hao said.

Ming Xi felt that things would not be as simple as Ye Hao said. If the person who caught her is easy to deal with, she would not do this. "Mother, who is looking for a child."

"An emperor." Ye Hao whispered, "They don't know the existence of the nephew, thinking it is the black dragon god, listening to their tone, is trying to find the dragon."

"You can't give the nephew to him." Ming Xi looked back at the nephew. He promised the Black Dragon God that he would protect his nephew.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "So you can't go out and wait for your father to save us."

"Mother, I listen to you." Mingxi nodded. "But what do you do?"

"Hey, Fan Luo still can't really hurt me." Ye Hao snorted, her gas is not heavy, and she recovered after eating a medicinal herb.

Mingxi turned to look at the still sleeping child, she has grown a new dragon scale, but still very young, I don't know if it is because of this, so I have not woken up.

"Mother, if the emperor dares to hurt you, you let me go out to help you." Ming Xi whispered.

"Okay." Ye Hao laughed. "I should go out. Your father should be coming soon."

Mingxi nodded. "Good."

Ye Hao walked over and looked at her. "She should wake up soon, take care of her."

"Mother, I know." Mingxi nodded.

"Then I will go out first." Ye Hao smiled and left from the space.

When Ye Hao came out of the space, Fan Luo had not returned yet. She sent a voice to the Emperor, but there was no echo.

If it wasn't for the Emperor's extraordinary sanctification, their space could not be connected, and she would be able to leave the space to find him.

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